

A Study on the Co-occurrence of Interrogative Pronouns within Modern Chinese Clauses

【作者】 唐燕玲

【导师】 储泽祥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文选取具有代表性的25个现代汉语疑问代词作为考察对象,主要运用形式和意义相结合、结构和功能相协调、静态描写和分析归纳相融合的理论方法对现代汉语小句内疑问代词同现现象进行了考察。依据北大语料库中收集到的大量语言事实,采用统计、对比等研究方法来描写、分析现代汉语中两个或两个以上的疑问代词在小句内同现时的形式特征、同现规律、疑问用法以及非疑问用法,以揭示出现代汉语疑问代词在小句内同现时在疑问用法和非疑问用法方面所表现出的句法规律、语义特征及其语用功能。本文共分为六章。第一章是绪论。首先解释所选论题,然后简要回顾小句、现代汉语疑问代词、疑问代词同现的研究现状,指出存在的问题,提出要研究的问题,说明选题意义与价值,概述研究内容与方法,最后说明语料来源。第二章是在充分考察语料的基础上,结合数据统计,找出小句内疑问代词同现的4种同现类别及其形式特征,探究疑问代词同现的规律。这4种同现类别是:同形疑问代词连用同现、同形疑问代词隔用同现、异形疑问代词连用同现和异形疑问代词隔用同现。第一节考察了同形疑问代词连用同现的结构形式、同现次数、语体色彩、韵律特征、句法成分等。第二节是对同形疑问代词隔用同现进行考察,主要就其结构类别、配位规律、组合项类型及其关系,尤其是呼应性同现的凝合规律做了解释说明。第三节对异形疑问代词连用同现的组合形式进行统计,主要就连用同现的疑问代词之间的匹配情况一一加以例析。第四节对异形疑问代词隔用同现的3种组合形式及功能进行了全面考察和分析。第三章探讨小句内同现疑问代词的疑问义及同现疑问代词的数量与疑问点的数量对应情况。阐释了4种不同同现句式中含有疑问义、不都含有疑问义和没有疑问义的情况,指出了疑问语气词对同现疑问代词疑问义的影响。通过分析句法结构,说明了同现疑问代词的数量与疑问点的数量对应的3种类型。第四章对小句内同现疑问代词非疑问用法及指称性情况进行了深入细致的考察。讨论了同现疑问代词在小句内的10种非疑问用法,对同现疑问代词具有的确指、逐指、互指、遍指、承指、虚指等指称功能所体现出的无定性和有定性特点做了较为深入、细致的描写,指出了不同指称的表现形式、句法格式、形式标记等,以分析它们所体现出的有定性和无定性的指称意义,并且比较了疑问代词连用和单用的区别,分析了同现疑问代词疑问性被剥夺的原因。第五章主要就汉英小句内疑问词同现情况进行比较。重点比较了汉英疑问词同现的句式,以及在使用这些句式时,汉英同现疑问词的疑问用法和非疑问用法,分析它们之间的异同,以期对跨语言的对比研究有所贡献。在句式上,汉语疑问词小句内同现有4种类型,英语疑问词的同现类型一般为3种;在疑问用法中,汉语疑问词都留在原位,英语疑问词中必有一个放在句首;在非疑问用法中,当汉语疑问词表示承指、互指、虚指用法时,与之对应的不一定是英语疑问词,而是其他的不定代词。第六章是结语。概述全文的主要内容,尤其是论文的主要成果和创新点。最后,指出论文的不足之处以及有待完善的地方。

【Abstract】 This dissertation mainly studies the co-occurrence of interrogative pronouns within modern Chinese clauses. With the combination of form and meaning, structure and function, static description and inductive analysis, the co-occurrence of 25 interrogative pronouns is examined in this study. The materials are extracted from the Corpus of Center for Chinese Linguistics Peking University (CCL PKU). The formal features, rules of the co-occurrence, interrogative usages and non-interrogative usages of the two or more than two co-occurrent interrogatives are described and analyzed through statistics. The study aims to expose the syntactic rules, semantic features and pragmatic functions of the interrogative and non-interrogative usages.The following is a description of six chapters of the study:Chapter one is the introduction. First, it explains the title. Then it briefly reviews the literature of clauses, modern Chinese interrogatives, and the co-occurrence of interrogatives. After that, it points out the existing problems, puts forward the future topic, and shows the significance of the present study. Finally, this chapter summarizes the contents, methodology, and sources of the corpus.Chapter two, composed of four parts, addresses the research of four categories and their formal features, focusing on rules of the co-occurrence of interrogatives, on the basis of abundant instances and statistic data. The four categories named are:the co-occurrence of the same interrogative pronouns with successive usages, the same interrogative pronouns with separated usages, the different interrogative pronouns with successive usages, and the different interrogative pronouns with separated usages. Part one discusses the features of the first category in its construction, word frequency, language style, syllable rhyme, and syntactic components. Part two explains the features of the second category in its construction, rules of the distribution, genres of co-occurrent items and their relations, especially rules of chain clauses. Part three illustrates the features of the third category in its construction, form matching etc. Part four analyzes the features of the fourth category in its construction and functions.Chapter three looks into interrogative meanings of co-occurrent interrogative pronouns, the corresponding numbers between co-occurrent interrogative pronouns and interrogative focuses by analyzing syntactic structures. Among the four different categories, co-occurrent interrogative pronouns may contain either interrogative or non-interrogative meanings. Interrogative particles also have an influence on the interrogative meanings of co-occurrent interrogative pronouns.Chapter four makes a meticulous investigation on both non-interrogative usages of co-occurrent interrogative pronouns and references. Ten non-interrogative usages of co-occurrent interrogative pronouns are discussed. Definite and indefinite characteristics and meanings of referencial functions are described deliberately. After that, the successive usages, separated usages, and singled usages are differentiated. Fnally, the reasons surrounding the loss of interrogative meanings of co-occurrent interrogative pronouns are analyzed.Chapter five mainly compares similarities and differences of co-occurrent interrogatives in Chinese and English clauses. Emphasis is laid on sentence patterns, interrogative usages and non-interrogative usages. As far as sentence patterns are concerned, Chinese interrogatives co-occur in four categories, while English interrogatives co-occur in three categories. In interrogative usages, Chinese interrogatives belong to the wh-in-situ language, English interrogatives are the multiple wh-fronting. In non-interrogative usages, Chinese interrogatives, playing a very important role, have referential functions, such as subjunctive reference, arbitrary reference, and mutual reference. While the corresponding English pronouns become indefinite ones instead of interrogative ones.Chapter six in conclusion summarizes the topic, which presents a cross-chapter summary and identifies the problems that have remained hitherto unsolved and therefore need further exploration.


