

Diet and Digestion of Giant Panda with Reference to Its Nutritional and Energetic Strategy

【作者】 何东阳

【导师】 胡德夫;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 大熊猫(Ailuroplda melanoleuca)是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种,也是我国乃至全球生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,一直受到国际社会的高度关注。大熊猫主食竹类且对竹类的消化率很低,因此,大熊猫在特定分布区对竹类的选择、消化及利用对策是制定该物种保护对策的科学依据。鉴于此,作者于2006年9月至2008年12月,分别于陕西省珍稀濒危动物救护与饲养中心和陕西省老县城自然保护区,采用自助餐法、全收粪法和酸不溶灰分法(AIA)、营养物质测定法,开展了大熊猫的可食竹谱测定、喜食竹测定、消化率测定及比较,同时,结合野外调查,较系统地研究了秦岭大熊猫对竹类的选择和利用对策。本论文得出的主要结果如下:1.采用自助餐法测定大熊猫对16属97种竹类的选择,得出不取食的竹类有5种,皆为刚竹属,即毛竹、红竹、紫竹、雷竹、安吉金竹;全部取食的竹类93种,占全部试验竹类的94.9%。实验结果表明,圈养大熊猫对竹子种类的选择具有广谱性的特征。2.竹类选择测定实验得出,人工圈养条件下大熊猫对13种竹子及同种竹子的不同营养器官的选择存在显著差异(P<0.05)。同时,还测定了13种竹子的竹叶重量与叶面积呈高度线性正相(R2=0.9907)。通过分析比较13种竹子的形态和营养因子,发现大熊猫优先选择叶片重和叶面积大的竹类,即竹子的形态结构因子是大熊猫摄食选择的主导因子,而非竹子的营养成分。3.采用全收粪法和AIA法测定6只成年大熊猫对食物中粗蛋白(CP)、粗脂肪(EE)和粗纤维(CF)的消化率。结果表明,两种方法测定的消化率差异均不显著(P>0.05)。由此得出,AIA法在成年大熊猫消化率测定上具有可靠性,可用于野外大熊猫的消化率研究和监测。4.比较圈养和野生大熊猫的消化率得出,前者的消化率高于后者。由此推测,野生大熊猫采取快速排泄和低消化率可能是一种适应对策,是大熊猫应对营养价值较为稳定,生物量相对丰富的竹类食物的营养和能量对策。综合而言,本项研究加深了我们对大熊猫的竹类选择及利用对策的理解,所获的实验结果为圈养大熊猫竹子基地建设、秦岭大熊猫主食竹类生物量的监测、栖息地的恢复及栖息地生态走廊带建设提供了基础数据,是制定秦岭地区大熊猫保护对策的科学依据。

【Abstract】 The giant panda (Ailuroplda melanoleuca) is a kind of rare and endangered species that is endemic to China, and is also the flagship species of our country, even important to the global bio-diversity protection work. Therefore, giant pandas have been receiving the high concern of the international community all the time. Giant pandas are mainly feed on kinds of bamboos, but have very low digestion rate. Thus, the choice to different species of bamboos in every distributing area by giant pandas, and the particular digestion rates and utilization data of the bamboos are main scientific basis to set down the protection countermeasures.In view of this, we took researches in the Salvation and Breeding Center for Rare and Endangered Wildlife of Shaanxi Province and the Laoxiancheng Nature Reserve of Shaanxi Province. We adopted the cafeteria measurement, total feces collection method, acid insoluble ash analysis (AIA) and nutrient mensuration, analyzed the edible and preferred bamboo species list, mensurated and compared the normal nutrient components of these bamboos, and studied the digestion rates to different bamboos by giant pandas. Meanwhile, combined with the field investigations, we also systematically studied the choice and utilization countermeasure to bamboos by the giant pandas of the Qinling Mountain. The main results are showed as follows:1. We used the cafeteria measurement, investigated the choice of giant pandas to 97 bamboo species which belonged to 16 genera. Then we found that the giant pandas refused to feed on 5 kinds of bamboos, Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. Pubescens、Phyllostachys iridescens、Phyllostachys nigra、Phyllostachys praecox cv.Prevernalis、Phyllostachys parvifolia, and all the five species belonged to Phyllostachys. There were 93 species of bamboos that were chosen by giant pandas, accounts for 94.9% of the all testing bamboos. The results indicated that the captive giant pandas had wide-adaptabilities to nearly all the bamboos.2. According to the bamboo choice study, the captive giant pandas had significant difference choice (P<0.05) to 13 kinds of bamboos, and even had significant difference choice (P<0.05) to the diverse vegetative organs of the one species. Meanwhile, the average leaf-weight and leaf-area of all 13 kind of bamboo in present study were highly positively correlated, and the linear relationship between the average leaf-weight and leaf-area in this study was very significant (R2=0.9907). According to the analysis and comparison to the morphology and nutritional factor of the 13 bamboos, we found that giant pandas took the bamboo species with weightier and larger leave as the prior choice. Therefore, the morphology but the nutritional factor was the leading factor in the bamboo choice study by giant pandas.3. We adopted the total feces collection method and acid insoluble ash analysis (AIA), mensurated the digestion rates to the crude protein (CP), crude fat (ether extract, EE) and coarse fibre (CF) of different bamboos. The results indicated that differences of the digestion rates mensurated by these two method were not significant (P>0.05). Therefore, AIA analysis was reliable in the digestion rate mensuration of adult giant pandas, and could be used to the study and monitoring work of wild giant pandas.4. Comparison of digestion of captive and wild giant panda shows that the digestion of the former is more than the later. It is inferred that fast excretion and low digestion rate of the giant pandas may be a kind of adaptation countermeasure, which is a Giant panda nutrition and energy strategy on bamboo which have low nutrition but biomass-rich.Above all, these researches have strengthened our understanding to the bamboo choice and utilization countermeasure of giant pandas, the results can be used in the build of bamboo-supply area for captive giant pandas, the biomass statistics of edible bamboos in the Qinling Mountain, habitat recovery, and the ecological corridor build. The basic data also could be scientific basis of the giant panda’s protection countermeasure of the Qinling Mountains.


