

The Diffusion and Development of Catholic in Hu-guang Province during the Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 刘芳

【导师】 汤开建;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 历史学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 两湖地区作为一个统一的传教区,从明末直到1840年鸦片战争爆发前,接纳了众多天主教修会在此工作,为中国天主教史及湖广地方史的研究提供了可行性考察素材。本研究在收集了大量的传教士报告、书信、传记以及教会论著和中文原始档案的基础上,以实证、文本比对的研究方式,动态地考察了明末罗明坚神父进入湖广到1840年鸦片战争爆发前天主教在此地区的活动情况,揭示了其在清政府百年禁教时期仍屡禁不止的原因,和它与周边其他省份天主教发展的不同之处。本论文由绪论、正文和结论三个部分组成。其中绪论部分对选题的缘起和思路做作了解释,回顾了国内外学术界对中国天主教史、修会史、地方史的研究状况。同时还介绍了本论文参考的主体材料和研究方法。正文共分四章节,其中第一、二、三章节是历史考察部分,第四章节是专题讨论部分。第一章简要地介绍了基督教的三次入华,并对明末天主教入华的整个世界形势作了解释。同时介绍了湖广教区的建立,从宏观上对整个湖广天主教的发展有一个大致的了解。最后还梳理了早期进入湖广的几名先驱传教士的活动。第二章介绍了清初至1724年雍正禁教令下达之前湖广天主教的发展情况,对清初官方的政策、多修会的传教活动进行了详实梳理。指出早期湖广天主教在政府的优容下,采用上层传教策略达到了在湖广开辟传教点的目的。这一时期先后有不同的修会进入传教,他们之间的关系是微妙的,使湖广天主教的发展呈现出与其他教区不同的多修会特征。第三章介绍了禁教时期湖广天主教的发展情况。与前一个时期相比,禁教时期湖广天主教的发展情况越发复杂,先后有六个不同的修会在湖广工作。由于来自不同的国家、修会,他们在湖广地区有着各自相对的传教势力范围,在传教方法上也不尽相同,因此在传教中时常出现纷争,对湖广地区天主教的发展有一定的影响。另外这一时期,由于政府打压,天主教开始退缩至边缘地区发展,在下层民众中收获了不少基督徒。天主教在湖广走上了底层化的道路。但是值得注意的是湖广地区由于地理、历史、人文等多方面原因,其底层化、本地化又有着与山东、陕西、福建等省截然不同的地方,深深打上了地区的烙印。第四章是专题探讨部分,选取了湖广天主教发展中几个值得注意的问题作了专门论述:以个案分析探讨了乾隆时期湖广官吏对天主教的态度,指出了官员的宽松态度是天主教在此屡禁不止的原因之一;总结了湖广多修会传教的特点和各修会间的分歧;用分析统计的方法考察了湖广教徒的组成,对湖广天主教在禁教时期的底层化作了讨论;对意大利中国学院的建立与该院培养的中国学生作了仔细的考证与梳理,指出了这一时期湖广天主教本地化的表现之一就在于神职人员的本土化。最后结论部分是对整个研究的回顾,指出湖广在长达300来年的历史里,天主教在此地从初期繁荣,到禁教时期的秘密存留,每个时期都有自己鲜明的时代特色。开教时,传教士以大城市为首要关注点,而在禁教时期则不得不退居至偏远地带。同时传教对象亦存在着转变,以早期的上层文人士绅为主,逐渐发展到以底层贫民为主,传教对象的转变也意味着信教方式、修持方法均出现了转变。而同属于天主教底层传教,湖广又与陕西、山东、福建等地不同,表现出自己的特色来。

【Abstract】 Hunan and Hubei as a unified mission area (Hu-guang), from the late Ming until the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840, has accepted a large number of religious groups of Catholic, and provides so much material for the research of the history of the Chinese Catholic. This dissertation focus on the activites of the missionaries of Catholic during the Ming and Qing dynasties based on many reports, letters, biographies, and archives of the church. It explained why Catholic would develop during the great Prohibition, and its difference from the other neighbor provinces.In introduction part, the author explains the reason of this topic, the main idea, and then gives a review of relevant theoretical background and studies, which is followed by a brief explanation of the basic materials and analytical structure of this thesis.Chapter I, the author briefly introduced the history of Catholic in China, and the international situation in the 16th century when Catholic came to China for the third time. Also the author analyzes the Catholic Diocese of the Hu-guang and the pioneers of the mission who entered into the province in the end of the Ming dynasty.Chapter II the author describes the policy of the Chinese government and the activities of the missionaries who belong to different orders from the beginning of the Qing dynasty until the 1724 when the Emperor of Yongzhen announced the prohibition of Catholic. The author pointed out that the missionaries preached many rich persons and officials under the protection of the government in the early of the Qing dynasty. During this period, there arrived so many missionaries form different orders. Their relationship was delicate and that makes the development of the Catholic in this province has its characteristic.Chapter III author describes the development of Catholic during the Prohibition. Compared with the previous period, the situation is more complicated. During this period, there were six different religious groups working in this province. Since they come from different countries and orders, they had their own parish and different opinions on the methods of spreading Catholic. Some times that leads to disputes and it influenced on the development of Catholic in this province. Also during this period, due to official pressure from the government, the Catholic began to retreat to the edge of the province, and gained a lot of poor Christians. Due to the differences of the geography, history and culture, the development of Catholic in Hu-guang province is different from other parts, such as Shandong, Shaanxi, and Fujian.Chapter IV analyzed several important questions:the attitude of the officials during the Qianlong period, and point out that the favor of the official on Catholic gave an impetus to the development of the religion; summarized the characteristics and the disputes between the orders; discussed the establish and influences of the Chinese college in Italy, point out the native clergy is important for the localization of Catholic.Final chapter concluded the entire research, pointing out the characteristic of Catholic during the three periods in Hu-guang province. First, the clergies settled down in the big cites and preached in the rich. But during the prohibition, they moved to the country side and spread Catholic in the poor. But the development of the Catholic between the poor persons is different from the other provinces.

【关键词】 明清时期天主教湖广禁教
【Key words】 Ming-Qing dynastiesCatholicthe ProhibitionHu-guang province
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】B979
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】582

