

Planning and Melancholy of Life

【作者】 龙永干

【导师】 凌宇;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 鲁迅研究历来是中国现代文学研究的热点与难点。本文试图在现有研究成果的基础上,集中对鲁迅后期的思想与生存进行一次全面深入的探讨。力求改变鲁迅后期研究相对薄弱,难于深入的状况。引论部分简略地考察了鲁迅后期思想与生存研究的历史发展,并阐述本论题研究的意义与方法。新时期以来人们的研究视点多聚焦于鲁迅的中期思想与创作,对鲁迅后期的思想虽然有过涉及,但多停留在瞿秋白《鲁迅杂感集.序言》的框架中,多聚焦“左联”时期的杂文创作及其作为“左翼战士”的意义与价值,既未将其置于鲁迅整个精神流变与命运走向中去思考,更没有从鲁迅内在精神与具体的生存层面展开论述。而本文旨在以生命哲学为指导,从鲁迅此一时期具体的境遇与体验,需求与渴念,意向与实践出发,去深入把握其后期的思想与生存。不仅意图深入把握其后期思想与生存的状况,同时也是对其整个精神脉象与生存图景的照亮。第一章主要分析鲁迅离开北京后在厦门、广州间辗转过程中的精神脉动。20年代中期,鲁迅在启蒙无效与个体生存极度紧张的境遇中,生发了“反抗绝望”的生命哲学。但就在这种生命哲学中伴生着他对当下生存的否定与拒绝。这既是出于生命社会性生存的需要,也是出于生命个体性生存的抉择。而许广平的爱,则是他出走的“一条光”。厦门是鲁迅离开北京的首站。在这里,他在“穿湿布衫”的境遇中借助叙事与回忆来驱逐生存的紧张。到广州后,他首度遭遇“革命文学”。但大革命失败让他再次坠入绝望,在“血的游戏”中“思路轰毁”。第二章主要分析鲁迅对上海这一生存空间的选择,在学术与创作上的决断,并分析了他到上海后再度遭遇“革命文学”的情形。鲁迅在“何之”问题上是十分审慎的,他最终选择了上海。同时,他放弃了“学院——学术”而选择了“社会——创作”。但鲁迅却并未放弃对学术的兴趣,而是将学术的值阈与创作的值阈予以整合,不但拓展了杂文的范围,也添增了其杂文的文化厚重感、思考的睿智感与历史穿透力。随后,他再度遭遇“革命文学”。在与“革命小将”的论战中,他深刻地认识到了进化论的偏颇与局限,并在各种作用的推动下开始调整自我的精神与心理结构,阅读、译介并接受“科学底艺术论”。第三章与第四章主要分析鲁迅在“左联”中的思想状况与生存境遇。出于外在时代主流的推动,也出于群体相与的需要,鲁迅加入了“左联”。但他一直沉郁,直到1933年才表现出“酣战”斗士的形象。他一面创作战斗性的杂文,一面却积极地从事文化启蒙的工作,渴望以此种方式重回启蒙。但鲁迅与“左联”其他成员在精神资源上的代际差异所引发的矛盾随之展开,状况急转,内战频出。鲁迅由“酣战”转为“横站”,状况甚苦。而他之所以未曾离开“左联”,则是因为加入“左联”是其自主的抉择,也是其社会性生存的一种实践。鲁迅陷入了精神的错耦,并无法将其整合。第五章主要分析鲁迅在租界化语境下的“感应”与“攻守”。鲁迅在租界殖民主义与爱国主义暖昧的心态中,贯彻着自己的理性选择,也对西方的“东方主义”与“文化救国”的各种乱相进行了应有的批判。但语境的变异,让其启蒙理性出现了无法应对的尴尬。新的生存境遇让其陷入了无法整合的耗散性焦虑之中。第六章主要论述鲁迅后期新的价值筹划的意向。鲁迅重新调整视界,召回自我,重建叙事,在租界语境以及自我精神困窘中完成了《故事新编》的写作。传统与历史的回望,让其带有对传统进行创造性转化的意向,他渴望建立一种价值还原的方式来接近传统,但不可能对传统文化进行抽象性的剥离,而只能再度在否定中超越。这种超越让其拥有了新的生命视阈,但历史及自身的局限让他无法向着新的意蕴整体进行筹划。结语部分,是整个论题内容的概括。从北京到厦门,从厦门到广州,再从广州到上海,鲁迅一直都在为自我生存进行着新的筹划。他是在寻找一种生命主体得以建构的视界,但历史与文化的局限性让其无从获取,但却启示了一种可能性。生命的终结最终让一切可能性“悬临”,时间与存在闭合,获得了最为根本的在体性,但也留下了遗憾与怆然……

