

The Research of the Northern Warlords Government’s Relief of the Overseas Chinese in Distress in Russia’s Far East, 1918-1920

【作者】 朱鹏

【导师】 崔丕;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 辛亥革命以后,中国在相当长的时间内一直都处于列强环伺、内争不断的窘境。然而,1918—1920年北洋政府却在兵弱于敌、国贫于内的情况下出兵俄属远东地区,救助身处危难的中国侨民。本论文即是以台湾中央研究院整理出版的《中俄关系史料》为核心文献,同时利用中、美、日、俄等国史料和近五十年来国内外学者的相关研究成果,运用历史学、政治学、国际法学的知识和方法,深入研究北洋政府救助俄属远东地区难侨的这一段历史。本论文力图通过分析北洋政府所处的时代背景,梳理北洋政府与国内外各方势力的关系,探究北洋政府对俄出兵的真正原因和决策过程,重现北洋政府救助俄属远东地区难侨的历程,评价北洋政府此次救助难侨活动的历史意义和历史局限性,使人们对北洋政府的侨务政策乃至北洋政府本身有一个更为客观、全面的认识,进一步为当代中国的侨务工作提供可资借鉴的历史经验。其中,北洋政府如何在内外交困的背景下决策出兵救助难侨是本论文关注的重点所在。本论文由前言、正文、结语等部分组成。前言部分概括介绍国内外学术界对协约国列强和北洋政府出兵俄国远东的研究现状,指出本论文开展研究的必要性和可行性。正文部分分为四章:第一章着力阐述俄属远东地区华侨社会的形成和十月革命后华侨的艰难处境以及华侨对俄国社会变革的多元性反应。第二章重点研究北洋政府出兵救助俄属远东地区难侨的时代背景和政策形成过程,指出协约国武装干涉苏俄革命为北洋政府对俄出兵创造的历史机遇,剖析北洋政府决策出兵的真正原因。第三章主要叙述北洋政府如何根据形势变化采取不同措施救助俄属远东地区的难侨,从初期的外交护侨到充实边防声援华侨,再到以日本、英国为例遣舰护侨,直至在联合干涉框架下出兵救助难侨。第四章着重从历史地位与意义、历史局限性、现实意义等三个方面对北洋政府救助俄属远东地区难侨进行客观评价。结语部分简要总结了本论文的内容和观点。

【Abstract】 In a rather long period after the Revolution of 1911, China was in a predicament of foreign aggressions and internal conflicts. In the years from 1918 to 1920, although poor and militarily weak, the Northern Warlords government sent troops to Russia’s Far East to relieve the overseas Chinese in distress. By the use of Sino-Russian Relationship Archives compiled by the Taiwan Central Research Institute, the core reference material for this dissertation, the historical records of China, America, Japan, Russian and so on, and the recent fifty years’relating research achievements by scholars both at home and abroad, through historical, political and international law relating knowledge and researching methods, this dissertation focuses on a thorough research on the history of the Northern Warlords government’s relief of the overseas Chinese in distress in Russia’s Far East areas.Through the analysis of the historical background of the Northern Warlords government and the study of its relations with multiple forces both at home and abroad, this dissertation strives to explore the true causes and the decision-making process of the Northern Warlords government’s dispatch of troops to Russia, to reproduce the historical process of the Northern Warlords government’s relief of the overseas Chinese in distress in Russia’s Far East, and to evaluate the historical significances and limitations of this relief operation, aiming at to provide people with a more objective and thorough understanding of the Northern Warlords government’s overseas Chinese policy and draw on historical experiences for today’s overseas Chinese affairs. Among the discussions, a major concern is how the Northern Warlords government, under the situation of being beset with troubles both at home and abroad, made the decision to send troops to relieve the overseas Chinese in distress.The dissertation consists of three parts:preface, body and conclusion. The preface introduces the current state of researches both at home and abroad on the dispatches of troops to Russia’s Far East by powers of the Entente Countries and the Northern Warlords government, hereupon explains the necessity and feasibility of the researches of this dissertation. The body is divided into four chapters:chapterⅠfocuses on the description of the formation of the overseas Chinese society in Russia’s Far East, the difficult situation they faced after the October Revolution,1917, and their diverse reactions toward Russia’s great social changes; chapterⅡconcentrates on the study of the background and the policy making process of the Northern Warlords government’s dispatch of troops to Russia’s Far East for the relief of the overseas Chinese in distress, on this basis points out the historical opportunity created for the Northern Warlords government’s dispatch of troops to Russia by the Entente Countries’armed intervention of the Soviet Russian Revolution, and then analyzes the true reasons of the Northern Warlords government’s decision to send troops; chapter III mainly discusses how the Northern Warlords government took different measures to relieve the overseas Chinese in distress in Russia’s Far East according to changing situations, firstly to provide the overseas Chinese with diplomatic protections, next to reinforce boundary defense to support them, then to follow Japan and England to send ships to protect them, and finally to send troops to relieve them under the framework of joint interference; chapterⅣcarries out objective evaluations of the Northern Warlords government’s relief of the overseas Chinese in distress in Russia’s Far East in terms of three aspects, namely its historical status and significances, its historical limitations and its practical meanings. The conclusion summarized the contents and major viewpoints of this dissertation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

