

The Self-education Character of Chinese Text Interpretation

【作者】 王建峰

【导师】 周庆元;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 文本解读是语文文本教育功能得以实现的基本保障,文本解读活动是语文教学活动的一个基本形式。本论文主要通过文献分析、比较研究、案例分析和学理阐释等方法,从哲学解释学的视角,发现了语文文本解读的自我教育性格。论文的基本写作思路是:梳理1949年以来语文文本解读的基本状况,归纳出建国后语文文本解读的三种形态,分析出三种形态的基本特点和出现的偏差,总结出三种形态共同的教育影响是学生自我的扭曲。通过对古今中外语文文本解读理论与实践的研究,发现凸显学生自我是它们的共同特点,从而为语文文本解读的自我教育性格提供历史和比较的佐证。然后通过对内部机理的分析,确证语文文本解读的自我教育性格。最后从目的、内容和方法三个方面论述了语文文本解读过程中应该如何进行学生的自我教育。全文分为五章。第一章,导论。主要从研究缘起与意义、文献综述、研究的问题与基本假设、概念约定、研究方法与研究设计等方面来介绍论文的基本情况。第二章,疏离自我:1949年后语文文本解读的实然状况。本章主要对语文文本解读进行历史研究。通过对建国以来实然语文文本解读的状况进行历史的梳理,将其归纳为建国初政治教化取向的语文文本解读、新时期知识能力取向的语文文本解读和新世纪人文素养取向的语文文本解读三种形态,并对每种形态的解读从目的、内容、方法和解读影响这几个维度展开分析阐述。建国初政治教化取向的语文文本解读,在解读目的上以进行思想政治教育为旨归,在解读内容上以挖掘主题思想为中心,在解读方法上以社会学、文章学文本解读法和教师讲授为主的教学方法结合,这种解读将学生塑造为一种丧失了自我个性的“社会人”;新时期知识能力取向的语文文本解读,在解读目的上以让学生获取知识能力为指向,在解读内容上以解析文本形式为中心,在解读方法上以文章学、语义学文本解读法和师导生练的教学方法相结合,这种解读将学生训练为一种自我异化的“工具人”;新世纪人文素养取向的语文文本解读,虽然在解读目的上指向了提高学生人文素养和发展学生个性,但由于在解读内容上主要以让学生过度阐发文本人文内涵为中心,在解读方法上主要采用的是接受美学和解构主义文本解读法和学生讨论发言为主的教学法,实际上却让学生成为一种自我平庸化的“浮躁人”。总之,建国以来的语文文本解读都在某种程度上偏离了学生自我的健全发展。尽管这三种形态的解读特征各异,给学生的自我发展造成的影响也各不相同,但从哲学解释学的视角看,都有一个共同的特点,即将学生自我与文本的深层意蕴疏离开来,这是它们都在不同程度上造成学生自我扭曲的共同原因。第三章,凸显自我:古今中外语文文本解读的必然镜鉴。本章主要对古今中外的语文文本解读理论与实践展开比较研究。尽管我国古代的语文文本解读在某些方面有着尊经、信师、本义等特点,但大量丰富的著述资料表明它同时也有着重视学生自我的主体性能动参与的优良传统,最突出的表现就是非常强调学生在解读过程中的“自得”与“内悟”。主要体现在以下读书理论和方法中:庄子、王弼的“得意忘言”解读法;孟子的“深造自得”与“以意逆志”解读法;朱熹的“唤醒体验—浃洽兴起”解读法。另外,以“悟”为核心的禅宗拈花指月式的解读方式,宋代的读书“心解”传统和我国古代读书和教学最常用的诵读法等也都是很好的体现。我国近代的语文文本解读主要在“五四”时期凸显了学生自我,胡适、叶圣陶、孟宪承、朱经农、王森然等人的相关著述,以及当时的几个语文课程标准都强调了让学生自己自由解读、重视学生自我在解读中的主体地位的思想。而三、四十年代叶圣陶、许寿裳、傅彬然等人则指出了如何让学生自我参与到文本解读之中。无独有偶,美国、日本、英国、法国、德国等一些教育较为发达的国家的母语文本解读也都凸显了学生自我。其中,美国的母语文本解读特别强调了学生的个体差异与自我发展;日本的母语文本解读则特别重视学生自我在其中的自主与独立;而英、法、德等国家的母语文本解读则大都强调了学生自我的能动参与和自我思考。古今中外大量的语文文本解读理论和实践表明,凸显学生自我是语文文本解读实现其促进学生自我发展教育功能的内在要求。第四章,教育自我:哲学解释学视角下语文文本解读的本然机理。本章主要立足于哲学解释学对语文文本解读展开原理研究。语文文本解读之所以凸显学生自我,是因为它要真正实现其育人功能,必须遵循文本解读的内在规律依靠学生自我的自主能动的参与。哲学解释学作为一门专门研究理解和解释现象的比较成熟的理论,为我们提供了学理的依据和支撑。从这一理论视角去审视语文文本解读活动,我们发现本然的语文文本解读过程实际上是一个让学生在其中教育自我的过程:体验与反思让学生在语文文本解读中反观自我、认识自我;视域融合与解释循环让学生在语文文本解读中提升自我、超越自我;理解的应用让学生在语文文本解读中造就自我、实现自我。可以说,哲学解释学视角下的语文文本解读具有一种自我教育的性格。第五章,自我教育:语文文本解读的应然追求。本章主要对语文文本解读展开应用研究。虽然哲学解释学意义上的语文文本解读具有一种让学生在其中进行自我教育的内在性格,但由于学生自身知识、能力、兴趣等“前理解”的限制,这种自我教育在实然语文文本解读中并不会自然发生,它需要教师在遵循上述规律的前提下,给学生以合理恰当的引导。为此,本论文提出语文文本解读教学应该采取如下做法:在解读目的上以学生的自我发展为指向;在解读内容上以学生自主建构文本意义为中心;在文本解读方法论上以哲学解释学为基础,在解读教学方法上以对话为基本的教学方法。在具体的教学对话中,教师可作出如下努力:精心设问“激疑”,引发学生在解读中的体验与反思;激活学生“前见”,促进学生与文本间深度视域融合的发生;引导学生在解读中不断地返回自身,实现理解的应用。

【Abstract】 Text Interpretation offers the basic guarantee to achieve the educational function of Chinese text. Text interpretation is one of the basic forms of the Chinese teaching and learning activity. The thesis finds out the self-education character of Chinese text interpretation from philosophical hermeneutics perspective through the research methods of literature analysis, comparative studies, case analysis, and theoretical interpretation and so on. The main writing route of this thesis is to analyze the basic situation of Chinese text interpretation since 1949, to generalize the three patterns of Chinese text interpretation after liberation, to find out the basic characteristics and divergence of three patterns, and then to sum up that the common educational impact is the self-distortion of the students. By the studies of theories and practices on mother language text interpretation in ancient, modern China and foreign countries, this thesis also finds out that to highlight the student-self is the common characteristics of them, thus to offer the historical and comparative evidences for the self-education character of Chinese text interpretation. And then, by the analysis of the internal mechanism, the thesis confirms the self-education character of Chinese text interpretation. In the end, the thesis dissertates how to carry on the self-education of the students in the Chinese text interpretation from three aspects of purposes, content, and methods.The thesis consists of five chapters.Chapter One:Introduction. It is mainly about the origin and