【Abstract】 The research on Lu Xun has long been a hotspot and difficult point in modern Chinese literature. Based on the existing research on Lu Xun, this paper attempts to fully explore his thought and survival in his late period, and aims to improve the situation that the research on the late period of Lu Xun is relatively weak and superficial.The introduction briefly discusses the development of the research on Lu Xun’s thought and survival in his late period by the vertical time dimension, and points out the significance of this topic and the research methods. Since the last century, the researchers have focused on Lu Xun’s medium-term thoughts and works. Though they touched Lu Xun’s late ideology and survival, most of them were influenced by Qu Qiubai’s Lu Xun’s Collection, Preamble, and focused on Lu’s essay writings and the significance and value of his "soldier" image in the "Leftism" period.They did not delve into these essays by taking into account Lu Xun’s entire spiritual world and destiny changes, nor did they discuss them from the view of Lu Xun’s inner spirit and specific survival. The thesis, guided by the philosophy of life, attempts to grasp Lu Xun’s late ideas and survival from his specific situation and experience, needs and aspiration, and intention and practice in this period. Furthermore, this paper is an illustration of the development trend of his whole spiritual world and survival process. Chapter one mainly analyzes Lu Xun’s spiritual changes after he left Beijing and then moved between Xiamen and Guangzhou. In the middle of the 20th century, Lu Xun created the life philosophy of "desperate resistance" in the context of invalid enlightenment and extreme tension of individual survival. It was with this philosophy that Lu Xun denied and rejected the current survival. This was not only a need for social survival, but also a choice of individual survival. For Lu Xun, Xu Guangping’s love is "a light" guiding him to flee from Beijing. In Xiamen, the first stop after he left Beijing, he was stricken by hardship of living, and he expelled the tension by narration and memories In Guangzhou, he encountered the "revolutionary literature" for the first time, but the failure of the Great Revolution brought him into despair again, and in the "blood game" his thought of writing was suspended.Chapter two mainly analyzes Lu Xun’s choice of Shanghai as a survival place, his decision in writings and the fact that he encountered "revolutionary literature" again. Lu Xun was very prudent in the issue of "What Is" and chose Shanghai where he replaced the pattern of "academic-research" with "society-composition". However, Lu Xun did not give up his interest in academic research. He integrated the academic research with his composition, which not only expanded the scope of his essays, but also intensified the cultural depth and wisdom of thinking. Later, in the debate with the upholders of "revolutionary literature", Lu Xun realized the bias and limitation of the evolutionary theory, and thus he adjusted his spirit and thought, and began to read, translate and introduce, and accept the "Scientific Art Theory’Chapter three and four focus on Lu Xun’s ideology and living condition in the "Leftism" period. Lu Xun became a "Leftist" out of external reasons and self-needs, but he remained depressed until the year 1933, when he turned into a "pitched battle fighter". Since then, Lu Xun created militancy essays, and meanwhile he was actively engaged in the course of cultural enlightenment, longing to get "enlightenment" back in this way. However, the contradictions generated from intergenerational disputes in spiritual resources between Lu Xun and other "Leftism" members began to emerge, and soon worsened. From then on, Lu Xun changed from a "pitched battle fighter" into a "cross-station fighter", from which he suffered a lot. The reason why Lu Xun remained a "Leftist" lies in that he joined "Leftism" out of his own choice and it was a practice for social survival. Lu Xun fell into a spiritual paradox and could not solve it.Chapter five mainly analyzes Lu Xun’s "intuition" and "offensive and defensive" in the context of concessions. In the ambiguous thought of concession colonialism and patriotism, Lu Xun insisted on his own rational choice and criticized the western Orientalism and the idea of "saving the country with culture". However, the mutation of the context exerted an unsolvable embarrassment to his enlightenment ration. The new condition of survival made Lu Xun frustrated and anxious.Chapter six mainly discusses Lu Xun’s intention of creating new value in his late period. Lu Xun readjusted his horizon, recalled himself, and reconstructed the narrative pattern in writing, and completed the New Stories in the context of concessions and the depression of spirit. The retrospection to tradition and history made Lu Xun have the intention to creatively change the tradition. He was eager to establish a way of restoring value to approach tradition, which, though, could not be fulfilled.The conclusion is a summary of the whole thesis. In the process of moving from Beijing to Xiamen, Guangzhou and then Shanghai, Lu Xun kept making a new planning for self-survival. He was looking for a perspective to construct the subject of lives, but the limitations of history and culture caused the unavailability, which, however, still revealed a possibility. Finally, the end of life suspended every possibility, and the conclusion of time and existence yields the primary existence, yet meanwhile leaves regrets and sorrows.


