

Study on Ethical Problems of Mass Media in Idols Shaping

【作者】 尹金凤

【导师】 李伦;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 偶像在人类生活中起着举足轻重的作用,历代社会都十分重视偶像的塑造。由于社会状况的不同,偶像塑造的主体各有不同。在传统社会,官方一直是塑造偶像的主体,到了信息化的现代社会,大众媒介在偶像塑造中异军突起,成为掌握塑造偶像话语霸权的主要力量。大众媒介在现代偶像塑造方面发挥了积极作用,但是,大众媒介在偶像塑造过程中也出现了许多亟待解决的问题,如物化、娱乐化、低俗化甚至恶俗化、道德人格和道德理想缺失等。当偶像被物化为引导消费的符码,具有消费功能的偶像颠覆传统意义上作为道德标杆和精神象征的偶像,则会导致物欲得以支配人性,人类心灵缺乏人文精神的观照,助长拜金主义、享乐主义、个人主义等不良风潮。当偶像被塑造为娱乐工具及戏谑、恶搞的对象,偶像的道德人格和价值、尊严被漠视、践踏,则会导致严肃和宏大叙事遭消解,经典和崇高被解构,娱乐和轻佻成为时尚,低俗和恶俗颠覆主流和理性。受这种环境的影响,久而久之,人们的精神世界将变得异常颓废、虚无空洞,自恋的满足感会挤走理性的超越和批判,人生信仰、道德理想都将被抛至九霄云外。最终的局面将是,在这个社会里,模范成为“愚昧”的代名词,英雄是寂寞的独行者,人们很难寻得作为价值坐标、精神脊梁、道德榜样、文化信仰的偶像,对坚持社会主义核心价值观和建设社会主义精神文明造成巨大冲击。本文将大众媒介偶像塑造中出现的问题置于伦理学、传播学、新闻学和社会学等多学科视野中,对它们进行了综合性的分析解读,并提出应对性策略。本文分三部分,共七章来对以上问题进行研究。第一章为第一部分。这一章对传统偶像塑造和建国初30年的偶像塑造历史进行追溯。在原始社会,原始先民对图腾进行崇拜;奴隶氏族社会人们对祖先神进行崇拜;到了封建社会,人们对圣人和君王进行崇拜;新中国成立之后的30年内,人们先后将战斗英雄、生产模范、道德楷模、领袖人物塑造成时代偶像进行崇拜。可见,偶像是被赋予了寄托希望、指引行动、抚慰心灵等精神功能的人或物,超越性是偶像精神内涵的基本要求,超越既存、超越现存、指向“尚未存在”是人们塑造偶像的重要维度。第一章展现了传统偶像的道德教化和精神依托功能,以及传统偶像对人们信仰体系和价值体系建构的重要影响。第一章还回顾了改革开放30年以来大众媒介塑造偶像的情况。“媒介化生存”的现实状态和大众媒介强大的环境建构功能,使大众媒介得以掌握偶像塑造的话语霸权,成为当代社会塑造偶像的生力军。本文第二部分为第二章至第六章。该部分对大众媒介塑造偶像时出现的问题进行了表征分析,对深层原因进行了解读,对其消极影响进行了批判。第二章研究了偶像被物化的问题。大众媒介通过运用快感和幻觉的感觉主义策略及炫耀性消费的心理策略,将现代偶像塑造成消费偶像,物化为引导消费引领时尚的工具,偶像的价值和意义也被物化为可以计算的金钱和利益。而那些不能引导消费的精神偶像则被大众媒介冷落。大众媒介在工具理性的支配下,极度漠视偶像的情感和精神价值,在塑造偶像时缺乏对偶像的人文关怀,缺乏对人类心灵的人文观照。偶像也逐渐将物化意识内化为自觉的意识,在文化艺术活动中的本体性地位丧失,自我总体性和人格意志独立性也逐步丧失。第三章研究了偶像塑造的娱乐化问题。人类个体和社会发展需要主流的、健康的、多元的偶像,但大众媒介只热衷于采用娱乐化的类型文本,塑造单一的娱乐偶像和娱乐化偶像。他们一方面将演艺人士塑造成娱乐明星,并让其获得多元化发展,以刺激娱乐经济,获取自身利益。另一方面,采用娱乐化策略将其他行业的杰出人士或精神偶像、文化精英塑造成具有娱乐效应的“明星”,扩展社会的娱乐资源。如此一来,精神力量、道德价值、文化魅力,信仰追求都在娱乐景观中变得黯淡无光。娱乐偶像垄断着人们的精神世界,人们将在愉悦和快感的沉溺中渐渐失去超越维度和批判维度,成为“单向度的人”。第四章和第五章分别研究偶像塑造的低俗化和恶俗化问题。恶俗是低俗的极端表现形式。在现代多元文化背景中,社会不仅需要理想化偶像也需要世俗化偶像。大众媒介本应通过对偶像的神性“祛魅”,赋予现代偶像以世俗道德性,使他们能以人们喜闻乐见的方式来传播社会主义核心价值观。但他们却采用世俗的异化表现形态——低俗的方式来炒作隐私、聚焦色情,将塑像塑造成人格扭曲、尊严缺失、不具备精神号召力的庸俗个体,催生了偶像及大众由人性向动物性倒退的病症,导致了人们的价值体系、信仰体系的断裂,导致现代社会生活的日益粗俗化和道德虚无化。虚无的个体将龟缩于个人世界展开自恋,集体自恋成为时代症候。在这种时代精神状况中,大众媒介提供正常的、高雅的审美形态,已不能唤起自恋的人们对媒介内容的关注热情,而唯有极端的“丑”才能吸引人们的眼球。于是大众媒介塑造了各种病态的、怪异的、反叛的、丑陋的偶像供人们嘲讽、调侃和戏弄;还采用戏说、搞怪、恶搞等方式对文化偶像和道德英雄等进行解构;大众媒介还对恶搞文化极力推崇。在这个制造“审丑”契机的过程中,大众媒介并没有引导人们对种种病态的“丑”和恶俗的“恶搞”进行理性的品评和批判,而是引导人们对“丑”进行欣赏和把玩,引导人们对崇高、完美、神圣等进行挖苦和戏谑。这将导致人们混淆是非、善恶、美丑的界限,导致人们无法树立正确的荣辱观,这些都对人们坚持社会主义核心价值观的信仰造成冲击。而且病态的审美趣味、错误的价值判断、恶俗的行为方式等也会以颠覆正统、权威、理性与常规有序世界的方式来消解社会的整合力量。第六章论述了偶像塑造中道德人格和道德理想缺失的问题。大众媒介塑造偶像时将道德底线和道德理想置之度外:他们只遵循经济原则,而忽略了道德原则;注重偶像的经济价值,忽视挖掘偶像的精神道德价值,导致偶像道德人格缺失成为社会普遍现象。大众媒介在塑造偶像时,不仅不对失德行为谴责、鞭挞,反而助推缺乏独立道德人格的偶像炒作、对病态人格的偶像极度包容、还对缺乏道德责任感、恣意突破道德底线的偶像宽容和呵护,助长了“丑闻经济”的繁荣。这些都体现了偶像塑造中道德人格的缺失。而大众媒介在塑造偶像时道德理想的缺位不仅体现在忽视引导偶像树立道德理想,还体现为没有足够的热情去塑造能够体现崇高道德理想和卓越道德目标的“道德英雄”。缺少了道德理想追求和道德模范塑造的大众媒介偶像塑造活动,只会沦为少数利益集团获取利益的工具和手段,而无法对传播社会主义核心价值观起到积极影响,也无法建立和谐社会提供强有力的思想道德保障。本文第三部分为第七章,在客观分析、深入研究了以上问题,并全面探讨了大众媒介偶像塑造的伦理责任的基础上,本文提出了些解决问题的原则性建议:一、大众媒介应树立正确的义利观,在义与利有冲突时,坚守道义、正义,坚持社会主义核心价值观,抵制“利”的诱惑,塑造具有精神功能、道德功能和文化功能的偶像。二、用“新理性”取代工具理性对人的宰制,将价值、艺术、理想、道德等人文要素纳入偶像塑造,以便既实现工具理性的功利性目的,又实现价值理性的价值内涵,在收获经济利益时,兼顾对偶像的人文观照,避免将偶像物化成唯有经济功能和消费功能的消费偶像。三、大众媒介在塑造偶像时应自觉承担道德责任、监督责任、文化传播责任等社会责任,以避免滥用新闻自由的权利。鉴于道德力量对社会调控的特殊作用,大众媒介在塑造偶像时应格外重视道德责任。大众媒介应塑造具有高尚精神和卓越道德的偶像,引导偶像和大众长期从事能够体现良好道德风貌的活动,如社会慈善活动,以达到促使人们形成正确的价值观、财富观和社会主义荣辱观,构建与时俱进的道德体系和信仰体系的目的。四、大众媒介应塑造多元偶像如道德英雄、行业精英等,让道德英雄、文化偶像重现道德文化魅力,让行业精英焕发出精神力量、榜样力量,来改变偶像塑造单一化的局面,最终打破娱乐偶像和娱乐化偶像对人们精神世界的垄断。惟其如此,大众媒介塑造的偶像才能引领社会道德风尚,体现时代精神,丰富人们文化生活,为坚持社会主义核心价值观、建设社会主义精神文明做出积极贡献。

