

The Vocational Education Curriculum Research of the Period of Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

【作者】 任平

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 职业教育课程是体现职业教育思想和目的的载体,课程目标的确定、课程内容的选择、课程实施的组织等都是直接影响职业教育发展的重要因素。肇始于晚清洋务运动时期的我国职业教育,由实业教育发展演变成职业教育,其发展过程可谓跌宕起伏,波澜壮阔。但由于当时资本主义经济发展速度缓慢、资本主义经济发展水平不高、传统的教育观念变革的不彻底、课程实施所需的条件不充分等原因,造成晚清民国时期职业教育课程实施的成效与预期的目标相差甚大,实施的效果不甚理想。尽管如此,产生于晚清时期的职业教育,在救国图存和资本主义农工商实业发展的背景下,职业教育课程的设计结合了当时的时代特点,顺应了资本主义经济发展的要求,体现了职业教育的目标和思想,具有一定的合理性,晚清民国时期的职业教育课程历史给我们留下了宝贵的财富。本文从职业教育思想、职业教育课程目标、职业教育课程内容、职业教育课程实施、职业教育课程评价等几个维度对晚清民国时期的职业教育的课程进行了历史的考察。在此基础上,结合我国当前职业教育课程改革的状况,提出了职业教育的师资培养是职业教育课程实施之本,构建具有中国特色的职业教育课程理论是职业教育课程的魂之所在,企业参与是实施职业教育课程的有效途径等几个方面的启示。职业教育思想是职业教育课程的逻辑起点,是制定和实施职业教育课程的依据。论文第一章重点分析了洋务运动时期“中学为体、西学为用”和维新时期“广开学校、振兴实学”实业教育思想以及民国时期的“唯实主义”的职业教育思想。职业教育的课程目标能否忠实体现职业教育思想是职业教育是否得以顺利发展的基础。论文第二章结合课程结构以及具体的个案,分析了晚清民国时期不同阶段的章程和学制,可以看出晚清民国时期职业教育的课程目标始终是围绕解决国家存亡、民生民计的教育目标为本,以“就业、实用”为上的课程宗旨。课程内容的选择是实现课程目标的最佳关键的因素。第三章围绕实业教育和职业教育的课程内容,讨论了主要是“西学”“西艺”“生利”“实利”的课程思想对课程内容的影响,以及在普通教育中职业教育课程内容的分析。第四章是对晚清民国时期职业教育课程的实施情况进行考察。考察从影响职业教育课程实施的人和物两个维度进行。在晚清民国时期职业教育的发展过程中,课程的实施逐步形成了以政府为主体、企业和社会积极参与的投入机制,通过聘用外国教员、兴办师范学堂、企业培养等多种途径来组织职业教育的课程实施。论文第五章是关于晚清民国时期职业教育课程的评析和启示。晚清时期的实业教育是救国图存的教育,民国时期的职业教育是一种民计民生的教育,让无业者有业的教育,虽然实业教育没有挽救清政府的命运,也没有让中华民族免受西方列强的蹂躏,实业教育也被戏称为“失业教育”,但是,实业教育中的中学为体的思想维系了整个社会价值观的维系,西学的内容促进了中国近代工业的产生和发展,实业教育课程为近代企业提供了大量的人力储备,催生了中国的现代教育制度,实业教育的课程体系奠定了我国职业教育的基础。这些都说明晚清民国时期职业教育课程对中国近代社会历史进程所起的历史作用,作者对此做了一个概览性的评析。研究历史的目的在于以史为鉴,通过对晚清民国时期职业教育课程几个维度的梳理,联系当前职业教育课程的现状,作者从职业教育师资培养的课程体系、职业教育的课程结构和校企合作的职业教育实施模式等几个方面提出了自己的一些想法,以此作为晚清民国时期职业教育课程对当下的启示。

