

Resistance and Compromise: The Influence of Malaysia Ethnic Chinese Community on the Policy Setting of Mother Language Education among Ethnic Chinese

【作者】 胡春艳

【导师】 周聿峨;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “语言和文化是一个民族的灵魂”,而一个种族的文化本质只有通过母语才能够被吸收并加以发展。母语教育作为少数族裔保持与传承本族群文化,保留本族群特性以区别与“他者”的主要方式与途径,是每个民族都为之争取与奋斗的原动力。广大华侨华人自飘洋过海移居他国以来,就非常重视子女的教育问题,为争取本族群的文化教育权利进行了不懈努力。东南亚作为海外华侨华人的主要聚集地,亦成为海外华文教育最为发达的地区。在东南亚诸国没有摆脱殖民统治之前,华族的母语教育都获得了较好发展。但在这些国家获得独立后,建构民族-国家的过程中,华族母语教育的命运发生了根本的改变,相继衰落,有的甚至被连根拔起。与东南亚其他国家相比,马来西亚的华族母语教育之所以能保持良好的发展势头,形成较为完善的华文教育体系,华人社会自身的努力固然重要,但政府相对宽松的制度环境为其发展创设了条件,成为影响华文教育的关键因素。但这种制度环境是如何建构起来的?期间华人社会又是如何与政府博弈的?本研究试图回答这一问题。本研究选取华人政党、华人压力集团、华文报刊这几个华人社会力量主体作为主要变量,系统分析在不同历史时期这几个关键变量对政府华教政策制定的影响。与此同时,国际体系、中马双边关系及马共因素也影响着马来政府对华文教育的认知,从而在一定程度上也影响着其华教政策的制定。通过系统的分析,本研究发现华社在与政府的博弈过程中,抗争与妥协始终贯彻其中。以董教总为首的压力集团始终走在抗争的最前线,以马华公会为首的执政党时而抗争,时而妥协,其态度主要取决于当时的政治环境及其领导层。在华社的大力抗争及政治所需(如为了竞选需要、国际形势的改变)下,政府的态度时有缓和,进行一定的妥协,并对相关政策做出修订。总的来说,马来西亚华教政策的出台是马来西亚内部与外部相关势力相互斗争、妥协的结果。虽然华人社会的斗争是主要的,但国际因素的影响力也是不容忽视的。

【Abstract】 "Language and culture are the soul of the ethnic group". While the essence of an ethnic culture can be absorbed and developed only through the mother tongue. Mother language education is the main ways of a minority to maintain and heritage ethnic culture, retaining features to distinguish "otherness", which is the struggling force of every ethnic group.Since majority overseas Chinese have migrated other countries through traveling overseas, they have attached importance to their children’s education and made unremitting efforts for fighting culture and education rights of the ethnic group. Southeast Asia as the main gathering place of overseas Chinese has become the most-developed area of overseas Chinese education. Before Southeast Asian countries shaked off colonial rule, overseas Chinese education has been well developed. But after post-colonial and in the process of the construction of nation-state, it’s fate has fundamentally changed, one after another declining, some even been uprooted. Why has Chinese education in Malaysia been able to maintain a sound momentum of development and form a perfect Chinese education system in comparison with other Southeast Asian countries? Of course, the Chinese community’s own effort is very important, but the government relatively relaxed institution environment creating the conditions for it, which is the key factor of Chinese education. Now, how this institution environment has been constructed? And how the Chinese community to make the game with the government?The study attempts to give an answer, which selects the Chinese community force subjects including Chinese political parties, Chinese pressure groups and Chinese newspapers as the main variables and analyses systematically the influences of the key variables on the Chinese education policy setting in different historical periods. At the same time, international system, Sino-Malaysian bilateral relationship and the factor of communist party of Malaya also affect the government cognition to Chinese education, which to a certain extent affect it Chinese education policy setting. Through systematic analysis, the study found that resistance and compromise inform the game process of the Chinese community and the government. The pressure groups headed by DongJiaoZong are always in the forefront of the resistance, while the ruling parties headed by MCA sometimes fight, sometimes to compromise, which depend on temporal political situation and its leadership. Under the Chinese community’s strong opposition and political needs (such as election, the changes in interational sitution), the government attitude can relax from time to time and make amendments to the relevant policies. In couclusion, the formulation of Malaysian Chinese education policy is the result of Malaysia related to internal and external fighting and compromise. Although the struggle of Chinese community is the major factor, the influence of international factors should not be ignored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

