

A Study on Superfluous Things about Gardens and Residence Theory and Its Cultural Meaning

【作者】 李元

【导师】 尹伟伦; 严耕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国有着悠久的造园历史。数千年来,在中华传统文化的浸润下,经典的园林作品层出不穷,如璀璨繁星,耀世夺目。在这些骄人成就的背后,是中国古代造园经验及理论体系的强大支持。中国造园学同古典园林一样,光芒四射,充满魅力。在中国古代众多的造园学文献中,晚明士人文震亨所著的《长物志》无疑是非常优秀的一部作品。该书以广袤的视角关注并论及了中国古代造园及园居生活的方方面面,内容宏大而全,论述简约而丰,结构清晰,事理明畅。陈植先生曾高度评价到:“《长物志》为我国古代造园文献中除《园冶》而外的有数名著。”(陈植,1984)然而,在现实的研究中,《长物志》并未像《园冶》那样备受青睐。到目前为止,关于专论《长物志》的论著,屈指可数,而且这些研究论著也多是在对《长物志》的原文进行注释。综观《长物志》的研究论文,其评论或是单纯地在园林技术、艺术层面展开,或是脱离该书“以园林为中心的宏旨”,片面地论述某一“长物”,或是浅止于对《长物志》所蕴含的文化意义的思考。因此,《长物志》的研究地位有待提升,研究深度有待挖掘,研究视角更有待拓宽。在《长物志》研究的现有基础上,本文拟对《长物志》园居营造理论进行深入探讨,挖掘其理论精髓;同时本文还拟将《长物志》置于中国传统文化的宏观背景下,从晚明独特的政治、经济、文化的具体情境出发,运用多学科理论知识的交叉互释,以全景式视角,全方位探索《长物志》广博深邃的文化内涵。本论文在论述层次上共分为五章:第一章着重分析了《长物志》研究所处的时代及学术背景;论述了《长物志》的国内外研究现状,以及存在问题和不足。在此基础上,进一步提出了《长物志》研究的目的、意义和方法。第二章从晚明的经济、政治及文化环境三个方面切入,试图展开孕育《长物志》的晚明社会的全景画卷;结合晚明社会诸环境要素的分析认知,对文震亨其人、《长物志》其书做出了系统的梳理和介绍。第三章从理念和技术层面,重点考察分析了《长物志》的园居营造理论体系。首先指出,“师法自然”、“随方制象,各有所宜”、“古朴雅洁”是贯穿于《长物志》园居营造理论体系中的三条重要的指导理念。然后,对构建该理论体系的四个主要分支部分进行一一详细的论述。这四个分支分别是直接从属于造园学范畴的“园林建筑造景”、“园林水石造景”、“园林植物造景”,以及与造园学间接相关的“园居中家具陈设的制具及位置经营”。第四章以文化研究的视角,对《长物志》所蕴含的文化意义进行深入的挖掘。一是揭示《长物志》园居营造理论的哲学基础,即“天人合一”、“格心成物”、“百姓日用即道”的哲学,以及涵盖“人格观”与“生态伦理观”的道德哲学:二是基于对中国古代仕与隐的关系分析和晚明隐逸之风的探讨,着重对《长物志》所表达的隐逸文化作以阐释。三是通过对晚明复古思潮的考察,解读《长物志》文本宣扬“复古”背后的文化语言。四是通过对晚明社会商业文化的分析,考察隐藏于《长物志》文本背后的话语机制,即对商业文化的排斥与解构。第五章为结论。在总结全文的基础上,重点挖掘《长物志》研究的当代意义。本章指出:《长物志》园居营造的理念与技法体现了科学与人文的结合,对构建和谐宜居环境,推动社会生态文明建设,弘扬我国传统文化有重要指导意义。