【Abstract】 Idols play an important role in human life. Each past dynasty attaches great importance to create idols. On account of the different social situation, the main forces of idols shape are different. In traditional society, the official has been the main force to shape idols, but to the modern information-based society, the mass media has risen being the main force to master the supremacy of shaping idols. The mass media played an active role in shaping the modern idols, but there also have appeared many burning problems, such as materialization, entertainment, vulgarization and even degeneration, moral character and ideals’deficiency.That the idol was materialized as the leading symbol of consumption, with the idols of consumption function as a subversion of traditional moral and spiritual symbol of idol benchmark, it would result in material desire to dominate humanity, the human mind lacking of humanistic spirit witnessing, encouraging money worship, pleasure-seeking, individualism and other undesirable trends. When the idol is shaped as entertainment tools or playful objects, and their moral character, moral values and dignity are ignored and trampled, it will lead to the digestion of seriousness and grand narrative, classic and sublimity being deconstructed, entertainment and frivolousness as fashion, vulgarity and degeneration instead of elegant. Over time, people’s spiritual world will become very decadent, nothing empty. Their narcissistic satisfaction will crowd out the rational transcendence and criticism, and their life faith and moral ideal will be thrown to the winds. The ultimate situation would be that in this society, a model becomes the pronoun of "ignorance", and a hero is a lonely loner. It is hard to find a coordinate as the spiritual backbone, cultural and benchmarking icon, which impacts tremendous on the socialist core values and socialist spiritual civilization construction. This article will place the issues appearing in the mass media idols shape under the multidisciplinary perspective of ethics, communicology, journalism and sociology, carry out a comprehensive interpretation and analysis, and raise the coping strategy. This article is divided into three parts, seven chapters to the above issues.The first chapter is the first part. This chapter traced the source of the traditional idols shape and the idols shape at the beginning of 30 years, which showed the traditional idols’moral education and spiritual support functions, as well as the traditional images’significant affect on the construction of people’s belief systems and value systems. The first chapter also reviewed the situation of the mass media idols shape in the 30 years since reform and opening. It regarded that the mass media held the hegemony of idols shape in contemporary society, deconstructed gradually the idols’ mental function in the course of shaping idols, and molded the idols into entertainment symbols and consumption tools, which made a macro-explanation to background for the later analysis of the problems appeared in the mass media idols shape. The second part is ChapterⅡto Chapter VI. This part analyzed the symptoms of idols shape, interpreted the underlying reasons and criticized the negative impacts.Chapter II analyzed the materialized