

Research on the Sustainable Development of Private Wushu School in China

【作者】 马学智

【导师】 朱瑞琪;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国民办武术学校作为改革开放后重新面世的一个事物,在民办教育可持续发展的大背景下聚积了大量的成果、经验和智慧,尤其在政府管理民办教育日趋规范化的情势下,民办武术学校亦面临着新的机遇和挑战。鉴于此,本研究以中国民办武术学校可持续发展为切入点,从可持续发展基本理论出发,梳理中国民办武术学校的发生发展,剖析民办武术学校改革过程中的根本性、全局性、长期性等问题,坚定民办教育未来12年发展方向以找寻可以解决战略重点问题的具体对策及措施,由此拟分为四个部分予以论述:第一部分为中国民办武术学校的个案研究—登封市民办武术学校总体发展良好,局部规模结构失调。与全国武校相比,整体大武校经营者要根据本身及当地现有条件适度扩张与发展办学规模、办学层次、办学结构,转型期不易偏大,坚实而出彩就好;中武校可借助联盟进行优势互补共同发展,办出精品,注重内涵发展,是发展后劲,小规模武术学校需要调节与转型,均在办学质量、学校生源与办学效益上下功夫,积极协调三者之间关系;第二部分为中国民办武术学校的发展研究—中国民办武术学校属于民办学校范畴且以武术教育为特色,兴起于20世纪80年代初期。民办武术学校为武术的传承、武术的发展、武术的传播、武术的宣扬提供了坚实的平台,实践探索了符合中国国情的民间办学之路,为当地经济文化教育的发展,做出了卓有成效的贡献,功不可没。第三部分为中国民办武术学校的发展依据—民办武术学校要与国家及社会全面、协调发展,做到教育教学质量与社会要求相一致,与时俱进、抓住机遇以谋求可持续发展,随着国家综合国力和人民精神与物质水平的逐步提升,充分利用地域文化、国家政策、市场机遇以提升学校硬软件水平促进自身发展;第四部分为中国民办武术学校的发展路径—秉持办“人民满意学校”为宗旨,调整办学结构,坚定“以文为主,突出行业特色”办学方向,统筹规模、质量、结构、效益关系,增强服务意识、优化教育环境,以国家教育法律法规为准绳时时检视自身办学行为而倾心于优质教育,政府应在资金上扶持、在政治上赋予学校应有得社会地位。

【Abstract】 Private Wushu Schools only came into being after the reform-and-opening up policy, but accumulated large amounts of results, experiences and wisdom in the context of sustainable development of private education. And with the increasing standardization of government management on private education, Private Wushu Schools will face new opportunities and great challenges. In view of the above, this study will take the basic theory of sustainable development of Private Wushu Schools in China as an entry point, to portrait and outline the fundamental, comprehensive and long-term problems in the development of Private Wushu Schools, in order to define its orientation in the next 12 years and find out the specific and effective measures to solve the key strategic issues. Five parts are outlined as follows.PartⅠCase studies on Private Wushu Schools in ChinaThe development of private Wushu schools in Dengfeng City is great on the whole, but imbalanced on local-scale structure. Compared with the other Wushu schools, the large-size should be expanded and developed on school size, school level and school structure appropriately according to their own local conditions. It doesn’t have to be too large, but firm and extraordinary during its transition period. The middle-size can take the advantages of the Union and make common development. It pays attention to self-development and develops specially, which is the potential of all the private Wushu School. The small-size need to be adjusted and transformed, requiring an active coordination of the quality, school size and institutional efficiency.PartⅡResearch on the development of Private Wushu Schools in China Private Wushu School in China, which is characteristic of traditional Martial Arts, thrived at the early 1980s. It provides a firm platform for the transition, development and transmission of Wushu and has explored its ways of schooling according to Chinese national condition, which play an extraordinary and irreplaceable role for the development of local economy and culture.PartⅢBasis of the development of Private Wushu SchoolsThe development of Private Wushu Schools should coordinate with the society, and the teaching quality accords with social demands and times, catching any opportunities for sustainable development. With the gradual upgrade of national comprehensive strength and the promotion of people’s mental and physical levels, Private Wushu Schools ought to take advantage of geography, culture, national policies, market opportunities to improve schools’hardware standard for better self-development;PartIV Development route of Private Wushu Schools in ChinaUphold the idea of running "School People Satisfied", adjust the structure, and firmly adhere to "Text-based, highlighting the industry characteristics" as the direction of schools; make overall plans with the mutual coordination of size, quality, structure and benefit; enhance services, optimize its education environment, and inspect itself according to state educational laws and regulations for optimal education; the government gives financial support and endows the schools with social status politically.


