

Interaction of the Stakeholders of the Local Environmental Regulation

【作者】 孙海婧

【导师】 李郁芳;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国民经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文基于中外学者从代内维度对地方政府环境规制过程的研究成果,从代际维度,论证了环境规制在一般意义上的公共品属性之外,所具有的代际公共品属性,并将当代地方政府、企业和社会公众视为地方层面环境规制这一代际公共品的供给主体,从代际公共品供给的理论视角,分析了地方政府环境规制过程中三方相关利益主体各自的地位和它们之间的互动,并从代际维度探讨三方主体在现实中的行为选择的影响因素及其可能产生的代际后果。本文的主要结论是:通过地方政府环境规制供给的代际间成本.收益模型分析,论证了三方利益主体的互动作用使得地方政府环境规制代际外部性内部化的作用机制,而由于现实中诸多因素的干扰,该作用机制却不能充分实现。这些干扰因素在代际维度的体现有:由于地方政府官员任期限制造成的地方政府官员的代际结构与人口学意义上代际结构的不一致性,从而导致了地方政府的短期行为;由于代际责任追溯机制和代际补偿机制的缺失造成了企业排污动机强烈而污染减排激励不足;作为与后代人有着天然密切联系的代理人,当代公众虽然能在一定程度上缓解政府和市场在环境问题上的“双失灵”,但由于“搭便车”行为动机等因素的限制,也难以充分发挥积极作用。因此,要避免地方政府环境规制过程与公众利益和代际公平原则的偏离,有必要通过一系列政策措施协调当代三方供给主体的关系:建立有效的地方政府生态环境政绩考核体系,建立和完善地方官员的责任追溯机制;加强企业环境管理,注重对企业服从环境规制行为的激励和政策引导;提高公众的环保参与意识,充分发挥对地方政府和企业的监督和督促。

【Abstract】 This paper analyzes the local government environmental regulation from a perspective of the provision of intergenerational public goods. It argues that the cost of the local government environmental regulation is shared mainly among the contemporary local government, the polluting industries and other citizens. Since the costs is burderned by the contmporary people while the benefits is shared not only intra-generational but also inter-generational, the local government environmental regulation is considered as a kind of intergenerational public goods.The following is main conclusion of this paper:Demonstrate that the intergenerational externalities of the local government environmental regulation could be internalized by the interation of the tripartite stakeholders; While there are many factors in reality, which is making the internalizing-mechnism could not be fully realized. These disturbances in the intergenerational dimension including the following reasons:the term limits for local government official, which resulted the inconsistency of the governmental intergenerational structure and the demographic structure, leading to short-term behavior of local governments; As the absent of the mechanism of both intergenerational responsibility affirm and intergenerational retroactive compensation, enterprises always lacks the desire to reduce the pollution emission; Although the contemporary citizens have a natural relationship with the future generations, they still face to limits to play a positive role owing to limited factor like the "Free Ride" motivation. Therefore, to avoid the sequent of local government environmental regulation departure from the public interests and the principle of intergenerational equality, appropriate measures should be put into practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F224;F123
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1230
  • 攻读期成果

