

A Research on New Enclosure Movement

【作者】 查伟伟

【导师】 龚唯平;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1980年代中期以来,我国经济发展中不断发生大规模圈占农民土地的现象,并出现了三次圈地高潮,因而被称之为新圈地运动。这种圈地不同于一般意义上的政府公益性征地,而主要是官商合作的“以地生财”的商业行为。这不仅导致巨量农地被侵占、撂荒和造成耕地面积锐减,而且极大地损害了农民的利益,并由此引发了一系列社会问题。因此,迫切需要从理论到实践来对新圈地运动进行系统的研究。历史上许多欧洲国家出现过圈地运动。通过与英国圈地运动的比较分析,虽然在历史背景、制度环境、推进方式上有所不同,但新圈地运动同样体现着共同的规律性,即资本原始积累和工业化的需要。在我国现行的农村土地制度下,集体土地不能买卖,只能由政府征用,这样就使官商合作圈地披上了合法的外衣。征地补偿费与土地一、二级市场上的价格相差悬殊,形成了巨大的利益空间。地方政府和开发商作为征地一方,在与集体、农民的博弈中凭借权力和资金的优势获取了绝大部分利益,而农民在获得少量补偿后就失去了赖以为生的土地。本文从历史发展的规律出发,肯定因经济建设和公用事业对农地占用的合理性,但否定建立在对农民剥夺基础上的圈地运动。集体土地的产权边界模糊及其产权结构的非对称性,是产生圈地运动的根源之一;但更深层的根源还是集权体制与市场经济相结合所产生的制度性缺陷和利益驱动。圈地的本质是土地的资本化,我国圈地过程中形成了国有土地使用权的资本化,通过土地价格的“剪刀差”又一次实现了对农民的剥夺。为了让农民获取土地增值的收益和分享工业化带来的成果,必须建立起农民自己的土地资本化。为此,首先应该从产权改革入手,把土地所有权界定到村民小组一级,整合土地的其它产权并明确到户,通过引入土地发展权保证农民获得土地开发的收益。同时,必须要联系土地流转、耕地保护、土地储备等其他配套制度进行综合改革。只有这样,才能建立起遏制新圈地运动的权利制衡屏障。

【Abstract】 Large scale occupation of farmers’ land is constantly emerging in China’s economic development since the mid-1980s, and there have been three climaxes. This phenomenon is called new enclosure movement, which is different from land expropriation for public welfare in general meaning. It is business behavior cooperated between officials and businessmen which is "to make a fortune by land". It leads to a series of social problems and needs to do comprehensive research from theory to practice.Many European countries experienced enclosure movements in history. Compared with UK’s enclosure movement, although they have different historical backgrounds, institutional environments and promoting ways, new enclosure movement embodies the common law, namely, the need for primitive accumulation of capital and industrialization. In China, collective-owned land can not be sold, but can be expropriated by the government. As there is difference between land compensation fees and market price, the great benefit space appears. Local governments and developers have advantages of power and capital to obtain the large part of land increment income. Farmers only get a small amount of compensation for the loss of their land. This paper affirms the rationality of land expropriation due to the economic construction and public utilities, but denies crazy enclosure movement established on the deprivation of farmers.The unclear property of collective-owned land and its structural asymmetry are one reason causing enclosure movements. But the more fundamental roots are institutional defect and benefit drive caused by the combination of centralization system and market economy. The essence of new enclosure movement is land capitalization. It is the use right of state-owned land that is capitalized. By using land "price scissors", governments have achieved deprivation of farmers once again. In order to allow farmers to obtain the benefit of land value increment and share the results of industrialization, the capitalization of their land should be established. Therefore, it should first start from the property rights reform. Land ownership should be defined to the level of villagers’groups. The integration of other property rights should be identified to farmers. To ensure farmers obtaining land development benefit, land development rights should be introduced. Other supporting systems such as land circulation, cultivated land protection, and land reserve system should be reformed simultaneously.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

