

Study on the Relationship between Agriculture-related Elements and Landscape Architecture

【作者】 于晓森

【导师】 李雄;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农业孕育着一个地区的文化和历史,在一个地区的文明发展历程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。农业是人们把自然的物质和能量转化为人类需要的产品的生产部门;风景园林研究和处理的是人与自然环境的关系。从某种意义上讲,二者都是对自然进行有目的的改造,所以有着千丝万缕的联系。论文在农业诸多的要素中选取了与风景园林密切相关的要素:农业景观、农业工程、观光农业、农业遗产作为研究对象。通过对大量的资料进行分析总结、推理论证、并通过实践加以证实,研究了各农业相关要素与风景园林规划设计之间的关系。首先,文章通过对于历史资料的分析与总结,按照时间的脉络,分别对东西方古代园林与农业景观的关系进行研究。认为东西方园林的雏形都源自农业景观,随着时间的推移和各种因素的影响,农业景观在中国古典园林中的比重越来越小,影响有限;而西方古代园林一直受农业景观的影响,在漫长的历史时期内都是实用性和欣赏性兼而有之。同时,文章从风景园林的设计理念和设计手法等方面研究了农业景观对于现代风景园林规划设计的影响,认为现代风景园林规划设计应该从农业景观中汲取营养。其次,文章对于历史资料的研究和实例分析,认为农业工程与风景园林可以相互融合。农业工程引入风景园林规划设计理念以后,可以实现生产、生态、文化、美学等多重效益。再次,文章研究了风景园林规划设计在观光农业中的作用。观光农业是农业与旅游业结合的新兴产业,风景园林规划设计在不同类型的观光农业中都发挥着重要的作用。同时文章针对不同类型的观光农业,提出了规划设计的新的思路,并通过具体规划设计项目的实践加以验证。最后,文章通过分析国内外实例,总结经验,探讨了风景园林规划设计在农业遗产保护与开发中的作用,并总结出不同类型的农业遗产的保护原则,以期实现生态、社会、经济、文化等多方面效益的综合提高。

【Abstract】 Agriculture, crucial to a region’s culture and history, plays a very important role in that region’s development. Agriculture is the department that can convert natural material and energy into products that a human being needs. Landscape Architecture is related to human and natural environment. To a certain extent, they both transform nature on purpose, so that they are inextricably connected. This paper selects agriculture-related elements which are closely related to Landscape Architecture as the object of study, they are agricultural landscape, agricultural engineering project, agricultural tourism and agriculture heritage. The paper studies the relation between agriculture-related elements and Landscape Architecture based on analysis of large amounts of data and examination of practices.Firstly, The paper studies on the relation between agriculture landscape and historical gardens of both East and West chronologically. The paper considered that the prototype of garden were from agricultural landscape. Along with development, affected by various factors, the proportion of agricultural landscape in the Chinese classical gardens become smaller and smaller, and the impact of agricultural landscape turned to be very limited. By contrast, Western historical garden has been influenced by agricultural landscape consistently, which are believed to be beautiful and practical at the same time. Meanwhile, this paper introduce the influence of agricultural landscape on design concept and design methods, with the conclusion that Modern Landscape Architecture design should learn from agricultural landscapes.Secondly, this paper considered that agricultural engineering project and landscape architecture can be integrated with each other by analysis of historical references precedences. Agricultural projects built with the idea of landscape architecture can achieve multiple benefits.Thirdly, this paper studies Landscape Architecture’s role in agriculture tourism. Agriculture tourism is a new industry which is relates to agriculture and tourism. Landscape Architecture plays an important role in different types of agriculture tourism. This paper also includes proposals for different types of agriculture tourism which were verified in practice projects.Finally, this paper analyzes domestic and international cases, and discusses the role of Landscape Architecture in the preservation and development of agricultural heritage. This paper presents protection principles for different types of agricultural heritage in order to achieve comprehensive benefits.


