

Conserving Picoides Major with Artificial Nests for Controlling Anoplophora Glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

【作者】 万涛

【导师】 吴坚; 温俊宝; 骆有庆;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky)是重要的林木蛀干害虫,20世纪80年代以来,在我国三北防护林地区危害猖獗,严重破坏了当地的生态环境,并造成了巨大的经济损失。大斑啄木鸟Picoides major (Linnaeus)在三北防护林地区为留鸟,是杨树天牛的重要捕食性天敌之一。本研究立足于大斑啄木鸟在一定程度上能够抑制杨树天牛发生和危害的事实,在内蒙古乌拉特前旗农田林网防护林区,将光肩星天牛的生态控制和大斑啄木鸟(当地为内蒙亚种P. major wulashanicus Cheng et al.)的招引保护相结合进行研究,填补了国内外招引保护森林益鸟自然控制森林害虫系统研究的空白。主要研究结果如下:1、2005、2006年夏季及2007年春季对大斑啄木鸟天然巢洞的调查发现:大斑啄木鸟通常会选择在旱柳上营巢,但也会选择在成熟的高大杨树上营巢。绝大多数巢洞洞口上方有突起或者洞口有向下倾斜。巢洞距地面平均高度为5.2土0.1 m,并且在2m以上的每个高度等级分布较均匀,但育雏巢洞的平均高度(5.4±0.5 m)通常比普通巢洞略高。巢洞洞口的水平直径平均长度为5.27±0.07 cm,垂直直径为5.66±0.11 cm,二者之间没有显著的线性关系,但洞口大小比较固定。61.43%的巢洞洞口方向集中在北向、东北向和东向,而南向和东南向的最少,仅占5.22%。2、根据天然巢洞的主要特征和传统人工鸟巢的不足,应用正交试验设计并制作了13种旱柳和小美旱杨人工鸟巢。经过1年的野外招引研究发现,钻孔挖空人工鸟巢的招引效果比传统人工鸟巢更好,并且钻孔挖空、天然小突起和天然表皮的小美旱杨人工鸟巢为最佳设计。人工鸟巢的悬挂间距D≧50 m时,人工鸟巢的占有率(37.50%)明显高于悬挂间距D≦20m时(23.93%)。悬挂高度为3.5 m的人工鸟巢的利用率(55.56%)和占有率(28.34%)都低于悬挂高度为4.5 m的人工鸟巢(83.33%和44.45%)。人工鸟巢选择树干北向悬挂为最佳,并且人工鸟巢的洞口方向与自然环境中的成巢情况相似。3、在大斑啄木鸟育雏高峰期,人工巢洞和天然巢洞内对每只雏鸟的平均喂食次数基本相同,分别为17.27次/天和16.73次/天。每天有明显的两个喂食高峰,即清晨6:00-7:00和傍晚19:00-20:00,但也有一个喂食低谷区,即中午11:00-13:00。雌雄亲鸟对雏鸟的喂食次数基本上各40次/天,雄性亲鸟略高,并且天气较差时,雄性亲鸟喂食次数明显高于雌性亲鸟。此外,雄性亲鸟回巢停留时间一般有1-2 min,而雌性亲鸟回巢停留时间大都不足30s。大斑啄木鸟在人工巢洞和天然巢洞内的繁殖成功率相差不大(分别为85.33%和82.50%),但在人工巢洞内的孵卵率较低。4、冬季野外调查发现,在天牛轻度危害区大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛的啄食率为14.91%,中度危害区为19.86%,重度危害区为13.93%。在危害树高6m以上对光肩星天牛的啄食率为27.25%,明显高于6m以下的啄食率16.18%,并且在啄食率较高的危害区和危害树高,对大幼虫的啄食率显著高于小幼虫。室内饲养条件下,大斑啄木鸟对鲜肉粒和天牛幼虫的觅食率始终都是100%,对蛾类的觅食率为58.33%,对植物种子的觅食率为41.67%。大斑啄木鸟对暴露天牛幼虫和暴露鲜肉粒的觅食率分别为91.67%和86.11%,明显高于对隐蔽天牛幼虫和隐蔽鲜肉粒的觅食率(分别为22.22%和19.44%)。但供给食物较少时,也会尽量多地觅食植物种子和隐蔽食物。5、人工鸟巢在冬季的招引效果最好,春季次之,夏季最差。在大斑啄木鸟数量较少或适宜巢树较多的地区,人工招引效果较差。在人工招引的前2年,人工鸟巢的利用率和占有率提高明显,但常在第3或第4年后不再提高。与传统人工鸟巢相比,2007年新设计制作的钻孔挖空小美旱杨人工鸟巢招引效果更好,也更加结实耐用。招引样地内大斑啄木鸟在冬季对光肩星天牛的啄食率最高(33.23±1.39%),春季次之(27.82±2.06%),夏季最低(5.45±0.64%)。人工招引能提高大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛的自然控制效果,在轻度和中度危害区能有效地降低光肩星天牛虫口密度;但在重度危害区虫口密度较高时,需要结合其它防治措施才能有效地控制光肩星天牛。6、乌拉特前旗地区常用的光肩星天牛防治措施有砍伐除治、萌芽更新、高枝截于、打孔注药、绿色威雷喷雾、多树种合理配置和人工招引大斑啄木鸟。但砍伐树木对生态环境影响较大,且伤口常会招致白杨透翅蛾的危害,而化学防治又会使天牛产生抗药性。与其它防治措施相比,人工招引大斑啄木鸟省时、省力,不污染环境并且能实现可持续控制。初步分析表明,人工招引大斑啄木鸟控制光肩星天牛每年产生的经济效益约1963.5万元,并有利于维持并提高当地的生态环境质量,实现环境与经济的可持续发展。但考虑到人工招引也存在一定的局限性,建议今后在防护林杨树天牛的防治过程中采取人工招引措施为主、其它防治措施为辅的综合治理方法。

【Abstract】 Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera:Cerambycidae) is a major polyphagous wood-boring beetle in China, which broke out heavily in three-north shelter forests and caused great losses after the 1980s. As one of the natural predators of A. glabripennis, great spotted woodpeckers Picoides major (Linnaeus) are endemic to three-north shelter forest and widely distributed in three-north shelter forest. For P. major fed on poplar longhorned beetles and obviously depressed their population density to some extent, in this study, we combined the attract and conservation of P. major wulashanicus Cheng et al. with ecological control A. glabripennis in agroforestry in Wulate Qianqi County of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. This