idols problem. Using the feeling strategy of pleasure and fantasy and the psychological strategy of conspicuous consumption, the mass media molded modern idols into consumption icons and materialized them as tools guiding consumption and fashion. However, those spirit idols who could not guide consumption were left out. The mass media, under the control of the instrumental rationality, disregarded extremely the emotional and spiritual value of idols, lacked humanistic care on the idols, and lacked witnessing on the human soul. Idols also internalized the materialized awareness into conscious awareness gradually. Their ontological status in the cultural and artistic activities was lost, and their self-totality and personal independence were gradually losing.Chapter III discussed the homogenization problem in idols shape. Human individuals and social development require diverse icons, but the mass media is only interested in the text of entertainment type, and creates homogenized entertainment idols. One hand, they molded performers into the entertainment stars, and allowed them access to diversified development, to stimulate the entertainment economy and benefit themselves. On the other hand, employing the entertainment strategy, they shaped the distinguished, the spirit icons or the cultural elites from other industries into the " stars " with entertainment effect, and expanded social recreational resources. In this way, spirit power, moral values, cultural charm, belief and pursuit become bleak in entertainment landscape. Entertainment idols have monopolized people’s spiritual world. People, indulging in the pleasure and delight, will gradually loss transcendent and critical dimensions, and become a "one dimensional man"Chapters IV and V analyzed respectively the vulgarization and degeneration problem in idols shape. Degeneration is an extreme manifestation of vulgarity. In modern multi-cultural background, society needs not only idealized idols but secular ones. The mass media could "disenchant" idols’divinity to endow the modern idols with secular morality. However, they employed secular alienated manifestation-vulgar ways to speculate privacy and focus on pornography. They shaped idols as vulgar individuals of character distorted, dignity missing, and lack of spirit appeal, gave birth to the disease of idols and the public regressing from human to animal, leading to chaos of people’s value and belief system, their spiritual world into nothingness, and eventually holing up in their individual world starting narcissism. Collective narcissism becomes the times’ symptom. At this point, only extreme " ugly" can arouse narcissistic people’s enthusiasm to pay attention to media content. Therefore, the mass media supplied the various morbid, weird, rebellious, ignorant, decadent and ugly idols for people to taunt, ridicule and tease; and they employed ways of parody, funny and jokes to deconstruct cultural icons and moral heroes, mock and banter loftiness, perfection and divinity. In the process of manufacture "ugliness", the mass media did not lead people to comment and criticize the "ugly" rationally, but guide people to enjoy and appreciate the "ugly", leading the "ugliness" in idols shape towards the "degeneration". While people obtained the pleasure of excitement, outlet and