

Migration Restriction, Rural-urban Migration and China’s Urbanization Model

【作者】 段晋苑

【导师】 冯邦彦;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国现行的户籍制度与其他国家通行的户籍管理制度不同,一是将户籍性质分为城乡两类,二是把多项福利权益与户籍性质相连。这种特殊的城乡二元户籍制度体系还被用来控制国内行政区域之间的人口迁移,尤其是控制农村人口向城市的迁移。由此导致了中国僵化的城乡分割格局,并呈现出独特的人口迁移轨迹和城市化发展模式,最突出的特征就是中国城市化发展迅速的地区多以大量外来人口的集聚为支撑,外来人口的高流动性令城市的人口基础不稳,并且制约了城市产业结构的升级,尤其是第三产业的发展,也就意味着城市功能难以完善。所以。移民限制是中国城市化发展不可回避的特殊背景,并且已经对中国的城市化模式产生了深刻影响,从这一视角出发研究中国的城市化模式能够在城市化的表象下触及深层次的制度及结构问题。本文以二元经济理论、人口迁移与城市化理论、制度经济学为基础,应用规范分析和实证分析相结合、定性分析法和定量分析法相结合、历史分析和逻辑分析相结合等研究方法,围绕中国特殊的城乡移民政策、人口城乡迁移轨迹和城市化发展模式这三个核心问题,以及最能体现中国特殊城市化模式的珠三角地区的城市化现象展开研究。本文首先对中国特殊的城乡二元户籍制度体系的建立和演变进行梳理,并探讨在移民限制背景下中国人口的城乡迁移轨迹,进而分析移民限制背景下中国城市化的实际进程及其特殊性,然后对珠三角地区的城市化发展进行深入分析,概括这一城市化模式中存在的典型特征。中国实际的城市化路径并未严格按照城市化方针政策的导向发展,对此本文依据研究结论给出政策调整建议。本文的主要结论如下:一,中国独有的城乡二元户籍制度体系深刻改变了人口城乡迁移的轨迹,使其在时间和空间上都呈现出一些重要的发展特征;二,中国人口城乡迁移的轨迹具有与国际社会不同的特殊性,包括人口城乡迁移的规模和速度长期滞后于经济发展和产业结构变化,外来人口在城乡间“候鸟式”的周期性流动等;三,中国的城市化进程和人口城乡迁移轨迹之间具有紧密的一致性,并且存在城市化进程中城乡转换的非二元结构与城市内部新二元结构并存的特殊现象;四,中国城市化发展的实际路径与城市化政策导向相偏离;五,移民限制影响下珠三角地区的城市化表现为一种外推内阻作用下的非稳定的城市化发展模式,具有“伪城市化”、“半城市化”、“亚城市化”和城市规模体系扁平化等特征;六,消除移民限制才能促进中国城市化的健康发展;七,需要从城市化发展入手调整中国的经济结构。

【Abstract】 China’s current household registration system is different from the household registration management system in other countries. First, the urban and rural residents are divided into two classes; second, the content of welfare rights are linked to this particular urban-rural dual system, this household registration system has also been used to control the domestic migration between administrative areas, in particular the control of rural-urban migration. It has resulted in China’s rigid Urban-rural dual structure and also the unique migration path and urbanization models. The most prominent feature is the areas of rapid urbanization in China always had large numbers of immigrants gathered as the support, but the migrant who shows high mobility between urban and rural areas made the city’s population base is not stable, and limits the upgrade of industrial structure, particularly the development of tertiary industry, which means difficult to improve the city function. Therefore, migration restriction had become the special background of China’s urbanization, and can not be avoided. It has a profound effect on China’s urbanization models So this paper would research China’s urbanization models from the perspective of migration restrictions and examined the underlying structural and institutional problems.This study based on the dual economy theory, population migration and urbanization theory, institutional economics, combining normative analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, historical analysis and logical analysis, attempted to research China’s migration restriction policy, the path of rural-urban migration and the urbanization models, especially the unique urbanization models of China’s Pearl River Delta region. First, this paper studied the creation and evolution of China’s unique urban-rural dual system of household registration and the path of China’s rural-urban migration in the context of migration restrictions. Further, this paper analyzed the actual process of China’s urbanization and the specificity in the context of migration restrictions. Then this paper in-depth analyzed the urbanization models of the Pearl River Delta region and summarized some typical characteristics. The actual path of urbanization in China is not strictly in accordance with the guiding of Urbanization Policy and this paper gave some policy recommendations based on the results.The main conclusions of this paper were as follows:1, China’s unique urban-rural dual system of household registration has profoundly changed the path of China’s rural-urban migration, so that in time and space came out a number of important developmental characteristics.2, under the backgroud of migration restrictions, the path of China’s rural-urban migration has its specificity comparing with the international community. The size and speed of migration had long lagged behind the economic development and industrial structure. The labor force shows "migratory bird" type of periodic flow between urban and rural areas.3, under the influence of migration restriction, there is a strong consistency between China’s urbanization and rural-urban migration, and the urbanization models has the new dual structure co-exist with non-dualistic structure characteristics.4, the actual path of China’s urbanization deviated from the government guidance.5, under the influence of immigration restriction policies, the urbanization model of China’s Pearl River Delta region can be characterized as a kind of External force-driven and Internal force-hindered unsteady urbanization model, and had typical "pseudo-urbanization", "semi-urbanization"and"sub-urbanization" phenomena. 6, Migration restriction must be reformed in order to promote China’s urbanization.7, Urbanization can be uesd to adjust the development model of China’s economic structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