paper consummated the vacancy of systematic study on attacting and conserving forest beneficial birds for natural controlling forest pests. The main results were as follows.1. Natural nests of P. major were investigated in summer 2005, summer 2006, and spring 2007, respectively. The results showed that P. major often selected Salix matsudana for excavating nests, but big mature poplar trees (Populus spp.) also could be chosen. Most of nests were often found with a protuberance above entrances or with a downward sloping gradient, or both. The average nest height was 5.2±0.1 m, and nest height selection by P. major was not significant. However, the average height of breeding nests (5.4±0.5 m) was often higher. The average vertical diameter (VDE) of nest entrances was 5.27±0.07 cm and the average horizontal diameter (HDE) was 5.66±0.11 cm, but there were no significant lineal relation between them, and the size of nest entrances was almost fitted. The compass orientation of 61.43% nest entrances was towards north, northeast and east, and only 5.22% towards south and southeast.2. Due to the deficiencies of traditional artificial nests and characteristics of natural nests, totally 13 types of artificial nests made of Populus simonii×(Populus pyramidalis+Salix matsudana) cv. Poplaris and S. matsudana were constructed using orthogonal design. The results showed that the attraction of cavity-drilled artificial nests was better than that of traditional artificial nests, and an optimal artificial nest was made of cavity-drilled P. poplaris logs with naturally small protuberance and naturally bark surface. When installion distance between artificial nests was over 50 m (D≥50 m) and under 20 m (D≤20 m), the occupancy rate of nests was 37.50% and 23.93% respectively, and the difference between them was extremely significant. The utilization rate and occupancy rate of nests inatalled at 3.5 m height (55.56% and 28.34%) was lower than those installed at 4.5 m height (83.33% and 44.45%). Furthermore, artificial nest installed on the north side of trees was optimal, and the entrance orientations distribution of occupied nests was similar to that of natural nests.3. At the peak of nestling period, feeding times for each nestling in artificial nests (17.27 times) were almost the same as that in natural nests (16.73 times). Two feeding peaks were found at 6:00-7:00 and 19:00-20:00, and one feeding trough was found at 11:00-13:00 every day. Feeding times for nestlings by male P. major were often about 40 times one day, so were female. But the male often fed more times than the female, especially in bad weather. Moreover, the period for feeding nestlings by the male was often 1-2 min while the female was often less than 30 s. Breeding success in artificial nests (85.33%) was almost the same as that in natural nests (82.50%), but hatching rate in artificial nests was obvious lower.4. The pecking rate of P. major on A. glabripennis was investigated in winter. Results showed that the pecking rate of P. major on A. glabripennis was 14.91% in slightly damaged plots,19.86% in medium damaged plots and 13.93% in heavily