

"Today!" and the Rising of Obscure Poetry

【作者】 张志国

【导师】 朱寿桐;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 作为中国新诗发展方向的一座分水岭、当代大陆诗坛上最引人瞩目的文化景观、一代乃至几代青年读者热情追捧的诗歌经典,朦胧诗自出现迄今已有30年。30年来,这一聚讼纷纭的话题,始终受到诗坛与学界的关注。然而与这种热议极不相称,在研究领域,有关朦胧诗的历史叙述存在严重缺陷。迄今为止尚未有一部系统的朦胧诗史专著,究其缘由,其中最难攻克的正是朦胧诗的发生问题。本文立足于丰富的原始资料,采取诗歌文体学与文学社会学的研究视角,对朦胧诗缘何发生、如何发生的问题作出系统而深入的剖析。朦胧诗的发生研究,必须以考察《今天》为原点。《今天》诗歌经历了生发、生变、生成三个历史时期,命运漂泊诗、戏剧对抗诗与日常生活诗三种诗歌形态。《今天》诗歌吸纳了古今中外思想与艺术资源,推动《今天》诗人建构起多元化的个体“自我”意识,促发了现代艺术形式的自觉。《今天》诗歌走向公共空间时,面对不同的发表语境,至少经历了三次形象重塑,终而被纳入国家“整一”意识形态的构建中。《今天》诗歌中社会主义人道主义的“自我”观、个体受难不屈的怀疑求索意志、以“隐喻”为核心的艺术表现形式沉积下来,成为普遍认同的朦胧诗核心。朦胧诗潮的发生,是社会文化层面上“个体”意识与“整一”文化在新的时代语境中对话与争执的结果,在诗歌本体层面上是一场捍卫与冲破既定诗质格局的角力。在朦胧诗确立的过程中,求真求变的社会文化心理与历史逻辑是基本前提,民间力量的崛起及重置诗坛权力格局的冲动是诗潮涌动的内在动因,官方场域的权力争执所带来的诗坛裂隙是诗潮涌现的渠道,而朦胧诗自身蕴涵的现代“自我”诗质与新异诗艺成为催生新的社会话语的对象,学院力量由此介入进来,以全新的话语阐释框架,依靠概念的逻辑力量,动摇了“权力话语”体制的美学合法性。学院与民间结盟开辟出与官方相区别的批评空间,民间与大学生读者广泛持久地传播朦胧诗的新话语,官方、学院、民间、商业市场与国际力量打造着“朦胧诗”的经典品牌,从而置换了整套诗歌话语体系,改变了中国当代诗歌的艺术背景。

【Abstract】 As the most durable topic of Contemporary Chinese Literature, Obscure Poetry presented already 30 years. But in the research, not yet has a systematic monograph on the history of Obscure Poetry until now. What most difficult to solve is the question about the rising of Obscure Poetry. This dissertation bases on the rich firsthand information, adopts the literary style study and the sociology theory angle of view, and then makes thorough analysis of the rising of Obscure Poetry.Obscure Poetry’s occurrence research must take "TODAY!" as a starting point. "TODAY!" poetry experienced three historical periods and three poetic genres. "TODAY!" poetry absorbed chinese and foreign thoughts and artistic resources which impelled "TODAY!" poets to construct multiple individual consciousness and enlightened them to experiment modernistic art forms.When "TODAY!" poetry moved toward the public space, facing the different publication contexts, it experienced three reconstructions at least. Finally it was integrated into the "Whole" construction of state ideology, but the self of socialism-humanitarianism, the individual will to doubt and seek with suffering, and the metaphorical technique, became the general core of Obscure Poetry. The rising of Obscure Poetry was from the dialogue and dispute between "Individual" consciousness and "Whole" ideology in the new historical environment, also from the dissension between guarding and breaking through the pattern of poem nature. In Obscure Poetry establishment’s process, the social psychology striving for truth and change were really the basic premise, the rising of folk strength and the impulsion of resetting poetic field’s pattern were the internal impetus, and the crevasse in the poetic field caused by contending for power and profit in the official field offered an emergence channel for Obscure Poetry. At the same time, Obscure Poetry expedited the new social words that involved the academic strength, which by the new explanation frame, depending upon the logical concept, pulled down "the authority words" system’s esthetical validity. The academy and the folk formed an alliance with independent comparatively criticism space, the folk and the university readers widely and lastingly disseminated Obscure Poetry, and the official, the academy, the folk, the commercial market and the international strength made Obscure Poetry the classical brand, thus replaced whole poetry words system, changed the background of contemporary chinese poetry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

