

Summary of Forestry Literatures in Ancient China

【作者】 李飞

【导师】 尹伟伦; 严耕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用传统文献学方法,首次对中国古代基本林业文献进行研究,明确古代林业文献的概念界定,认识其研究的意义及价值,简单介绍了中国古代林业文献在古籍中的史料分布情况。本文根据古代林业发展的具体特点及文献分布规律,将古代林业文献的发展分为先秦两汉、魏晋南北朝隋唐五代、宋辽金元、明清等四个历史阶段,力求在概述各个阶段林业文献的基本发展面貌的基础上,归纳总结各个阶段的主要成就及成因。论文以文献述要为基础,总结古代林业文献具有分散性、交叉性、专业基础性等基本特点,探讨古代林业文献研究的基本思路和方向,为今后深入的文献研究开辟道路。通过具体文献分析可以看出,中国古代林业未能自成体系,始终是大农业的一部分,其自身发展极为缓慢,客观上造成古代林业文献很大程度上也缺乏独立性,各个历史阶段专门的林业文献为数不多,更多的是其他典籍中汇集的相关零散的林业史料。古代林业虽然未能自成体系,但依然有其固有的发展脉络,而相应的古代林业文献也随着历史的进程而不断发展、成熟,且许多基本林业传统自始至终都是一脉相承,具有历史的连贯性。根据林业的现代内涵,结合古代典籍中林业史料的具体内容,本文将每一阶段的林业文献分门别类,试图在古代林业文献与现代林业学科之间构建联系;其中尝试用传统文献学的分析方法,诸如目录学、版本学、校勘学、辑佚学,对具体林业文献进行研究探索。古代林业文献述要研究不是全面的细致的文献分析,而是希望以目录提要这种方式,对古代林业文献的发展脉络作了简单的梳理和勾勒,目的在于以文献研究为基础,启发学者深入开展林业历史文化和林业思想研究。所以在历代林业文献基本分析之后,本文从林业文化传统、林业科技史研究、林业人物研究、区域林业史研究等几个方面,进行线索性叙述及梳理,试图纵向探讨古代林业文献研究的方法及角度,为今后全方位的深入研究打下基础。因此,中国古代林业文献述要可以看做是林业史研究和学科构建的基础性工作。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, using the traditional document analysis method, I studied on the basic forestry literature of ancient China for the first time, clearly defined the concept of ancient forestry literature, understood its meaning and value of research, and discussed the historical distribution and basic characteristics of ancient Chinese forestry literature in the ancient books. According to the specific characteristics of ancient forest development and distribution of literature, the development of literature of ancient forest was divided into four historical stages of development, sought to outline the various stages in the basic development of forestry literature on the basis of appearance, summarized the main achievements of the various stages and causes. On the basis of summary of the literature, I tried to explore the the basic ideas and direction of ancient forest literature, and opened the way for in-depth study.Through specific literature analysis, it shows that forestry did not claim to its own system in ancient China, it has always been a part of agriculture, their own development was extremely slow. The objective cause of ancient forest on the lack of independence of literature to a large extent, and there were few specialized forestry documents during the various historical stages,fragmented much more forest historical data in other relevant books. Though not self-contained, ancient forest still has its inherent development context, and the corresponding literature of ancient forest have developed and maturitied with the continuous process in history,and many of the basic forestry tradition have kept the same strain with a history of consistent. According to the modern definition of forest, combined with the specific content of the ancient classics of the historical forest, this thesis categoried for each stage of the forestry literature, trying to building links between ancient literature and modern forestry, while trying the traditional research method on specific forestry literature study and exploretion.This study wants to inspire other scholars to carry out the study on forestry history.Though it is not detailed research of forestry literature in ancient China, after the fundamental analysis, I tried to make some longitudinal studies from different methods and point of view of ancient forest literature,such as forestry cultural traditions, forest history, forest character study, regional forestry history.By reviewing forestry books of literature, I want to contribute to a comprehensive in-depth study on ancient forestry literature in the future.Therefore; this paper can be seen as the basic work for the research and construction of the history of forestry.

【关键词】 中国古代林业文献述要
【Key words】 Ancient Forest in ChinaLiteratureSummary

