

Studies on the Bio-ecological Characteristics and Monitoring Techniques of Chorophorus Sp.

【作者】 曹川健

【导师】 骆有庆; 宗世祥;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 柠条(Caragana spp.)是豆科锦鸡儿属植物的统称,属植物系落叶灌木,为欧—亚草原植被亚区的典型植物。主要包括小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla),中间锦鸡儿(C. intermedia)和柠条锦鸡儿(C. korshinskii)。柠条不仅是我国干旱、半干旱地区植被恢复、生态重建以及区域经济发展的最重要的植物资源之一;同时还具有具有较高的综合开发利用价值。柠条绿虎天牛(Chlorophorus sp.)属鞘翅目(Coleoptera)天牛科(Cerambycidae)绿虎天牛属(Chlorophorus),主要以幼虫钻蛀柠条枝干部危害,导致树势衰弱,甚至整株枯死。近年来,在宁夏中卫市、灵武市、盐池县等地大面积发生,对大面积分布的柠条人工林和天然林构成了巨大威胁。目前,国内外还没有任何对该虫研究的报道。本文从柠条绿虎天牛生物生态学特性、种群动态变化、受害柠条化学物质的变化以及可供监测和防治的植物源引诱剂的开发和应用技术等方面进行了系统研究,主要结果如下:1、通过室内、室外对其生物学特性的研究,结果表明:该虫在宁夏la发生1代,以幼虫在树干部越冬;老熟幼虫于5月上旬开始化蛹,成虫始见于6月下旬,终见于8月中旬,7月为羽化高峰期;卵集中产在干部树皮裂缝、羽化孔等处,产卵量为12~21粒。雌虫有多次产卵现象;卵的孵化率达83%,卵期16d;雌虫平均寿命12 d,雄虫9 d。发现两种寄生性天敌:丽凿姬蜂Xorides (Xorides) irrigator (Fabricius,1793)(宁夏首次发现)和赤腹深沟茧蜂Iphiaulax impostor(Scopoli,1763),寄生率为6.75%。2、对柠条绿虎天牛的危害特性及种群数量动态变化的研究,包括幼虫和成虫在柠条上的分布、危害与柠条树龄和地径的关系,枝条寄生幼虫数量,结果表明:幼虫和成虫主要分布在柠条枝干0~100cm范围内,以0~40cm处居多,其数量由基部至顶部逐渐减少。幼虫主要危害4年生以上的柠条植株,以6~8年生受害最重。随着柠条地径的增加,天牛成虫数量逐渐增加。3、应用聚集度指标检验得出种群分布的基本成分为个体群,分布图式属于聚集分布。聚集原因是由环境因素所致。建立绿虎天牛幼虫的理论抽样数公式和序贯抽样决策限模式。确定柠条绿虎天牛幼虫调查、预测预报和防治最适抽样数。4、利用巴氏罐诱法结合网捕采集柠条林分地表甲虫标本3588号,分属15科,其中拟步甲科3213占总数的88.18%。甲虫的科丰富度、多样性和优势度在3块样地变化趋势5a生>15a生>25a生,均匀度在3块样地变化趋势15a生>5a生>25a生。甲虫个体数量和均匀度的季节变化在5a生、15a生和25a生相似性很高,而科丰富度和多样性的季节变化15a生和25a生相似性很高。不同林龄柠条林地季节变化是科均匀度在7月最低,个体数量在7月最高,科丰富度变化基本一致,科多样性人工林15年生和25年生样地的变化趋势类似。5、分别测定了健康和受害柠条的木质部、韧皮部和叶部化学物质含量的变化,结果表明:柠条受害后,①木质部碳水化合物、脂肪、磷元素、锌元素、钾元素、铁元素、精氨酸含量均降低,蛋白质、总氨基酸含量升高,蛋氨酸没变化。②韧皮部蛋白质、磷元素(p<0.05)、锌元素、钾元素降低,铁元素、果糖、葡萄糖、赖氨酸含量升高,碳水化合物、丝氨酸和脯氨酸含量没有变化;其中,0-40cm处的脂肪和其它16种氨基酸的含量均降低;而40-60cm处的脂肪含量升高,酪氨酸、半胱氨酸升高,甘氨酸、蛋氨酸含量没有发生变化,其它12种下降。③叶部的总氨基酸、蛋白质、脂肪、磷元素、铁元素含量均升高,而碳水化合物、锌元素、钾元素、果糖和葡萄糖均降低。6、利用热脱附-气相色谱/质谱法对柠条茎、叶的挥发性成分分析和鉴定。鉴定出包括烷烃、醛、酮、酯、单萜和倍半萜类等物质。确定了全组分中含量较大的5种挥发性物质。复配了25种植物源引诱剂进行田间诱集试验,筛选出引诱效果较好的4种引诱剂,诱虫量最高的达8.65~17.33头/诱捕器,诱集成虫雌雄性比分别为(♀/♂)0.545~0.476之间,持效期达37~50天。引诱效果达63.81%。7、提出了以柠条绿虎天牛种群监测预警技术为辅助,以平茬抚育、植物源引诱剂的开发与应用、寄生天敌资源繁殖与利用等技术为主的生态调控措施,从而建立柠条绿虎天牛灾害综合控制技术体系。

