

Study on the History and Characteristics of Jinan’s Famous Parks(Gardens)

【作者】 宋凤

【导师】 刘晓明; 王磐岩;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 世界园林发展史表明:具有旺盛生命力或深刻影响力的园林作品,大多根植于本土环境,具有鲜明地域特征和鲜活个性。然而,在当前国际化、现代化背景下,园林这一特色正在经受着前所未有的冲击。作为齐鲁文化核心地带的历史文化名城-济南,在本土环境熏陶下逐步形成了自己的园林特色,而且历史上代有名园出,但因种种缘故,幸存者寥寥可数。庆幸的是新中国成立后,济南早期兴建的几处公园基本上囊括了幸存的历史名园,并将其作为园林建设蓝本,济南园林长期以来形成的地域特色和鲜活个性得以继承和发扬,几处公园亦成为济南城市园林的代表。然而遗憾的是:济南城市园林的相关史料一直没有系统的整编,园林建设和发展越来越找不到根基。尤其近年来,由于缺乏对历史和传统的正确认识,缺乏对地方特色的深刻了解和把握,在新一轮的更新发展中,南向上海、广州、深圳学,北向北京、天津学……,甚至向国际化大都市学习,足下文化被真正的忽略了,曾经特色鲜明的城市名园逐渐陷入混沌状态,在面向文化危机、生态危机、民众休闲需求的次次提升和改造中,济南城市名园所固有的地方特色正在被蚕食。“历史是根,文化是脉”。“如何为济南城市名园的发展‘把好脉、留住根’”,是济南城市名园立足之本,也是本文研究初衷。基于上述,本文研究内容主要分为三部分:第一部分,立足于本土环境,对济南城市名园的生成环境(自然、社会环境)进行概括总结,并首次按断代的方式对济南城市名园发展脉络进行系统梳理,对城市名园的沉浮兴衰之因进行了分析和总结。同时对济南当前具有代表性的8处城市名园(6处公园型名园和9处历史名园,其中7处历史名园在公园型名园内)进行实地调查,建立起系统研究的背景平台。第二部分,从历史继承特色(古城的山水空间格局、历史古迹)、社会文化特色(包括公园型城市名园的社会承载意义和城市名园的文化特征)以及园林艺术特色(含空间布局、掇山理水、园林建筑以及园林植物等主要造园要素表现出的艺术特色)入手,系统全面的探讨济南城市名园特色。第三部分,结论,笔者认为济南城市名园是济南园林地方特色得以体现的重要载体,在当前背景下,其更新与发展,必须立足于本土环境,关注足下文化,才不至于丧失个性,从而避免国际化、现代化浪潮下的趋同化命运。

【Abstract】 The history of world’s garden indicated that:gardens, impacting on the people’s life profoundly and persistently, mostly were rooted in their local situations, which had been leading to distinct regional-characteristic. However, that feature is experiencing unprecedented impulse in the current context of internationalization and modernization. Jinan, a historical and cultural city as core of QILU-culture, was impacted by the local environment and gradually formed its own garden features. Although there were famous gardens in different periods of history, but for various reasons, very few survivors of that could be kept to nowadays. Fortunately, after the founding of New China, the construction of several parks early in Jinan basically covered the surviving historic gardens that had been restored as the blueprint of modern parks. Nowadays several parks as the representative of Jinan city gardens have been inheriting the local characteristics of Jinan garden. However, the historical materials on Jinan City Gardens have not yet been systemized, so that leading to a lack of the basic information on gardens’construction and development. Especially in recent years, due to lack of correct understanding of history, tradition, the local characteristics, so that to result in hastily learning from the southward of Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, the northward of Beijing, Tianjin..., even from international metropolis, but the invaluable native-culture has entirely been neglected. The native features of Jinan city gardens were disappearing accompanying the crises of culture and ecology; and the public growing requirements of recreation. "History is the root, culture is the pulse." "How to inherit the cores of famous gardens in Jinan city according to’touching the pulse, keeping the root’", is the foundation of Jinan city famous gardens, but also the original aim of this research.Based on the above, the contents of this research are divided into three parts:the first part, based on the local environment, to summary the built environments (natural and social environments) and the rise and decline of Jinan city famous garden; the first time to systemize the process of Jinan famous gardens developing by the way of period. Meanwhile, to conduct field surveys of the eight current representatives Jinan famous gardens (six famous parks and nine historic gardens, including seven historic gardens in the famous parks) for establishing the research background. The second part, to discuss the features of Jinan famous gardens as a entire system by inheriting history characteristics (spatial pattern of the city’s shan-shui landscape, historic sites), and social and cultural (including the social meaning and cultural characteristics on park-type city famous gardens), as well as garden art features (including spatial layout, piling stone hill and water system layout, garden building and landscape plants etc.). The third part, the conclusion, the author believe that Jinan famous gardens, as a information carrier, are reflecting the native characteristics of garden arts; in the current context, the renewal and development of it must be based on local environment and cultural continuation, so as to avoid losing their individuality that being impacted by the present trend of internationalization and modernization.


