

The Research of Two Decades of North American Chinese Internet Literature (1988-2008)

【作者】 蒙星宇

【导师】 王列耀;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 北美华文网络文学是全球华文网络文学的源头,具有重要的文学研究价值。本研究主要包括四方面内容:第一,梳理北美华文网络文学二十年发展历程,发掘与研读北美最早的网络原创散文、小说、诗歌、杂文,北美最早的华文网络电子刊物、华文网络纯文学交流群、华文网络论坛,以及各个时期具有代表性的北美华文网络文学网站、代表作家作品等,论述北美华文网络文学发展过程中三个时期及主要特色。并通过对少君和图雅等文学个案研究,论述北美华文网络文学两个总体特征:精英情结的大众写作,终极关怀的自由涂鸦。第二,从文学与网络互动的角度,归纳与论述北美华文网络文学三种典型写作模式:“自足写作”、“开放写作”、“网纸两栖写作”及各写作模式的主要特点,结合文本分析各模式在写作主体、写作载体、写作受体、写作客体等要素及其相互关系方面带来的文学范式的种种转变,及其对纸质文学写作方式与文学观念的冲击。第三,从文学精神层面,论述北美华文网络文学带来的三种新精神的表现及内涵。北美华文网络文学诞生与发展的外驱力:“技术精神”;处于双重边际和自由语境之中的北美华文网络文学既深刻又纯粹的内驱力:“游戏精神”;渗透着西方文化精神的北美华文网络文学独特的“个体精神”,并阐释这三种文学新精神在“网络时代”的先锋意义和重要启示。第四,从文学脉络、文学内容、文学形式、文学精神等方面论证北美华文网络文学源自海外、反哺中国的总体特点,并从“游戏与使命”、“拿来与拿出”、“创作与批评”等方面对网络时代的北美华文网络文学进行了总结和反思。

【Abstract】 North American Chinese Internet literature is the source of the global Chinese network literature, which has important research value in literature and culture. This study includes four aspects:First, carding two decades, the North American Chinese Literature Development network, explore and study the world’s first network of original prose, fiction, poetry, essay, the world’s first Chinese-language network of electronic publications, exchange of pure literature, the network group of Chinese, Chinese Internet forums, and each period a representative network of North American Chinese Literature website, works on behalf of other writers, discusses the development of the North American Chinese Internet Literature and the main features of the three periods. And Shao Jun and Tuya through case studies such as literature, discusses the North American Chinese Internet literature two general characteristics:the elite and popular writing complex, the ultimate concern of the Liberal graffiti. Second, from the perspective of network and interaction, summarized and discussed three typical North American Chinese Internet Literature Writing mode:"self writing", "open Writing", "web paper amphibious Writing" and the writing mode of the main features, combined with text analysis model a variety of writing in Writing, writing carrier, writing receptor, writing and other elements of the object and their mutual relations, to bring the literary paradigm shift, and the paper the concept of literary writing style and impact. Thirdly, the spiritual literature, discusses the North American Chinese Internet has brought three new spirit of literature. North American Chinese Internet Literature birth and development of the external driving force:"technical spirit"; in the context of double marginalization and freedom among North American Chinese Internet Literature deep and pure internal driving force:"the spirit of the game"; permeated with the spirit of Western culture North American Chinese Internet Literature unique "individual spirit", and explain the three distinct literary connotation in the "Internet Age" a pioneer in significance and reference value. Fourth, from literary history, literary elements, literary forms, literary spirit, demonstrates the network literature from overseas Chinese in North America, feeding the general characteristics of China, and from the "games and Mission" and "bring and come up with," "Creation and Criticism "and other aspects of the North American Chinese Internet Network literature are summarized and reflection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

