

Empirical Study on the Effects of Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China

【作者】 刘小强

【导师】 王立群; 徐晋涛;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以我国集体林产权制度改革的效果为主要研究对象,基于建国以来我国集体林产权制度改革的历史回顾,评价和分析了林权制度变迁的原因,总结了对目前我国集体林产权制度改革有启发意义的结论;通过分析此次集体林产权制度改革三个层面上的主要利益相关者,对比不同利益相关者利益诉求的不同,阐述了集体林权制度改革的驱动力来源;用描述性统计分析的方法从林改前后人均收入、森林资源和林地投入三个方面的变化情况分析了集体林权制度改革的总体效果;运用8省实地调研数据,实证分析了集体林权制度改革对农民收入和森林资源的净影响,以考察此次林权制度改革的效果和林改目标的实现程度;运用江西和辽宁的实地调研数据,不仅分析了林权改革对林农林业生产投入行为的影响,同时也分析了林种、林地立地条件、林农家庭特征、产权条件、经营模式、信贷约束条件等相关因素对林农林业生产投入行为的影响;文章最后是研究结论和政策建议。本研究采用了大量的实证研究方法,同时也采用了一部分规范研究方法。在实证研究中,运用了描述性统计分析方法、Probit模型、一阶差分模型、DID模型、Logit模型和多元线性回归模型等定量分析方法。其中,一阶差分模型用于分析集体林权制度改革对8省农民林业收入、种植业收入、畜牧业收入、非农收入等各项收入变化的净效应;DID模型用于分析集体林改对森林面积和森林蓄积量变化的净影响;Probit模型和Logit模型用于分析不同林种下农户是否进行林业投入的影响因素;多元线性回归分析用于确定,在进行林业投入的农户群体中,上述影响因素是否具有差异或者说上述影响因素对于农户投资规模的影响。规范研究主要用于分析农户林业生产投入行为及其影响因素等方面。本研究的结论如下:第一,新中国成立以来,我国集体林产权制度变更频繁,导致森林资源管理无效率;第二,林权制度改革所涉及各利益主体的利益诉求不同,所引起的利益调整和再分配决定了林改前进的方向;第三,林权制度改革对农民收入增加的影响目前在不同省份表现不一致;第四,林权制度改革对森林面积和森林蓄积量的影响目前还不明显;第五,林权制度改革对林农林业投入有一定促进作用;第六,林种不同、地域不同,影响林农林业投资意愿和投资规模的因素不同。本研究提出的政策建议为:第一,集体林产权制度改革要全面考虑,积极稳妥地推进,避免操之过急;第二,在改革过程中,要正确处理好不同利益主体之间的利益关系;第三,采用法律框架固化集体林制度安排,避免随意性,使农民能形成稳定的收益预期;第四,引导创建新型的林业合作经济组织,实现林业规模经济,提高林业生产的经济效率;第五,深入开展综合配套改革,巩固和拓展林改成果,逐步建立适应社会主义市场经济要求的新型集体林经营管理机制和体制。

【Abstract】 The effects of Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China (CFTRC) were the main research objects in this study. Based on the historical review of CFTRC from the founding of New China (1949), the reasons for the changes of forest tenure system were evaluated and analyzed, and instructive conclusions for the current CFTRC were summed up. Through the analysis of key stakeholders on three levels of the CFTRC, the interests of different stakeholders with different demands were compared. Then the driving forces for CFTRC were described. With descriptive statistical methods, the overall effects of CFTRC were analyzed from three aspects, changes in the per capita income, changes in forest resources and changes in inputs on forest land before and after the reform. With 8 provincial field research data, an empirical analysis of CFTRC’s net impacts on farmers income and forest resources was used to explore the effects of CFTRC and the realization extent of its goals. With the field survey data of Jiangxi and Liaoning provinces, the CFTRC’ effects on forest farmers’ investment behavior were analyzed. Also, the impacts of tree species, forest habitat, foresters and family characteristics, ownership conditions, business model, credit constraints and other related factors were analyzed. In the last part of the article were the research findings and policy recommendations.In this study, a large number of empirical research methods were adopted, and some standard research methods were adopted as well. As far as the empirical study was concerned, methods of quantitative analysis like descriptive statistical analysis, Probit model, the first difference model, DID model, Logit model and multiple linear regression model were utilized. Among them, the first difference model was used to analyze net effects of CFTRC on the changes in fanners’forestry income, crop income, livestock income, in non-farm income and other income in eight provinces. DID model was used to analyze net effects of CFTRC on the changes in forest areas and forest volume; Probit model and the Logit model were used to analyze the factors of CFTRC on influencing forestry farmers to invest in forestry production under different tree species; Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine whether the above-mentioned factors or the differences in these factors could influence the scale of fanners’investment. Normative study was mainly taken to analyze the farmer household investment behavior and its influencing factors.The study’s conclusions are as follows:First, since the founding of New China, China’s forest tenure system changed frequently, which lead to inefficient management of forest resources; Second, CFTRC involves various interests and demands of different stakeholders, causing benefits restructuring and interest reallocation, which changed CFTRC’ way forward; Third, the effects of the current CFTRC on the income of farmers were inconsistent in different provinces; Fourth, the effects of CFTRC on forest area and forest volume were not yet clear; Fifth, CFTRC promoted the farmers’ investment into forestry production to some extent; Sixth, the factors affecting the forestry farmers to invest and their investment scale were different due to different forest types and regional differences.The policy recommendations of this study are:First, all the factors of CFTRC should be fully taken into account, and should be actively and steadily pushed forward. Undue haste should be avoided; Second, in the reform process, the different interests among stakeholders should be correctly handled; Third, the legal framework should be used to fix system arrangement of CFTRC. The arbitrariness should be avoided, so that farmers can expect stable incomes; Fourth, the farmers should be guided to create new forestry cooperative economic organizations, to achieve forestry economies of scale, and to improve the economic efficiency of forest production; Fifth, the supporting measures for the comprehensive reform should be adopted, so the achievement of the reform can be consolidated and expanded. Finally, a new mechanism of CFTRC should be established step by step to suit the socialist market economy.


