

Research on YuYue’s Zhuzipingyi

【作者】 李香平

【导师】 王彦坤;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《诸子平议》是俞樾个人学术成就的代表作之一,也是清末小学成就的代表作之一。《诸子平议》在校勘、训诂方法上宗法王氏《读书杂志》,被梁启超认为是可以与《读书杂志》相抗衡,清代最精善之校勘著作。本论文以《诸子平议》为研究对象,通过与王念孙《读书杂志》、孙诒讓《劄迻》进行对比,探讨了《诸子平议》在校勘、训诂术语的使用与校勘、训诂方法的运用上呈现的特点,分析了俞樾《诸子平议》在校勘训诂上的成就与不足。校勘方面:校勘方法上,《诸子平议》较少利用善本进行对校,以理校法为主。在校勘材料方面,较少利用类书材料而多利用子书、史书材料,认为类书材料“殆未足据”。校勘结论上,一方面,《诸子平议》部分利用他书异文、上下文法一律、文义一律校勘的结论存在强求一律的倾向;另一方面,对于字误原因的解释表现得比较谨慎,对同声旁音讹字性质的判断较为客观和审慎。对于同声旁字,当无足够证据证明二字相通假时,俞氏将之看作“字之误”或“声之误”,或标明形音俱近,这有别于部分故训家将同声旁字一律视为通假的作法。训诂方面,训诂理论上有所阐发,其中不乏闪光之处,丰富传统训诂理论体系。训诂实践中不囿成说,大胆质疑,纠正和补充了一些前人误解的词、句,直接推断了先秦子书注释工作的进步。补充和丰富了子书校释的内容。其中部分词语训释结论已被《汉语大词典》等大型语文工具书吸收,还有部分结论正确的训释成果有助于补充、丰富、完善辞书编纂中的词条收录、义项确立及例证的选取。此外,《平议》在训诂上也存在一定程度的不足,主要表现在:某些考释有求之过深,好立新说之嫌;对前人及清代时贤已有的成果关注不够,造成不必要的重复劳动;沾染有滥言通假之时病等。总之,《诸子平议》作为清代校释子书的代表作,其学术价值值得关注,校释上的得失值得研究。这是本研究的出发点,也是本研究的主要内容。

【Abstract】 Zhuzipingyi is not only one of the YuYue’s Masterpiece, but also one of the representative traditional linguistics works in The end of the Qing Dynasty. The metholds of Collation and explanation imitatived WangNiansun’s Dushuzazhi. So LiangQichao deemeded it was one of the most accuratest books.In comparison with WangNiansun’s Dushuzazhi and SunYirang’s Zhayi,the thesis researched on Zhuzipingyi about the collation’s terms and the explanation’s terms, the collation’s metholds and the explanation’s metholds. In addiction,the thesis made an approach to the academic success and weak pocket about this works. In the matter of the collation’s metholds, Zhuzipingyi seldom used rare edition and the Leishu’s material. At the same time,Yuyue pointed out that the Leishu’s material was not unimpeachable. concerning about the conclusion, some were wrong because Yuyue was procrustean in grammar and text. But some were very conservative. For example, some characters which had the same pictophonetic characters, Yuyue did not Infered that all were exchanging the fake characters,that was different from other traditional Linguists.In the way of the Explanation, Zhuzipingyi pointed out some theory that was valuable. Additionally, Zhuzipingyi can contest hardily some old conclusion, supplemented and corrected some mistake,and some which were received by the Chinese dictionary. Above suspicion, as a collation and explanation works, there were some bad points,such as it was not very rigorous and payed little attention to other’s research results.In brief, Zhuzipingyi is the representative traditional linguistical works in the end of Qing dynasty,which deserves more attention and research. This thesis will specialize this works allround field and systematic field.

【关键词】 俞樾平議校勘訓詁
【Key words】 YuYueZhuzipingyiCollationExplanation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