【Abstract】 China has a long history of gardening. With the infiltration of Chinese traditional culture throughout thousands of years, the classic works of garden are as countless, brilliant and splendid as the bright stars. Behind these impressive achievements is the strong support from ancient Chinese experiences and theoretical system of gardening. Studies of Chinese gardening, like Chinese classical gardens, are radiant and charming. Among various gardening literature in ancient China, the book Superfluous Things, written by late Ming Dynasty’s scholar Wen Zhenheng, is undoubtedly an excellent masterpiece. Viewing from vast perspectives, the book described all areas and aspects of ancient China gardening and garden life. The contents are comprehensive and profuse; descriptions are simple and diverse, and the structure is clear, smooth and logical. Mr. Chen Zhi spoke highly of "Superfluous Things as one of few precious classical masterworks in addition to Yuan Ye." (Chen Zhi, 1984)However, in the academic field, the study on Superfluous Things is not regarded as important as Yuan Ye. So far, just a few studies on this book have been published, most of which are explanations with some comments on the original text of Superfluous Things. Reviewing those studies, some are discussed purely from certain level of the gardening technique and art; while some are unilaterally described one aspect detached from the main idea centered on the garden; and others just talked about the cultural meaning. Therefore, the research on Superfluous Things needs to improve further and the scope of the study should be widened and deepened.Based on existing research papers, this thesis deeply explores the theory of gardening architecture in Superfluous Things, and find the core essence of the theory. Furthermore, this thesis put Superfluous Things into the macro background of Chinese traditional culture, starting from the Late Ming Dynasty’s special politics, economy and cultural situation, using multiple disciplines to explain interactively and explore the colorful cultural implication from all aspects with a panoramic vision. This thesis is divided into five ordered chapters.The first chapter describes the epoch and the academic background, on which the studies on Superfluous Things depended, emphatically analyzing the current situation of studies both at home and abroad, and indicates the existing problems and shortcomings. Based on this analysis, this thesis proposes the paper’s research purpose, meaning and methods concerning the study on Superfluous Things.ChapterⅡexamines the three aspects covering the economy, politics and cultural environment, and attempts to demonstrate the panoramic picture of the late Ming Dynasty when Superfluous Things came into being. In this thesis I have made a systematic carding and introduction about the writer Wen Zhenheng and his book, Superfluous Things, combined with the cognitive analysis of late Ming Dynasty social environment factors.ChapterⅢanalyzes the theory system of gardening showed in Superfluous Things from theoretical and technological level. Firstly, the whole book thoroughly penetrated the three important philosophies that are:’learning from nature’;’organizing landscape depended on corresponding environment’; and’simplicity and elegance’. Secondly, this thesis makes a detailed description of the four main branches of the theoretical system. The four branches are‘gardening architecture landscape’;’water and stone landscapes in garden’; and‘gardening plant landscape’, which are directly associated with the gardening school; and’furniture and location in garden’, which is indirectly subordinated with the gardening school.ChapterⅣemphasizes the excavation of the cultural meaning implied by Superfluous Things, from the perspective of cultural research. Firstly, this chapter discloses philosophical basis of the gardening theory, which include’integrity of nature and human’,‘mind is landscape’,‘common people’s daily life is Confucianism’, as well as the disclosure of moral philosophy about "personality’ and’ecological ethics’. Secondly, this chapter analyzes the relationship between gentry and hermit in ancient China and explores the ideological trend of hermitage in the late Ming Dynasty. Thirdly, through the review of the trend of revivalism, this chapter interprets the cultural language behind the revivalism declared by the book. Fourthly, through the social observation of commercial culture, this chapter observes the speech mechanism connoted in the text of book, which is exclusive discourse and deconstruction of the commercial culture.Chapter V brings the thesis to a conclusion. Based on the results of the whole paper, this thesis uncovers the contemporary meaning on the study of Superfluous Things. This chapter indicates that the gardening theory and technique of Superfluous Things embodied the combination of science and humanity, which has made a significant contribution to build a harmonious environment, to push the construction of ecological civilization, and to boost the Chinese traditional culture.