carnival in the process of the "ugliness", they were lured gradually to recognize the ugly, morbid and vulgar values, aesthetic tastes and behavior.Chapter VI discussed the issue of the moral character and ideal missing in idols shape. The mass media only follow the economic principles to shape idols, while ignoring the moral principles; they focus on the economic value of idols, ignore to excavate idols’spiritual and moral value, disregard idols’ misconduct problem and neglect the shape of idols’moral personality and the guidance of idols’moral ideal. The mass media will not condemn the idols that lack independent moral character, or have psychopathic personality, but to help them hype and raise their prestige; they also show great tolerance and love to those idols that lack moral responsibility and break the moral bottom line wantonly. The mass media’s deficiency of moral ideal in molding idols is embodied in not only ignoring to guide icons to set moral ideal, but also lacking enough enthusiasm to shape a moral idol that reflect the high moral ideals and superior moral goals. The third part is ChapterⅦ. This chapter proposed some principled proposals based on objective analysis and deep study above problems:I. The mass media should establish correct righteousness and benefit view. When justice and benefit are in conflict, they should make correct value choice, adhere to morality and justice and boycott the temptation of "benefit"Ⅱ. The mass media should employ "new rationality" to replace the tool sense of human domination, bring humanity elements, such as value, art, ideals, ethics, into idols shape, to achieve both tool sense’s utilitarian purpose and value connotation of value rationality, namely obtaining economic interests balance on humanistic contemplation on idols, avoiding materializing idols as consumption idol only having economic functions and consumption functions.Ⅲ. The mass media should establish social responsibility consciousness. When they shape idols, they should take responsibility of morality, supervision and culture communication, avoiding abusing press freedom rights.Ⅳ. Whereas moral power’s special role in social regulation, the mass media should pay extra attention to moral responsibility in idols shape. They should mold idols having noble spirit and excellent morality, guide idols and the mass long engaged in the activities that can reflect good moral scenes, like social charitable activities, and achieve the goal of prompting people to form correct values, wealth concept and socialist honor and constructing the moral and belief system which keep up with the times. V. The mass media should shape pluralistic idols like moral heroes, industry elites etc, let moral heroes and cultural idols reproduce their moral cultural charm, and make industry elites radiate moral fiber and force of examples, to break the homogenized situation of idols shape, and finally to break the situation that entertainment idols monopolize on people’s spiritual world. Only in this way, the mass media idols shape may guide people’s moral spirit, enrich people’s cultural life, promote economic prosperity, and make active contribution to socialism core values and construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

【关键词】 偶像偶像塑造伦理大众媒介
【Key words】 IdolIdols ShapeEthicMass Media

