

Operational Decisions of Information Systems and Its Influence on Firm Performance

【作者】 楼润平

【导师】 薛声家;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文总共研究了与信息系统有关的六个问题。本文第二章提出了一个信息系统投资决策假说,并使用两家制造企业进行了实证分析。研究认为,如果管理者的学习效应大于过度自信效应,那么管理者能够做出理性的IT投资决策,反之则反。本文第三章使用指数和S型学习曲线探讨了信息系统实施决策优化问题,研究了组织实施信息系统时面临的三类决策情景,提出了与之对应的三个非线性规划决策模型,并使用Lingo8.0对算例进行了演算。研究表明,受学习率和初始绩效水平的影响,组织对项目团队的培训周期与实施周期存在一个最优组合,使得信息系统的总体实施成本达到最优。本文第四章使用指数学习曲线探讨了信息系统升级决策优化问题,研究了组织升级信息系统时面临的两类决策情景及决策模型,严格表述了适用于两类决策情景的决策方法,并用Excel对算例进行了详细演算。研究表明,信息系统升级决策存在一系列最优时点,在此些时点进行升级,可以最大化升级效益。本文第五章采用我国上市公司数据,使用GLS方法实证研究了“利润再分配假说”、“时滞假说”,并首次实证研究了中国背景下信息系统与公司价值的关系。本文得出了以下三个方面的结论:(1)采用信息系统后,我国上市公司的盈利绩效显著降低了;(2)采用信息系统后,我国上市公司的资产管理绩效显著提高了;(3)短期而言,信息系统采用对我国上市公司价值具有显著的负面影响,随着时间的推移,这种负面影响逐渐增加,在现实中这种负面影响很显著。本文第六章提出了一个整合的IT作用机理理论模型,并使用一家案例企业进行了实证分析。研究认为,IT资源是提升组织绩效的必要条件,IT资源对组织绩效的影响取决于组织的IT能力,IT能力对组织绩效具有直接的影响,同时组织绩效还受到IT能力与组织因素和环境因素的交互影响。本文第七章提出了一个整合的IT演化机理理论模型。研究认为,信息系统影响企业绩效的演化轨迹,是一系列具有阶段特征和层次特征的组织学习过程和动态能力发展过程。

【Abstract】 This dissertation totally studies six related information systems problems.The second chapter proposes a theory of information systems investment decision, and conducts an empirical research with two manufacturing firms. This research shows that if the learning effect is beyond the overconfidence effect, managers can make rational IT investment decision, and vice versa.By using exponential and S type learning curve, the third chapter explores the optimization problems of decision-making of information systems implementation cost, researchs three types of decision context, proposes corresponding three nonlinear programming decision models, and finally introduces the applications of the three decision models with numerical case by using Lingo8.0.This research shows that by the influence of the learning rate and performance initialization, there are an optimization between the training period and implementation period that can make the total implementation cost become minimum.By using exponential learning curve, this 4th chapter explores the optimization problems of decision-making of information system upgrading, researchs two types of decision context and decision models, proposes two approaches to the two above mentioned decision context, and introduces the applications of the two approaches at details with numerical case. This reearch shows that there are a series of optimizaton time points of decision-making of information system upgrading that can realize best benefits if organizations upgrades information systems at these time points.By using Chinese listed companies data, the 5th chapter empirically studies the hypothesis of profit reallocation and time lag with GLS regression method, and firstly empirically study the relationship between information systems and enterprise value under Chinese context. This study draws three conclusions:(1) the profitability of Chinese listed companies significantly decrease since adoption of information systems; (2) the asset management capabilities significantly increase since adoption of information systems; (3)in the short term, the adoption of information systems has significantly negative impact on enterprise value, and as time goes by, the negative influence increases gradually, and it is practical significance.The 6th chapter proposes an theoretical model of IT mechanism, and empirically study a manufacturing enterprise with case study method. This research argues that IT resource is necessary to improve organizational performance, the impact of IT resource on organizational performance is dependent on IT capabilities, IT capabilities has direct impact on organizational performance, and organizational performance is collectively influenced by the interaction of IT capabilities and organizational factors and enviromental factors.The 7th chapter proposes an integrated theoretical model of IT evolution mechanism. This research argues that the evolution mechnism of information systems on firm peroformance is a series of organizational learning process and dynamic capabilities development process with typical phase characteristics and hierarchy characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

