

A Study on the Protection and Reinforcement of the Ruins of Subashi Temple, Xinjiang, China

【作者】 梁涛

【导师】 李最雄;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 苏巴什佛寺遗址是国务院1996年公布的第四批全国重点文物保护单位。它位于新疆维吾尔自治区阿克苏地区库车县城东北20公里处的库车河(铜厂河)东西两岸的冲积台地上。作为新疆现存的最大的佛教文化遗址,苏巴什佛寺在历史上曾经沿用近千年。它在汉唐时期丝绸之路上著名的龟兹古国享有盛誉,自魏晋至唐宋时期,一直是西域重要文化中心之一,在东西方文化交流中发挥过十分重要的作用。该佛寺遗址具有较高的历史价值、艺术价值、科学价值和社会价值。它的建造技法基本上涵盖了土遗址的不同建造形式,是我国西北干旱区,乃至中亚地区土遗址的典型代表。目前,对天山以南的土遗址保护的研究还不很成熟,开展苏巴什佛寺遗址病害机理研究,对保护其它土遗址有借鉴意义。本文从抢救性保护工程的角度出发,按照《中国文物古迹保护准则》(2004)、《中华人民共和国文物保护法》(2002)的有关要求,采用地质学、岩土工程学、环境学、材料学、建筑学、历史学、考古学等相关学科的理论与方法,运用先进的科学仪器,以文物保护的新理念作指导,对苏巴什佛寺遗址的保存现状、建造技法、赋存环境、土质类型和性能、病害分布及特征进行了全面的野外测绘、调查与测试,研究了遗址土的工程特性,分析了文物本体及载体的病害成因及机理,尤其是专门讨论了地表水系对遗址的破坏作用,并就具体保护加固技术进行了室内实验研究,提出保护加固的方法和手段。主要内容简述如下:(1)查明了苏巴什佛寺遗址保护现状,对苏巴什佛寺遗址的遗址类型及分布特征、建筑形制及布局、建造工艺及技术和赋存环境进行了全面的调查,掌握了遗址病害与遗址类型、建造工艺和赋存环境的关系,研究了环境对土遗址的作用机理。(2)详细调查了苏巴什佛寺遗址的病害类型及分布规律,分析了病害形成机理,重点调查了崖体、佛塔、佛殿、石窟、墓葬的病害特征,采用UMK100型经纬摄影仪测量了立面图,绘制了病害分布图。(3)查明了苏巴什佛寺遗址土工程特性和波速特性,通过室内实验对遗址土的物理、力学、水理、化学性能进行测试,现场采用RSM-SY5声波仪和SWS-2面波仪对土的波速特性进行了测试,系统地研究了苏巴什佛寺遗址土的工程特性,为今后的保护工作提供指导意义。(4)土遗址的保护技术的试验研究,进一步研究PS材料施工的工艺规范化问题。室内进行了遗址土(原状样和重塑样)与经PS加固后土样的强度特征、抗老化性能、抗风蚀性能的对比实验。现场测试不同配比、不同工艺PS表面喷洒渗透和滴渗试验,为PS的施工应用提供可靠依据。(5)运用FLAC3D技术,对遗址区内的重要建筑遗存的病害进行了数值模拟,分析了其中的破坏方式,找出了文物本体的薄弱部位。不但考虑了土遗址的局部失稳,同时也关注了遗址的整体失稳,对于实际工程项目的开展有着指导意义。(6)应用研究成果,对苏巴什佛寺遗址保护加固提出建议。

【Abstract】 The Ruins of Subashi, which lies in the tablelands of west and east banks of River Kucha,20 km. southeast to the Kucha town, Aksu, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, is announced the 4th group national major preservation unit of cultural relics by China Government in 1996. As the great scale ruins of Buddhist culture now kept in Xinjiang, Subashi Temple was continue to use lasted for nearly one thousand years. It is a well-known in the famous Qiuci Kingdom along the Silk Road, one of the important cultural central of the West Region from Wei and Jin Dynasties to Tang and Song Dynasties, and played an important role in the cultural exchange between the East and the West. The old site possessed higher value of history, art, science and its architectural technique basically cover whole architectural ones of the different ancient earthen architectures, which is typical representative of ancient earthen architectures in China, even in the Central Asia. Because the conservation studies of the earthen sites in the north of Mt. Tian shan is still not very mature, the conservation practice of the Ruins of Subashi will apply good reference for the conservation of other earthen sites.From the viewpoint of rescue protection, according to the law of the People’s Republic of China on the protection of cultural Relics(2002) and Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in China (2004), the author applied the theories and methods of geology, stone-earth engineering science, environmental science, material science, architecture, history and archaeology, used the scientific instruments to study the engineering characteristic of the soil of sites and analyze the cause and mechanism of issues. Based these result, the laboratory and field test of protection technologies were carried under the guidance of the new principle of protection culture. Finally the method and means of protection for Subashi site were confirmed. The main conclusions are as followings:1. The author has checked the present situation of the ruins of Subashi Temple after investigated completely classification, location, forms, techniques and environment of architecture in the ruins. Then, he studied the mechanism of environment influencing on earthen ruins based on the relation of deterioration and classification, techniques and environment.2. The author has investigated the classification and location of deterioration, especially those in cliff, pagodas, Buddhist rooms, grottoes and tombs, analyzed the mechanism of deterioration, surveyed the elevation and draw the distributing map of deterioration.3. For guiding the conservation in the future, the author studied systematically the engineering and beam characters of earth in the ruins of Subashi by testing its physical, mechanics, chemical perform in laboratory and testing its beam by instrument on the spot.4. For supporting the reliable basic, the author did some comparative experiments of perform on intensity, anti-ageing, anti-wind erode between the clay and the earth which was reinforced by the PS material. At the same time, some experiments on the formula, sprinkling and dripping of PS, were done on the spot.5.The author analyzed the damage way and found the weak parts of architecture by using the technology of FLAC3D to imitate the deterioration.6.The author gave several conservation methods for Subashi site.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

