

The Research of Managerial System and Complex Analysis of Competitive Athletic wihtin Major Countries and Districts in Asia

【作者】 区志权

【导师】 沈信生;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究首先把过去十年奥运会田径项目和世界田径锦标赛的前三名获奖情况进行了统计,以洲为单位,通过一般数理统计找出各洲的获奖情况,从而找出世界田径运动的格局分布。再以同样的方法计算过去十年亚运会田径项目和亚洲田径锦标赛前三名的获奖情况,从而找出亚洲田径运动的格局分布。按亚奥理事会的划分,通过了解亚洲45个国家和地区的基本情况,对亚洲五个地理分区的竞技田径的水平进行纵向和横向的比较。通过对专家的访谈和收集亚洲45个国家和地区的国内生产总值、财政贮备、人类发展指数等社会和经济发展水平的数据,把这些数据与第18届亚锦赛的得分作相关分析,从而总结出经济和社会发展对竞技田径的关系和影响。最后,通过对田径专家和14个亚洲国家和地区的教练员和田协人员的访谈和对有关资料的收集,对亚洲主要国家和地区用于发展竞技田径的体育管理体制和培养高水平田径运动员的方法和途径作出深入的分析和研究。研究主要有以下结果。1.世界竞技田径运动以欧洲和北美洲的成绩最好,非洲凭埃塞俄比亚和肯亚横扫中长跑项目,亚洲和大洋洲的情况相约,而南美洲的水平最低。发展趋势方面,北美洲的奖牌数量不断上升,已经开始追近甚至超越欧洲。亚洲主要受到来自内部和外部的因素共同影响,发展前境不容乐观。2.中国、日本和韩国在亚洲三强鼎立的局面已有所改变,韩国的竞技水平明显下降,取而代之是巴林、沙地阿拉伯、卡塔尔、印度和哈萨克斯坦。此外,引进非洲专材的例子日趋普遍,相信会为亚洲田径格局带来新的冲击。3.亚洲五个地理分区的竞技田径都有不同的发展,东亚区领导亚洲田径运动的发展,西亚区的进步十分明显。东南亚和南亚田径发展只属一般,中亚国家的表现比南亚和东南亚好。4.亚洲国家和地区的社会发展水平与竞技田径的水平之间没有相关,但从构成社会发展水平的三项指标中发现,经济水平与竞技田径的水平相关程度相当高。说明虽然社会发展水平对竞技田径的水平没有直接的影响,但经济水平对竞技田径水平的影响是正面而且相当高的。5.当社会和经济不断发展和变化时,其对竞技田径的影响是主要的,而非绝对的。不管是职业制、并存制、还是业余制,只要能找到国家和地区社会和经济发展的特点,再配以合适的管理体制和推出有利于发展的政策,才能发挥出国家最大的竞争力。

【Abstract】 This study was analyzed the top-three awards of the Athletic competition within the Olympic Games and World Championship in the last ten years, continent was used as unit, through the result to summarize the structural variability of the Athletics among the world. The same method was used to analyze the top-three awards of the Athletic competition within the Asia Games and Asia Championship in the last decade, through the result to calculate the structural variability of the Athletics among Asia. According to the instruction by Olympic Council of Asia,45 registered countries and districts in Asia were divided into 5 geographical sub-regions. This study was interpret the basic situation of the countries, hence, operated the vertical and horizontal comparisons among the athletic levels. The data were collected through the interview of Athletics’ Experts and research of Social Factors; such as Goss Domestic Product (GDP), Total Reserve, and Human Development Index(HDI); as well as Economical Development Level. The correlation analysis between the above factors and the scoring result of The 18th Asian Athletic Championship was computed, thus outlined the influence of the development of economic and social factors on the Competitive Athletic. Finally, though the interview of the Athletics’experts; coaches and athletic committee’s member from 14 countries and districts in Asia, the critical interpret of Sport Management System and the method to cultivate the elite athletes was conducted. There were 14 coaches and 9 athletics’experts have been interviewed, and the results were found as the following.1. North America and Europe leading the highest level of in world Competitive Athletic; the superiority of Africa athletes in mid and long distance run; less difference between Asia and Oceania in competitive level; and South America obtains the lowest performing level. The developmental trend shows that North America is threatening the leading position of Europe due to the raising of the recent competitive performance. The developmental circumstance of Asia does not shows an optimistic future, since the influence of internal factors and the challenges by the other continents.2. The big-3 leading position of China, Japan and Korea in Asia has been changed because of the decreasing performance of Korea. The obvious performing improvement of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, India and Kazahstan gradually replace the position of Korea in recent years. Moreover, importing elite athletes from Africa would be a new challenge to the structure of Competitive Athletics in Asia, since this phenomena has occurred frequently among recent years.3. Regarding to the Competitive Athletics development within 5 geographical sub-regions of in Asia, East Asia is running the front of other sub-regions; West Asia is progressing rapidly and obviously; Central Asia is performing better than South Asia and South East Asia; however, both of South Asia and South East Asia is performing relatively lower.4. According to the correlation analysis result, no significant correlation was found between Social Developmental Level and Competitive Athletic Level. However, among the three component index of Social Developmental Level, the Economic Level is highly correlated to the Competitive Athletic Level. This founding interprets that although the Social Developmental Level does not influent the Competitive Athletic Level directly, Economic Level still has highly positive influence to the Competitive Athletic Level.5. When society and economy are rapidly changing and developing, they are playing an important role in Athletic development, however, this relationship is not an absolute. Either the occupational; dual; or amateur system, only if the countries and districts can fully understand the unique characteristics of the Economy Development, hence, compose with the reasonable strategy and suitable managerial system, could produce the highest competitive strength of Athletic in the countries.