significance of the research, literature review, the research problems and the basic assumption, the convention of concepts, research methods and research designs so as to introduce the basic situation of the paper.Chapter Two:to deviate from the self-the real-ran status of Chinese text interpretation after 1949. This chapter mainly concerns the historical studies about the Chinese text interpretation. The historical real-ran status of Chinese text interpretation after liberation is divided into three stages: political indoctrination orientation before reform and opening up; knowledge and ability orientation in the new era; humanity literacy orientation in the new century. All of which are analyzed and explained in the dimensions of aims, content, methods and impacts. The Chinese text interpretation of political indoctrination orientation before reform and opening up to carry out ideological and political education as the interpretation purpose, to explore the main idea as the central task of interpretation content, to combine the text interpreting methods of sociology, article study with lecture-based teaching method, which shapes the students as the "social persons" whose personality has been lost. The Chinese text interpretation of knowledge and ability orientation in the new era allows the students to gain knowledge and ability as the interpretation purpose, to analyze the forms of text as the central task of interpretation content, to combine the text interpretation methods of article study, semantics with teacher-directed practice, which trains the students as self-alienation "tool man". The Chinese text interpretation of humanity literacy orientation in the new century focuses on the improvement of the students’humanity literacy and personality, but it pursues the text novelty meaning as the main task of interpretation content and it chiefly adopts the text interpretation methods of reception aesthetics, deconstruction and the seminars, which actually makes the students as self mediocre "impetuous person". In short, three forms of Chinese text interpretations all deviate from the healthy comprehensive development of the student-self to some extend. Although the features of the three forms of interpretation vary, and the impacts on the students’ self-development are different, but they have a common feature from the philosophical hermeneutics perspective to separate the student-self from the deep implication of the text, which is the common reason why they lead to distortion of the student-self. Chapter Three:to highlight the self-the evitable enlightenment from the mother language text interpretation in the ancient, modern China and foreign countries. This chapter is chiefly the comparative studies on the theories and practice of the mother language text interpretation in the ancient, modern China and foreign countries. Although the ancient Chinese text interpretation in China has the characteristics of respecting classics, believing teachers, inquiring for the original meaning of the text, but abundance of writing data shows that it also pays more attention to the tradition of the students’active dynamic performance. The most predominant is to emphasize on the students’"self-achievement" and "introspection" which are mainly reflected in the following reading theories and methods:Zhuang-tzu and Wang Bi’s "to prefer the connotation to the external language" interpretation method; Meng-tzu’s "self-achievement by hard study" and "to empathize for the initial meaning "interpretation method; Zhu Xi’s "wake-up, experience, gnosis, spring-up " interpretation method. In addition, the interpretation method of "Zen style of pick-up-flower and point-to-the-moon" focus on "introspection", the tradition of "interpretation in mind" in Song Dynasty, chant reading and so on are all the better methods. The student-self stands out in "May 4" period in modern China, the related works of Hu Shi, Ye Shengtao, Meng Xiancheng, Zhu Jingnong, Wang Senran and several Chinese curriculum documents at that time all emphasize on the