

The Exchange and Trade of Forest Products in Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces during Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 袁婵

【导师】 尹伟伦; 严耕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文选择明清时期的闽赣地区为研究范围,以山林产品为研究对象,在前人研究成果的基础上,对明清时期闽赣地区山林产品的流通路线与流通格局、市场与贸易、与全国以及世界各地的联系作了总体探讨,进而分析了明清时期闽赣地区山林产品流通与贸易的特点,并着重阐述了山林产品交流与贸易对于闽赣地区社会经济发展的作用与影响,以期给我国现代林业发展以启示。自古以来,闽赣地区就具有丰富的森林资源,便捷的交通条件,区域内外山林产品的交流与贸易也很早就已经盛行。明清时期,闽赣地区内部已经基本形成了比较完善的水上交通网络,赣江、闽江两大水系流域几乎占到闽赣区域面积的一半,因此,便捷的水路是该地区山林产品输运的重要通道。而这些水路交汇所处兴起的五大中心城市九江、福州、赣州、袁州、饶州更是全国商人们云集的地方,成为山林产品的生产、转运、集散中心。此外,大庾岭作为贯通南北的交通要道也发挥着重要作用。正是这些四通八达的商路构成了该地区山林经济的商品流通格局的基础。论文对明清时期闽赣地区山林产品市场与贸易情况作进行深入分类分析,发现该地区山林产品市场与贸易有着其独特性。第一,该区域的山林产品贸易表现为木材贸易为主,其它山林产品贸易为辅的特点。第二,山林产品与贸易具有产品区域性,如木材市场中心在福州、赣州、饶州,药材市场则主要中心在樟树镇。第三,山林经济表现出初步的商品经济特点。对大量涉林契约文书的研究发现,当时人们已经充分认识到林业产品的巨大经济价值,纷纷通过典卖、租赁山林树木等方式,开发山林。有的山民为了获取更大的经济利益,则紧随市场需求,选择种植高利润的经济作物。山林产品与贸易在深化市场、促进发展的同时,也破坏了闽赣地区的森林资源。大量砍伐森林,种植林业经济作物使得当地森林覆盖率日渐减少,水土流失严重。尤其是大强度的官方采办山林产品的活动,更是直接给闽赣地区的生态环境资源以强烈破坏与冲击。通过对闽赣地区山林产品与全国乃至世界各地的联系进行梳理,可以看出,第一,闽赣地区山林产品市场的形成与密切的对外交流息息相关。闽赣地区山林产品的对外交流与贸易,促进了长三角、珠三角等区域的经济发展,也为当地带来了许多发展和机遇。第二,由于明清大部分时间都实行禁海政策,闽赣地区与国外的山林产品流通与贸易只能在重压之下,以走私、朝贡等方式进行。第三,1840年以后,西方列强用鸦片打开了中国的大门,随后在闽赣地区进行了掠夺性的开发,给山林资源造成巨大破坏。最后,论文对明清时期闽赣地区山林产品流通与贸易的特点进行了分析,并针对当前发展现代林业的迫切要求提出了几点启示。

【Abstract】 Based on the previous study, the exchange and trade of forest products during Ming and Qing Dynasties were analyzed under the geographic areas of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces. The exchange route and pattern, the market and trade of forest products in two provinces, as well as the communication with other provinces and countries were generally discussed in the study. The characteristics of exchange and trade of forest products were summarized to further demonstrate their historical function and influence to the social and economic development of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces during Ming and Qing Dynasties. The study was expected to reflect the development of modern forestry in China.There were very long histories for the exchange and trade of forest products in Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces, due to the abundant forestry resources and the convenient traffic condition. During Ming and Qing Dynasties, the waterborne traffic network was well established in the two water systems of Ganjiang River and Minjiang River, which is almost half of the areas of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces. Therefore, the convenient water systems were the most important route for transportation of forestry products. Many cities including Jiujiang,Fuzhou,Ganzhou,Yuanzhou,Raozhou. flourished in the crossings of the rivers and lakes. These five cities, as the ports for businessmen from all over the country, became the centers of production, transport and collection for the forestry products. In addition, Dayuling Moutains played an important role for transportation of forestry products as the vital landway for the traffic from north to south. All of the routes made up the basis of the exchange pattern of forestry products.The analysis on the market and trade of forestry products indicated there were particular characteristics in these areas. Firstly, the dominant materials for trade were timbers with the supplements of other forestry products. Secondly, there were territorial distributions among the markets and trades. For example, the timber centers mainly lay in Fuzhou, Ganzhou and Raozhou while Zhangshu was the medicine center. Thirdly, there was primary commodity economy in the trade of forestry products. The studies on the bargains and contracts for forestry affairs showed that the villagers already had fully recognized the economic values of forestry products, and explored the forests with the forms of pawn and rent. For the maximum benefits, people planted forestry products with high economic values according to the need of market.While the market and trade of forestry products improved the economic developments of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces, it destroyed the abundant forestry resources in the areas at the same time. The disafforestation and growth of economic crops caused the decreased forest coverage rate and water and soil loss. Particularly, the activities of the purchase of forestry products by governments led to the direct destroy to the environment and resources in the areas.The market and trade communication of forestry products in Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces with other provinces and countries was further analyzed. Firstly, the markets forming of forestry products in Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces were tightly connected with their external trades. The communication improved the economic developments in the both delta regions of Yangtze River and Zhujiang River, and also brought many chances in the areas of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces. Secondly, the communication of forestry products in Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces with other countries was only exchanged by the ways of smuggle and tribute, since there were very strict policies to ban oversea trades in the most of times during Ming and Qing Dynasties. Thirdly, after 1st Opium Wars in 1840, the Western Countries carried out the spoliatory exploration in the areas of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces, which led to huge destroy to the forestry products.Finally, the characteristics of the exchange and trade of forestry products in the areas of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces were concluded, and some reflections had been raised to enlighten the development of modern forestry in China.


