

On Zhang Fang’s Philanthropy

【作者】 何旭娟

【导师】 周秋光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 张钫是辛亥革命元老、著名爱国民主人士、民国时期豫陕地区享有盛名的军事家、慈善家。他早年毕业于保定陆军速成学堂,曾牵头策划、组织辛亥革命西安起义,先后担任河南省政府建设厅厅长、省赈务委员会主席、省政府代理主席、国民政府军事参议院副院长等职。他为官一生、身居高位,却又一生行善、热心公益,其慈善活动涉及赈灾、教育、文化等各个领域,被河南灾民誉为“老家长”。目前史学界对于张钫的研究还很薄弱,其慈善事业研究更无人涉及。研究张钫的慈善事业,不仅可以对张钫在河南、陕西地区近代慈善事业发展中的地位和贡献作出客观、公正的评价,弥补慈善史研究的不足,而且对当今我国慈善公益事业的发展也具有积极的现实意义。全文包括绪论、正文和结语等七个部分。绪论部分阐述了选题的缘起、研究意义、研究现状与资料选择,并提出本文的研究思路、研究方法和主要创新之处。第一章主要记述张钫的家世与生平,介绍他从青少年时代的辗转求学到投身革命、开始军政生涯、宦海沉浮几十载的坎坷人生。第二章分析张钫从事慈善事业的原因。主要从传统文化与中西教育的泽润、军政生涯的影响、社会现实的需要等三个方面,梳理了张钫投身慈善事业、救百姓于水深火热之中的主要原因。第三章阐述张钫的慈善活动经历。一是灾荒救济,具体介绍张钫在1929年河南大旱的救济活动、1942年豫西大旱的救济活动以及1944年黄河决口及河南沦陷后的救济活动;二是慈善教育,包括创办各级学校、发展社会教育、扶持河南大学、资助青年学生等;三是其他公益活动,如建立千唐志斋、收集保护文物、捐资刻印古籍、保护民族文化等。第四章分析张钫的慈善理念、运作方式及特征。分析、归纳了张钫“实业为基”、“官义结合”、“养教并重”的慈善理念,从兴办实业、筹集资金、组建机构等三个方面对张钫的慈善事业的运作方式进行了分析,提出张钫的慈善事业具有内容形式多样化、运作机制长效化、力量支持多元化的特征。第五章是对张钫慈善事业的评价。张钫慈善事业产生了三个方面的积极影响:一是在一定程度上缓解了社会矛盾、稳定了社会秩序;二是在一定程度上推动了社会发展和进步;三是促进了豫陕地区慈善事业的近代化。与此同时,张钫的慈善事业也存在两个方面的不足:一是慈善救助理念具有一定的局限性;二是慈善事业体系不够健全。结语部分论述了张钫的慈善事业对当今慈善事业的现实启示。

【Abstract】 Zhang Fang is the 1911 Revolution veteran, a well-known patriotic democratic personage, a renowned strategist and philanthropist in the Republic of China era in Henan and Shaanxi region. He graduated from the Army crash school in Baoding in his early years, and once led the planning of Xi’an uprising in the 1911 Revolution. He has served as Head of Construction Department of Henan Provincial Government, Chairman of Government Administration Committee of Henan Province, Acting Chairman of Henan Province, Vice President of the Military Services and so on. He is a dignitary who did good deeds through all his life and was lighted in charity. His charitable activities involved in disaster relief, education, culture and other fields. And he was called by disaster victims in Henan as "the dear parents". The study on Zhang Fang is still weak now in historical science, let alone the research on his philanthropy. Study on Zhang Fang’s philanthropy, can not only give an objective and unbiased assessment of Zhang Fang’s contribution and status in the development of modern philanthropy in Henan, Shaanxi province, which will make up for the lack of charity history, but also has a positive and practical significance in the development of Charities in China today.This thesis includes seven parts:introduction, five chapters and conclusion. Introduction describes the origin of the topic, research significance, research status and resources selection, and represents the research thoughts, methods and main innovations.The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter accounts Zhang Fang’s family background and his lifetime, from his young age studying in school to later joining the revolution, beginning a military and political career, ups and downs in his tens of roughly official life.The second chapter analyses the reasons of Zhang Fang’s philanthropy. Mainly from the edification on traditional culture and Western education, the influence by his military and political career, and the community needs from the society, it combs the reasons why Zhang Fang engaged himself in charities to save people from dire straits.The third chapter accounts Zhang Fang’s charity activities. The First is the famine relief, specifically introducing three disaster relief activities-- a severe drought in 1929 in Henan Province, a severe drought in Western Henan Province in 1942, and the Henan’s submergence in 1944 caused by the Yellow River burst. The second is charity’s education, founding many schools at different levels, developing social education, supporting the Henan University, and aiding young students financially. The third are some other public welfare activities, for example, building the QIANTANGZHIZHAI, collecting and protecting heritages, donating money for printing ancient books, and protecting national culture.The fourth chapter analyses Zhang Fang’s charitable philosophy, operational style and characteristics. The thesis concludes Zhang fang’s charitable philosophy--"basing on the industry, joining relief officials set and charity in one, and developing education and nursing simultaneously. It analyzes the operational style of his philanthropy from the industrial projects, raising funds and setting up institutions. It presents his philanthropy featured on the diversification of the contents and the forms, the operation mechanism of long-term and the pluralism of supporting strengths.The fifth chapter is about the evaluation of Zhang Fang’s philanthropy. The positive effects of Zhang Fang’s philanthropy mainly presented on three aspects:the first-alleviating social conflicts and stabilizing the social order; the second-promoting social development and progress; the third -- promoting the modernization process of Henan’s and Shaanxi’s philanthropy. Hpwever, there still existed some limitations presenting mainly on two aspects:the first is that his charitable philosophy is geography limited; the second is his charitable system is not very sound. The conclusion part discusses the reality enlightenment of Zhang Fang’s philanthropy to today’s charity.


