

Progressive and Leap: The Development of Lushan Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 龚志强

【导师】 刘正刚;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以明清以来庐山开发为研究对象,揭示了庐山由传统渐进式的山地开发到近现代跨越式的避暑地开发,并逐渐走向城市化的漫长历程,对考察我国文化名山开发史研究具有参考价值。汉末以来,北方人口大规模南迁,庐山因此进入人们的开发视野。元末战乱,当地人口被迫进入庐山结寨自保,明初王朝的修养生息政策以及卫所制的推行,均促进了庐山地区的开发。清代赋税制度改革,庐山地区人口快速增长,导致人们开发庐山的力度不断加强。与此同时,庐山在被渐进式的开发过程中,始终伴随着寺庙、书院和旅游活动的展开。明清时期,庐山的渐进式被开发,既层累了其文化意蕴,但也因此破坏了山区自然环境。晚清西方列强入侵庐山,以山上牯岭为中心开发避暑地,使庐山进入跨越式发展阶段,成为驰名中外的避暑旅游胜地。民国时期,国民政府军政力量一度进驻牯岭一带,庐山开发的城市化进程愈益明显。明清以来,庐山开发范式的转换,是在中国传统社会发展由盛转衰和西方列强入侵的大变局中呈现的。在此过程中,庐山从一座传统文化名山转变为驰名中外的避暑旅游胜地,并由此划定了其未来的发展方向。

【Abstract】 The development of Lushan since the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the research object of this paper. This paper revealed the long process of Lushan development from the traditional progressive stage to the modern leap stage of summer resort and gradually towards urbanization. The case has typical reference value on the study of the Cultural Mountains development in China.Since the late Han Dynasty, the large-scale North population migrations had made Lushan into the people’s development vision. The war in the Late Yuan dynasty had forced some local people to establish cottages in Lushan. In early Ming dynasty, the country’s rehabilitation policy and the military garrison system had promoted the development of Lushan. The tax system reform of the Qing Dynasty had stimulated the region’s population growth rapidly, thus people expanded into Lushan in depths. At the same time, the activities of temples, academies and tourism were also extensively involved in the progressive development of Lushan.In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the progressive development had both cumulated the cultural implications and damaged the environment of Lusan. In late Qing dynasty, the invasion of the western powers had led Lushan entering into the stage of the summer resort development, which center was Kuling. So Lushan entered into the leaps development process, and eventually developed into a famous summer resort. In the Republic of China, the Chinese Officials had once stationed in Kuling, the urbanization trends had beening more obvious in the period.Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the mode conversion of Lushan development had been presented in the context of Chinese traditional scioety from flourishing to decline and the Western invasion. The result was the Lushan Mountain evolved into a famous summer resort from a historical mountain, and thus identified its future direction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】431