damaged plots, respectively. Above 6 meters height of infested trees trunks, the pecking rate was 27.25%, which was significantly higher than that under 6 meters height (16.18%). Results also indicated that P. major preferred old A. glabripennis larvae to young larvae in the damaged plots and tree heights with a higher pecking rate. In indoor research, investigative results of foraging behavior showed that the foraging rate of P. major on A. glabripennis larvae and granular meat was 100%, on moths was 58.33% and on seeds was 41.67%. The foraging rate of P. major on visible A. glabripennis larvae and granular meat was 91.67% and 86.11%, which was significant higer than that of invisible ones (22.22% and 19.44%), respectively. However, P. major also foraged for more seeds or invisible preys when little food was supplied. 5. Attraction of artificial nests to P. major was the best in winter, better in spring and the worst in summer. Attraction to P. major was very bad in the place where P. major population was few or enough nest trees existed. In the first two years, the utilization rate and occupancy rate of artificial nests was increased sharply, and often stopped in the third or fourth yesr. Compared to traditional artificial nests, cavity-drilled P. poplaris artificial nests designed in 2007 had better attraction and could be used longer. The pecking rate of P. major on A. glabripennis in attracting plots was the highest in winter (33.23±1.39%), higher in spring (27.82±2.06%) and the lowest in summer (5.45±0.64%). Attracting P. major with artificial nests could enhance the control effect on A. glabripennis, especially could depress the population density of A. glabripennis effectively in slightly and medium damaged area. While the population density of A. glabripennis was high in heavily damaged area, other prevention measures should be used simultaneously.6. In Wulate Qianqi County, seven prevention measures, such as cutting infested trees, sprout regeneration, top trunk-cutting, trunk injecting insecticides, spray Luseweilei contacted-breaking microcapsules pesticide, reasonable allocation of varied tree species, attracting P. major with artificial nests, were often used for controlling A. glabripennis. However, new mechanical wounds and sprouts of tree stumps were often infested by poplar clearwing moth P. tabaniformi, and insecticide often caused resistance to pests and killed natural enemies. Compared to the other six measures, attracting P. major with artificial nests for controlling A. glabripennis was a labor and time saving measure, and it did not pollute the environment and controlled sustainably. In addition, the data from local forest department showed its economic efficiency was about 1.96 million RMB every year. It could also keep and improve the quality of ecological environment and achieve the sustainable development of environment and economic. Considering the limitation of artificial attract, we suggested artificial attract mainly supplemented by other prevention measures as integrated pest management for controlling poplar longhorned beetles in shelter plantation.


