

A Research on the Adverbs in Sanyan

【作者】 张振羽

【导师】 蒋冀骋;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 明代冯梦龙的白话小说集《三言》在汉语史及汉语方言史研究上具有重大的研究价值。本文以《三言》为主要语料,以其中的副词为考察对象,将共时的描写与历时的比较相结合,副词系统的考察与典型副词演变的个案研究相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合,在穷尽性描写的基础上,着重探讨以下几个方面的问题:《三言》的副词系统是怎样的?《三言》的副词有何特色?《三言》副词新义的产生有什么特点?《三言》副词的聚合关系发生了怎样的发展演变?《三言》副词在来源上与共同语副词有什么共同点和差异?方言副词的语法化到底有什么较为特殊的规律?希望通过本文的研究,勾勒出近代汉语晚期副词系统的整体面貌,揭示出汉语(包括方言)副词形成、发展、演变的一般规律与特殊规律,丰富和完善当前的语法化理论。全文包括五部分,主要内容如下:第一章,绪论。这一部分对副词的一些基本问题进行了讨论,并提出了自己的看法;对近二十年来汉语副词的研究概况进行了简要的回顾,指出了学者们在汉语副词研究上所取得的成果以及存在的不足;简要介绍了《三言》作为近代白话小说所具有的通俗的语言特点以及《三言》的语言学研究情况,揭示了《三言》的汉语史研究价值;指出了《三言》副词的研究意义与研究方法;最后还谈及了《三言》的版本等相关问题。第二章,《三言》副词系统的分类描写及其发展。本章对《三言》的副词系统进行了全面的描写和勾勒。在充分吸收学者们在副词基本问题的研究方面所取得成果的基础上,本章把《三言》副词分为六个次类:范围副词、程度副词、时间副词、否定副词、情状方式副词、语气副词。根据副词出现的时代,又把每一类副词分为上、中古和近代两个部分。在对每个副词次类进行描写时,详近代汉语副词而略上、中古汉语副词。在前面描写的基础上,本章末尾对《三言》副词系统及其发展演变的特点进行了总结。第三章,《三言》副词的词义系统与常用副词的发展演变。《三言》副词的一词多义现象相当普遍,这些多义副词的某些新义项往往产生并使用于少数方言特别是吴方言中,具有浓厚的方言色彩。本章第一节从《三言》中选取了“毕竟、端的、漫、一时、辄、转、总”等多义副词,尝试对它们在《三言》出现的各个义项的来源及形成过程加以考察,试图理清这些多项副词各个义项之间的内在联系,从而揭示出多项副词的意义系统及其方言新义产生的独特方式。附加法是《三言》副词的一种重要构词方式。在《三言》众多的副词词尾中,副词词尾“则”还没有引起学界的广泛关注和认可。第二节对近代汉语副词词尾“则”的来源作了考察,并对近代汉语“-则”类副词的发展演变情况作了调查。最近几十年来,常用词的演变研究已经引起了广泛的关注,但学者们往往只侧重于常用实词的研究,对常用副词的系统演变研究却有所忽视。在对《三言》副词整体把握的基础上,第三节我们选取了“不成、难道”,“动、动辄、动不动”,“凡、共、通共、总共”,“好生、好不、好好”,“偏、偏偏、偏生”,“尤、尤其”等六组副词,对每组副词的演变兴替情况进行了尝试性的系统研究。我们希望通过这样的考察,从中窥探到汉语副词系统演变的某些规律。第四章,《三言》方言副词的来源及其发展。这一章是本文的重点所在。作为一部具有浓厚方言色彩的明代白话小说,其中的俗词俚语俯拾皆是,尤以吴方言俗语词为多。本章我们利用吴语文献较为丰富的优势,选择了若干具有浓厚方言色彩、特别是吴语色彩的副词,对其来源作了尝试性的探讨。这些副词是:不常、趁常、大分、多分、怪见、好道、可知、烂、流水、难说、恰正、生、特骨、忒也、一径、有心、再三再四、早是、终不然、做定。通过对这二十来个方言副词的来源所作的全面系统的考察,我们得到了方言副词形成的一些规律性的认识:一,共同语副词和方言副词之间虽然有差别,但这些差别毕竟只是共同语与方言的差别,二者只能是大同小异的关系。二,《三言》中许多方言副词并不是由实词直接虚化而来的,而是通过类同引申(或曰同步引申、相因生义),在其他词的类推下产生出新的副词义,如“不常、好道”等。三,副词的类化构词现象较为普遍,如“趁常”就是“趁时”的类化,“难说”就是“难道”的类化。四,有些副词是由于语音的变化而造成的音近通用,只不过是同一个副词的不同书写形式。如“忒也”、“特骨”等。五,有些方言副词的形成与修辞、文化等因素的影响密切相关。前者典型的例子如“流水”等,后者典型的例子如“做定”、“三不知”等。结语部分对全文进行了总结,得出结论。