【Abstract】 Vocational education courses are the carrier of vocational education ideas and the purpose, the determination of curriculum objectives, the selection of the curriculum contents, the organization of curriculum implementation are the important factors to direct impact on the development of vocational education. China’s vocational education began from the Westernization Movement in the late Qing dynasty; its development by the industry evolved into vocational education, its development process can be described as ups and downs, magnificent. But then the slow pace of economic development of capitalism, the capitalist economic development level is not high, the traditional concepts of education reform was not thorough, curriculum implementation of the required conditions are not sufficient and other reasons, resulting in a great difference between the desired objectives and the facts in the effectiveness of the implementation of vocational education programs and in the late Qing period of the Republic of China, the implementation of the results less than desirable. However, the vocational education arising from the late Qing dynasty, on the background of the nation survival and the capitalism Development at the China society,the design of vocational education programs combined with the time characteristics of the times, comply with the requirements of the development of the capitalist economy, reflects the of vocational education goals and ideas, with a certain degree of rationality, vocational education courses history of the late Qing period and the Republic of China has left us a valuable asset.In this paper, the history of vocational education courses of the late Qing adynasty and the Republic of China has been studied from the following dimensions such as vocational education ideas, vocational education curriculum objectives, vocational education curriculum content, and curriculum implementation of vocational education, vocational education curriculum evaluation, and several others. On this basis, combined with China’s current situation of vocational education curriculum reform, put forward some aspects of enlightenment as the deconstruction of China’s vocational education system of teacher education programs, increase rural vocational education curriculum implementation efforts and really do a good job vocational education programs such as the approach to system designVocational education ideas is the logical starting point of vocational education curriculum, is the determination and implementation of vocational education curriculum basis. The first chapter focuses on analysis of the the new educational ideas of Taiping movement, the thinking of "Confucianism for the body, Western learning for use"of the Westernization Movement, and other Industrial Education and the Republican ideology of "only real-ism"Whether vocational education curriculum goals could faithfully reflect the idea of vocational education is the key factor for the smooth development of vocational education. Chapter II binding course structure papers as well as specific cases, analyzes the different constitution and the system of vocational education in different stages during the late Qing and the Republic of China.we can see that an goal of vocational education programs in the late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China has always been around the national survival, people’s livelihood, Employment, practical of the course and so on.The choice of curriculum contents is the key factor to achieve course objectives. The curriculum thinking of "the western knowledge " "Western Culture", "revenue-producing," "real profit" are discussed mainly in Chapter III. as well as the impact to the industrial education and vocational education curriculum course content, the vocational education curriculum content implementation in general education.Chapter IV is about the inspection of the implementation of vocational education programs during the late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China, the two dimensions of inspection are the implementation objects and materials, which are the key factors to impact the implementation of vocational education programs, in the late Qing and the Republic of China,the vocation educcation curriculum implementation and gradually formed as the main body of government, enterprises and society to participate actively in the input mechanism, through the employment of foreign teachers, to establish the Normal School, corporate training and other ways to organize vocational education curriculum implementation.Chapter V is about evaluation and apocalypses to the topic. Industrial education in the late Qing period is the salvation and survival education, vocational education during the Republic is the education for the people’s livelihood and employment, although the industrial education is not to save the fate of the Qing government, nor against the Western powers ravages to the Chinese nation,the industrial education has been jokingly referred to as "unemployed education", but the ideal "Confucianism for the body "of industry education in maintain the ideological values of the whole society, the content of Western knowledge promoted the emergence and development of capital industrial in China.the industrial education courses provided a great deal of manpower for modern enterprises, and gave the birth to the China modern education system,Industrial education has laid a foundation of the vocational education curriculum system in China All these show that vocational education programs during the late Qing and the Republic played an important historical role in China’s modern processes.The purpose of the study of history is to learn from history. Through the analysis of vocational education programs of the late Qing dynasty and the Republic from several dimensions, contact the current status of vocational education programs, the author put forward some concepts of his own from the vocational education teacher training curriculum, the reality of the scene of rural vocational education, vocational education, curriculum structure and school-enterprise cooperation in vocational education.


