

Research on Agricultural Water Resources Optimization Use in Longkou City

【作者】 徐征和

【导师】 王秀茹;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 龙口市为沿海经济发达缺水区,面对龙口市社会经济可持续发展的需求,现状水资源问题日趋突出。为了揭示龙口市水资源开发利用发展态势,分析水资源、社会经济发展与生态建设耦合协调关系。作者参考查阅了国内外大量的相关研究文献,充分搜集整理龙口市自然地理、气象、植被、土地利用、水资源开发利用现状、区域经济社会发展规划等资料,通过系列资料整理、野外观测试验与理论计算,实施微观判断与宏观分析,预测龙口市的用水和需水变化,并在此基础上对龙口市农业水资源进行了优化利用研究:(1)针对龙口市水资源供需矛盾的实际情况,在综合研究分析龙口市工业、农业、生活、生态需水的基础上,考虑区域不同水文频率年的供水能力,根据区域可持续发展要求进行了龙口市水资源合理调配,即50%年份生活和生态环境用水量2179万m3,工业用水量4971万m3,农业可供水量10423万m3;75%年份生活和生态环境用水量2132万m3,工业用水量4474万m3,农业可供水量8087万m3;95%年份生活和生态环境用水量1850万m3,工业用水量3485万m3,农业可供水量6438万m3。。(2)利用大系统理论对龙口市农业水资源优化配置进行重点研究,,以区域经济效益最优为目标函数,建立具有两层谱系的大系统分解协调模型,并分别采用动态规划和线性规划方法求解两层模型,确定该区域农作物的最优种植模式及配水过程,实现了研究区不同代表年农业水资源的优化配置。(3)研究分析龙口市应充分利用经济比较发达的优势,针对农业利用分散小水源灌溉的现实,采用多水源联网技术,将区域内可供农业用水的水源联网,建立起以多灌溉水源联网为核心的现代化农业用水模式,使有限的水资源得到合理配置、高效利用,在整体上发挥最大的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。(4)结合在研究区进行的相关基础性试验,分析适宜于现代农业高效用水工程的主要农作物(冬小麦、葡萄)的节水灌溉制度,即平水年冬小麦地面畦灌灌3水(越冬水、拔节水、抽穗期),每次灌水量675m3/hm2,全生育期灌溉定额2025 m3/hm2;平水年年份葡萄全生育期灌溉定额1200 m3/hm2,其中树液流动期、新梢生长期、幼果生长期、枝蔓成熟期分别灌水300 m3/hm2。(5)针对目前龙口市农业水资源管理中出现的一些问题,通过实地调查,结合国内外相关资料,探究了保障农业高效用水的现代化运行管理机制、农业水资源水价计算方法与相应管理政策。本论文旨在通过上述研究为龙口市水资源综合利用与管理、农业水资源的高效利用等提供新的思路、理念和科学计算依据。因此,论文研究成果具有一定的理论价值及重要实际应用价值,对龙口市经济可持续发展具有重要参考价值。

【Abstract】 Longkou City, which is located in coastal economic developed area, the demand of water resources is becoming increasingly prominent, facing the requirements of social and economic sustainable development. Balance relationship among water resources, socio-economic development and eco-environment was analyzed in order to reveal the trend of water resources exploitation in Longkou city. Based on searching a large number of relevant domestic and foreign literature, collecting a lot of data on Longkou city’s geography, climate, vegetation, land use, regional economic and social development, etc., through a series of data analysis, field experiments and theoretical calculations, micro and macro analysis, the changes of water use and demand were forecasted, and optimal use of agricultural water resources of Longkou city was studied.(1) Based on the water demand analysis of industry, agriculture, life and eco-environment for Longkou city, rational allocation of water resources was studied accroding to the actual situation of water supply and the requirements of region sustainable development, taking into account the regional water supply capacity in different hydrological frequency. Namely the environmental water use of domestic and ecology were 21.79 million m3, industrial water consumption was 49.71 million m3, the available water supply of agriculture was 104.23 million m3 in the 50% of the years. And the environmental water use of domestic and ecological were 21.32 million m3, industrial water consumption was 44.74 million m3, the available water supply of agriculture was 80.87 million m3 in the 50% of the years. And the environmental water use of domestic and ecological were 18.50 million m3, industrial water consumption was 34.85 million m3, the available water supply of agriculture was 64.38 million m3 in the 50% of the years.(2) Theory of large scale system was used to research optimal allocation of agriculture water resources in Longkou, taking regional economic optimum as objective function model. Dynamic programming and linear programming method were used to solve the model, to determine the optimal cropping patterns and water distribution process, and finally to achieve optimal allocation of agriculture water resources in different types of typical years.(3) The existing problems of small and dispersible irrigation water resources used for agriculture irrigation were analyzed. As developed area, modern agricultural water use pattern in Longkou city was established based on multi-irrigation water resources net being available, which can achieve the rational allocation and efficient utilization of limited water resources, and maximize the economic, social, and environmental benefits.(4) Based on the field experiment in the study area, water-saving irrigation system which is suitable for the main crops (wheat, grapes) in high efficiency water use projects was analyzed. That is winter-wheat ground border irrigation for three times(winter water, jointing water, heading stage)in the normal river flow year, which irrigation amount was 675 m3/hm2 each time and the irrigation quota was 2025 m3/hm2 in the whole growth period, and the irrigation quota of the grape was 1200 m3/hm2 in the normal river flow year, of which the sap flow period, the new shoot growth period, the young fruit growth period, the branches and tendrils mature period were watered 300 m3/hm2 respectively.(5) In order to solve the existing problems in agricultural water resources management, operation and management mechanism of the modern high efficiency water, calculation of agricultural water price and corresponding management policies were explored, through field investigation, analysis of relevant data at home and abroad.The purpose of the study is to provide new ideas and methods for the utilization and management of water resources, the efficient utilization of agricultural resources in Longkou City. Therefore, the research has important theoretical value and practical application in sustainable economic development of Longkou city.