【Abstract】 Caragana spp. is a genus of deciduous shrub in the Leguminosae Caragana, including C. microphylla, C. intermedia and C. korshinski. It is one of the most important plant species for the vegetation restoration, ecological reconstruction and regional economy in desert and semi-desert areas. Chlorophorus sp. belonging to Chlorophorus genus of Cerambycidae family, Coleoptera class. The shrubs are mainly damaged by larvae of the long-horned beetle boring into the cadres of branches, causing the lost of plant vigor and even death of whole plants. In recent years, Chlorophorus sp. occurred widely in Zhongwei and Lingwu city and Yanchi country in Ninxia Hui Autonomous region, threatening to the large areas of planted and natural Caragana forests.There were no previous reports and related researches on this insect in China. In this paper, we have conducted systematic researches on the bioecology, population dynamics, changes in chemical substances in damaged Cagarana, and plant volatile attractants available for monitoring and controlling the insect. The main results are as follows:1. Laboratory and field observations of the biological characteristics of Chlorophorus sp. show this insect has one generation per year, the mature larva pupate in early May, and adults emerge in late June and peak in July, and disappear in mid August. Eggs are laid centralized in the cracks of the barks and emergence holes. The insect lays a total of 12-21 aggs.. The egg period is 16 days and about 83% hatch. Parasitoids include Xorides(Xorides) irrigator (first discovered in Ningxia Province) and Iphiaulax impostor, with a parasitism rate of 6.75%.2. Larvae and adults of Chlorophorus sp. are mainly distributed in the branches of Caragana spp. from 0 to 100cm, mostly from 0 to 40cm, and the individual number decreases from bottom to top. Larvae mainly attack Caragana spp. which are more than 4 years old, especially those 6 to 8 years old. The number of adult beetles increase gradually with the increase of diameter of caragana branches.3. The basic component of population distribution was individual group and the distribution was aggregated pattern. Aggregation was caused by environmental factors and the aggregation behavior of insects. We established the theoretical sampling limit formula and sequential sampling decision-making model of Chlorophorus sp. larvae. The optimal sampling was determined for investigation, prediction and controlling of this pest.4. With tank trapping and net fishing,3617 beetles belonging to 15 families were collected, Tenebrionidae (3213) accounted for 88.18%. The trend of beetle family richness, diversity and dominance was 5a instar>15a instar>25a instar, while uniformity trends were 15a instar>5a instar>25a instar. The individual number of beetles and uniformity of seasonal changes were very similar to 5a instar and 15a instar and 25a instar, while family richness and diversity of seasonal changes were highly similar for 15a instar and 25a instar. Seasonal changes in the Caragana spp. forest of different ages showed that uniformity section is lowest in July; the individual number is highest in July. Changes in family richness is roughly the same and the trend of family diversity in plantations of 15 and 25 years is similar.5. The chemical content in xylem, phloem and leaves of C.korshinskii, which were healthy or damaged by Chlorophorus sp., was measured and the results showed that:①The levels of carbohydrate, fat, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron, arginine in xylem were decreasing; The levels of protein and total amino acid content in xylem increased while methionine did not change.②In the phloem, the content of protein, phosphorus (p<0.05), zinc, potassium reduced; the content of iron, fructose, glucose, lysine content increased; but carbohydrate, serine and proline did not change; In addition, the fat of 0-40cm and 16 amino acids were reducing; in the first 1-10cm of the branch, but from 10-40cm the fat, and cysteine increased, the glycine and methionine did not change, and the other 12 amino acids decreased;③, total amino acids, protein, fat, phosphorus iron in the leaves increased, while carbohydrates, zinc, potassium, fructose and glucose decreased.6. Thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry were used to identify and analyze the volatile components from stems and leaves of Caragana spp.. Sixteen volatile compounds have been identified, including alkanes, aldehydes, ketones, esters, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes. Five volatile substances, making up a large percentage of the components, were determined by area normalization. The relative percentages were used to decide the proportions of various combinations, and resulted in 25 synthetic attractants. Four optimal attractants had effects of 8.65~17.33 individuals per trap, with a sex ratios between 0.545 and 0.476 (♀/♂), and a duration of 37 to 50 days. Attractive efficiency was up to 63.81%.7. Several measures were put forward to establish an integrated technology system against disasters by Chlorophorus sp.. The measures included fundamental methods of monitoring and forecasting technology, tending stump and developing plant varieties with resistance against the insect. Ecological control measures, including plant volatile attractants, protection of natural enemies, and environmentally harmonious chemicals, were needed to be utilized.


