

Research on the Legal System Protection of Chinese Athletes’ Labor Right

【作者】 余宇

【导师】 谢雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 运动员作为推动竞技体育向前发展的核心力量,他们的生存、健康、发展所赖以存在的劳动权益却难以得到法制保障,已经成为严重阻碍我国体育事业持续发展的因素。本文以劳动权的法理层次为基点,从应然、法定和实然状态着手,运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、个案分析以及辩证分析等方法,试图对中国运动员的劳动权理论与法制保障实践发展进行深入探讨。作为竞技体育赛场的明星,运动员的劳动者身份受到“艺人说”、商业行为等观点的质疑,这对其职业特殊性的片面认识。我国的专业运动员和职业运动员具备劳动权主体资格,他们不仅享有与普通劳动者相同的就业权和获得报酬权等,同时还享有注册、交流和转会等特殊权利。这些权利构成运动员生存、发展、健康、救济等核心权益,是运动员生活来源、提高专业素养、保证身心健康、得到充分保护的法理基础。新中国成立后,运动员一直享有国家职工身份地位,工资、退役安置、医疗保险等方面以国家职工待遇制度为模板。随着部分体育项目逐步职业化,运动员劳动权呈现双轨制特点,专业运动员继续沿用人事编制,职业运动员则成为劳动法意义上的劳动者。伴随着“自主择业”安置方式的确立、运动员社会保障体系概念的提出、培养方式的社会化以及注册、交流和转会等制度的确立,双轨制逐渐呈现出融合状态趋势。体育事业市场化发展与法制建设滞后的矛盾,出现工资发放的监管漏洞,“自主择业”安置方式配套制度缺失,社会保险不健全,注册与交流制度成为“利益交换”工具,纠纷解决机制不健全,使运动员劳动权受到侵害后无法得到相应救济,运动员的生存、健康、发展、救济等合法劳动权益受到严重侵害。尽快建立与完善运动员的劳动权法制保障成为新时期中国体育事业和谐发展的重要方面。首先需要密切结合国家整体战略、劳动法制发展、国内外体育大环境及体育管理体制等宏观形势,使运动员的劳动权法制保障符合市场经济基本要求。其次在立法上明确规定运动员劳动权及其行使程序和救济途径,并加强执法和司法建设,以保证运动员劳动权法制保障机制能够有效运行。最后,建构更加科学合理的体育管理模式,并逐步培养体育管理者的宏观管理理念,使运动员劳动权法制保障能够在实践中顺利施行,以切实保障运动员的合法权益,进而推动我国体育事业的稳定发展。

【Abstract】 The competitive sports has developed rapidly and gained remarkable achievements since 1949. The success of 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing showed the powerful of economy, political, culture and other aspects in China, even showed the rapid growth of our country sports and the high level of competitive sports. The athlete teams are the core strength of pushing forward competitive sports to grow, so to speak, the most basic and important part of sports system. The personnel system and social class have been changing greatly accompanied by the deep reform of market economy step by step.The protect system of athletes’rights and benefits has kept reforming by the objective request for adapting to the demand of market economy. However, the subsistence and development of athletes are in hot water bog down because of the contradiction and collision between current situation and planned economic system. Moreover, the healthy and remedying benefits of athletes are stricken.These are exposing the deep-seated problems in Chinese labor right legal system of athletes. Therefore, this paper is based on the theoretical modes of labor right. And it starts by the natural, legal and real modes. They are in sequence. Then with the collection, collation and analysis of the literature, the specialist interview, the analysis of cases, the logical analysis and dialectic method of analysis to get a thorough understanding of the athletes’labor right legal system. For the purpose of providing helpful propositions for the progress of athletes’labor right legal system.At first, the paper is based on the structure of athletes’labor right. And from the nature right angle to selectively analyze a set of rights which belong to athletes’labor right and have a close relationship among the subsistence, development, health, remedy benefits of athletes. Meanwhile, the paper reasons that athletes are laborer. These are the theoretical principle for other sections. Secondly, it is beginning at the visual angle of labor right, combining the history of labor legislation with sports to introduce and analyze the development of Chinese athletes’labor right legal system since 1949. It is divided into two periods by the construction of Market Economy of Socialism.There were different traits and effects in the two periods. Thirdly, the primary coverage is the real mode of athletes’labor right. In other words, it is the analysis of the current situation of athletes’labor right legal system, including the cases of invading athletes’ subsistence, development, healthy and remedying benefits so as to expose the contradiction and collision in the current situation of athletes’ labor right legal system from the microscopic view and reveal the reason for the contradiction and collision. Finally, the paper combines the situation analysis of national strategy, the sports at home and abroad, the society of rule by law with the labor legal system and institutions. Then the paper puts forward the suggestions on the evolution of athletes’ labor right legal system and the relevant system such as reform of labor control system, change of concept, etc. In a word, the legalization of athletes’labor right protect system is not only the embodiment of the idea of "people oriented", but also the important part of the democracy and the rule of law in building a harmonious society against the perfection of society governed by law and labor legal system background. Therefore, protecting the athletes’labor right by legal system is good for the training of good athletes and sustainable development. Moreover, it is also the premise and basis of Chinese sports to develop constantly and steadily.

【关键词】 运动员劳动权法制保障
【Key words】 athleteslabor rightlegal system protection
  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】909