【Abstract】 Feng Meng-long’s Sanyan, a vernacular fiction collection in the Ming Dynasty, is of great research value of the history of Chinese, in particular, of Chinese dialects history. This thesis uses Sanyan as the main corpus and studies the adverbs in it. Combination of diachronic study with synchronic study, the study of the adverb system with the case study of the evolution of typical adverbs, static description with inductive analysis is used to explore the following issues on the basis of an exhaustive description of the adverbs, which are these: what is the adverb system of Sanyan? What are the characteristics of the adverbs in Sanyan? What are the characteristics of the emergence of new adverbs’meaning? How does the evolution of the aggregation relation of the adverbs in Sanyan occur? What are the similarities and differences between the dialectic adverbs in Sanyan and the common language ones at that time on the source issue? What are special laws of the grammaticalization of the dialectic adverbs? We hope to outline the main appearance of the adverb system in late Modern Chinese through the study of this thesis and to reveal the general laws and special laws of the formation, development,evolution of Chinese (including dialects) adverbs, so as to enrich and improve the current theory of grammaticalization.The whole thesis consists of five parts, the main contents are as follows:ChapterⅠIntroductionIn this section we discuss some basic issues about adverbs, and put forward our views. Briefly review the study survey of Chinese adverbs for the past two decades and point out their research achievements as well as shortcomings of scholars in the study of Chinese adverbs. Briefly introduce the characteristics of Sanyan as the Old Mandarin Chinese vernacular novels written in simple language and the linguistic study conditions, and fully affirm the research value of Chinese history of Sanyan. Point out the significance and methods of the study of the adverbs in Sanyan. Talk about the version of Sanyan and other related issues in the end.ChapterⅡClassified description and development of the adverb system in SanyanIn this section we comprehensively describe and outline the adverb system of Sanyan. This chapter fully absorb the research achievements in the study of the basic issues about adverbs by the language scholars. On this basis, we divide the adverbs in Sanyan into six sub-categories, i.e. scope adverb, degree adverb, time adverb, nagative adverb, manner adverb, modal adverb. Each type of adverbs are divided into two parts, i.e. Ancient and Middle Chinese adverbs or Old Mandarin Chinese adverbs according their appearance time. In sub-category description of adverb, we make a detailed description of the adverbs in Old Mandarin Chinese and a rough description of those in Ancient and Middle Chinese. Based on the previous description, the characteristics of the adverb system in Sanyan and its evolution and development are pointed out in the summary.ChapterⅢThe evolution of the adverb semantic system and common adverbs in SanyanThe polysemy of the common language adverbs in Sanyan was a common phenomenon. The new items of these polysemous adverbs tended to produce and be used in a small number of dialects especially in Wu dialect, hence, they had a strong dialect color. Some polysemous adverbs, such as "bijing"(毕竟), "duande"(端的),"man"(漫),"yishi"(一时),"zhe"((辄),"zhuan"(转), "zong"(总), etc. are chosen from Sanyan in the first section of this chapter. We try to inspect the souce and formation process of all their meanings appearing in Sanyan so as to sort out the intrinsic link between these items and reveal the semantic system of the polysemous adverbs and the unique formation mode of their new dialectic sense.Additional way is an important word-building approach of the adverbs in Sanyan. Among the many suffixes in Sanyan, the adverb suffix "ze"(则) has not yet attracted the attention and widely been recognized by scholars. SectionⅡstudies the souce of the adverb suffix "ze" and the development of ze-type adverbs in Old Mandarin Chinese.The evolution research of the common words has attracted wide attention in recent decades, however, scholars have often only focused on the study of popular notional words, yet neglected that of common adverbs. On the basis of the overall grasp of the adverbs in Sanyan, we choose six groups of adverbs, ie. "bucheng(不成), nandao(难道)"; "dong(动), dongzhe(动辄), dongbudong(动不动)"; "fan(凡), gong(共), tonggong(通共), zonggong(总共)"; "haosheng(好生), haobu(好不), haohao(好好)"; "pian(偏), pianpian(偏偏), piansheng(偏生)"; "you(尤), youqi(尤其)", to make a tentative system study on the evolution of each group. We hope to get a glimpse into the evolution law of Chinese adverb system through these examinations. Chapter IV The souce and the development of the dialectic adverbs in SanyanThis chapter is the focus of this thesis. As a vernacular fiction with a strong dialect color in the Ming Dynasty, slangy words abounded in it, especially the Wu dialect slangy words. In this chapter, we should use the advantages of abundant Wu dialectic literatures and select some adverbs with a strong Wu dialect color to explore their source. These dialectic adverbs are:"buchang"(不常), "chenchang"(趁常),"dafen"(大分), "duofen"(多分), "guaijian"(怪见), "haodao"(好道), "kezhi"(可知),"lan"(烂), "liushui"(流水), "nanshuo"(难说), "qiazheng"(恰正), "sheng"(生),"tegu"(特骨), "teye"(忒也),"yijing"((一径), "youxin"(有心), "zaisanzaisi"(再三再四),"zaoshi"(早是), "zhongburan"(终不然), "zuoding"(做定), etc. We have found some rules of the formation of dialectic adverbs through the comprehensive and systematic examination of the souces of these dialectic adverbs:1. Although there are differences between the common language adverbs and the dialectic ones, these differences are just between the common language and dialects.2. Many dialectic adverbs in Sanyan were not grammaticalized directly from the notional words, however, the new adverb meanings came from the similarity derivation(or synchronous derivation, accompanying derivation) and the analogy of other words, such as "buchang", "haodao", etc.3. Adverb class of the phenomenon of generalization word-formation of adverbs is very common. For example, "chenchang" was the generalization of "chenshi"(趁时), "nanshuo", was the generalization of "nandao"(难道).4. Some of adverbs have the same usage due to changes in pronunciation. They were just some different written forms of one adverb, such as "teye", "tegu", etc.5. The formation of some dialectic adverbs is closely related to the influence of rhetoric, culture and other factors "Liushui" is the typical example of the former is "liushui", and those of the latter are "zuoding" and "sanbuzhi"Conclusion section is a summary and the conclusion of the thesis.

【关键词】 三言副词吴语方言来源
【Key words】 SanyanadverbWuyudialectsouce