students’ free interpretation and the dominative position of the student-self in the interpretation. And in the 1930s and 1940s, Ye Shengtao, Xu Shoushang, Fu Binran all indicate how to make the student-self participate in the text interpretation. Coincidentally, America, Japan, Britain, France, and Germany and several other more developed countries in education also highlight the student-self in the mother language text interpretation. Among them, the mother language text interpretation in America particularly emphasizes on the students’individual differences and self-development; while the mother language text interpretation in Japan stresses the self-autonomy and independence of the student-self; and the mother language text interpretation in Britain, France, and Germany mostly emphasizes the active participation and self-reflection of the student-self. Lots of theories and practice on text interpretation in ancient, modern China and foreign countries indicate that to highlight the student-self is the inherent requirement for the Chinese text interpretation to realize the function to promote the students’self-development.Chapter Four:to educate the self-the internal mechanism of Chinese text interpretation from the philosophical hermeneutics perspective. This chapter mainly discusses the principles of the Chinese text interpretation based on the philosophical hermeneutics. The Chinese text interpretation highlights the student-self, because to realize its function of educating people, it must abide by the inherent laws of the text interpretation and rely on the dependent dynamic participation of the student-self. As a set of specialized more perfect theories to study how to understand and explain the phenomenon, the philosophical hermeneutics provides theoretical basis and support for us. To examine the Chinese text interpretation activities from this theoretical perspective, we find that the authentic procedure of the Chinese text interpretation is actually a process of the self-education for the students:experience and reflection to enable students to introspect and recognize the self in the Chinese text interpretation; the fusion of horizons and hermeneutic cycle enable the students to promote and the self in the Chinese text interpretation. The application of the understanding enables the students to achieve the self-creation and self-realization in the Chinese text interpretation. So it could be said that the Chinese text interpretation from the philosophical hermeneutics has the character of the self-education.Chapter Five:Self-education-the pursued personality of the Chinese text interpretation. This chapter is mainly about the application of Chinese text interpretation. Although the Chinese text interpretation in the sense of the philosophical hermeneutics has an inherent character which enable students to carry out their self-education, but this kind of self-education in the real interpretation situation does not occur naturally because of the students’prepared knowledge, abilities and interests and other "pre-understanding" restrictions, and it requires teachers to follow the premise of the laws and give the students reasonable proper guidance, this paper concludes that the instruction on Chinese text interpretation should take the measures as following:to take the self-development of the students as the interpretation purpose; to focus on the self-construction of text meaning by the students in the interpretation content; to take the philosophical hermeneutics as the methodology and to take the form of dialogue as the basic teaching methods. In specific teaching dialogue, teachers should make the following efforts:to initiate the students’experience and introspection by designing the questions elaborately to "stimulate their curiosity"; to activate the students’ "pre-seeing" to promote the occurrence of deep fusion of horizons between their understanding and the text; To guide students to look back at themselves constantly in interpretation so as to achieve the application of understanding.


