

Study of Wireless Telemetry Measurement Application of Forests Biomass and Its Device

【作者】 裴志永

【导师】 李文彬;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 现代林业研究与数字化经营管理对于森林资源信息的采集技术具有新的要求,尤其是树木生长信息的实时、准确的远程自动采集更是林业科研工作者和森林调查人员的期盼。当前树木生长量调查的主要手段是通过人工直接进入实地测量,该方法劳动量大、效率低。用树木生长量远程监测技术替代人工实地调查需主要解决以下三个方面的问题:一,开发高精度的远程生长量动态遥测系统,替代人工调查来准确获取单木生长信息。二,研究树木调查因子间关系模型,其中研究D-H模型最为重要,只有精确的D-H模型才能计算林木材积,进而估算林地蓄积。三,研究对林地内树木有效的抽样方法,在考虑经济条件约束下,应用远程生长量动态遥测装置准确获取动态变化的全林蓄积,使得对林地代表性树木抽样相对于人工实测有更高的要求,所以需要对林地内树木有效的抽样方法进行研究。本研究针对以上树木生长量远程遥测技术应用于森林调查所需解决的问题,在充分分析和借鉴已有的国内外树木生长量动态监测方法和相应自动测量装置及其他相关学科领域研究成果基础上,设计开发了基于容栅技术的立木胸径遥测装置及其软件系统,试验表明:该系统通讯可靠,可以用于立木胸径变化量50mm—450mm范围内高精度的自动实时数字式测量,最大误差为0.037mm。基于毛白杨树种依据偏最小二乘回归原理建立了更加准确的高径方程,其相关系数达到0.93,结合设计的立木胸径测量系统解决了单木树高及材积难于测量问题。为了使立木胸径测量装置得以用于全林蓄积变化量的动态监测,监测方法需要更加准确和高效,本文做了林地树木代表性样点抽样方法的相关研究,将数量化理论与地理学空间变异函数相结合,提出了对林地内树木进行空间分类抽样的方法。在小块实验区内,通过和随机抽样方法对比验证验证了空间抽样方法的高效性。本研究所开发的树木生长量遥测装置对单木生长信息数据的自动收集具有重要的实用价值;对林地空间代表性立木抽样研究的结论,为今后开发节点间具有通讯功能的无线传感器网络的不同层次节点间距离选择提供了基础数据,同时为其它林地环境信息的遥测提供新的技术方法参考。

【Abstract】 Recent forestry research about digital management and administration require advanced collection techniques of forest resource information. Especially, application of immediate (real-time), accurate, long-distance, auto collecting growth information are fairly expected by the normal investigators.For now, the limitation of satellite telemetry measurement can never exactly obtain growth biomass of single tree that can not meet the basic need of research; So, forestry growth biomass information are much depended on workers’field surveys or timely collecting the auto-observing spot data. There are many disadvantages of these applications such as inaccurate, inefficiency and waste of labor force.This study is aiming at development of forestry research and information collection technique. Based on the analysis of single growth dynamic monitoring measurement and auto-measuring devices in current situation, we designed a telemetry measurement of stumpage DBH (Diameter at breast height) device and software based on capacitance technologyExperiments showed communication system of the device is efficient and reliable, DBH of the samples is available which ranged from 50mm to 450mm; Precision could reach to 0.037mm. According to theory "PLS", more precise formula:Diameter-height curve was introduced to make up single stumpage height measurement.To convince people that our device and software could be used practically in the dynamic monitoring Forest Growing Stock, we did co-relative sampling study of proxy trees. Quantification and Semivariable functions are combined to gain 3 division strategies based on the square of the forests. Meanwhile Biomass ranges of the trees which grew in different directions were obtained too.From Kriging interpolation formula, Square Network Topology of the sample’s reasonable distance was drawn. It provided the theoretical foundation of nodal point’s optimum layout. The strategy of how to arrange the stumpage DBH measuring devices can be consulted by this theory.Another significant improvement of this device is to collect Biomass information of single tree. The conclusion of proxy trees sampling study provided a basic data for developing "wireless sensor Networks on different levels and nodal point separation in the future. Moreover, the telemetry measurement introduced can be extended to forestry geography too.


