

Study on Mudan’ Poetry Language

【作者】 叶琼琼

【导师】 王泽龙;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要从语形和语思两个角度阐释穆旦诗歌语言的现代性特征。词汇是语形的主要构建。第一章从词汇系统的更新、词汇组合的破格、独特的句式三个方面探讨穆旦诗歌语言特征。穆旦大量采用非传统诗意的词汇入诗;大量使用身体词汇,让身体承担生命之思;赋予词汇独特的情思,使其具有个人话语的特点;密集使用虚词,改变诗歌语言功能,使其能够精细详尽的描述事物,表达最细腻幽微的情感,固定词序和语法功能,形成清晰简捷的诗风;同时大量表示时间、方位、地点的虚词使现代诗歌能够清晰地“定时”“定位”“定向”,虚词还加强了诗歌的立体性和整体性。穆旦诗歌词汇组合的特点具体表现为:矛盾词汇的配对使用,词汇语法功能的转换,抽象词与具象词嵌合。穆旦诗歌语言独特的句式主要体现为欧化的语言形态,长句子的使用,语序的欧化以及主语的增多等,欧化是中国新诗走向现代化最重要的途径之一。第二章阐述隐喻与穆旦诗歌语言的关系。隐喻是穆旦借助语象思维的语思特征。隐喻与意象、思维三位一体,隐喻与象征有很多重叠之处。穆旦的诗歌经验是复杂多样的,矛盾分裂的。这种复杂的经验只有用隐喻才能得到充分的表达。隐喻使穆旦诗歌语言肉感、抽象、含混多义。隐喻是诗歌语篇的衔接工具,它超越了理性与非理性、逻辑与非逻辑分明的界限,背离日常语言中的逻辑和思维方式,衔合起意象和经验的碎片,使诗歌走向统一,使复杂的诗歌元素成为不可分割的整体。第三章论析反讽与穆旦诗歌语言的关系。反讽也是穆旦诗歌的一种诗思方式。穆旦的边缘诗人身份、生平经历、艺术追求、所受教育等决定了他必然会采取反讽的姿态写诗。穆旦采用“对照”的手法设置反讽生存的语境,具体表现为:内容的对照、句式的对照、文体的对照、结构的对照以及多层对照等。穆旦对题材的态度是冷静的、超然的,穆旦诗歌语言的叙述姿态也是冷静的;凡叙事、写景多为“写实”,词汇多是不带个人感情的中性词汇,但是纯粹的零度情感是不可能的,中性的语言中暗含了穆旦的情感向度和价值取向。修辞反讽带来的是所言非所指的语言形态,语言表面意义和实际意义不一致。思维与哲学层面的反讽则赋予了穆旦诗歌语言含混多义、知性独白的特点。穆量诗歌语言从外在词汇到内在语言之思都实现了现代性转变,穆旦诗歌语言的现代性特征是穆旦诗歌真正摆脱传统,走向现代性的体现,代表了中国现代诗歌向现代性的较为成熟的转型。

【Abstract】 This dissertation expounds the modernity in the language of Mu Dan’s poetry from two aspects-language form and the way of language thinking.Chapter One explores the language characteristic of Mu Dan’s poetry from three aspects:the renewal of lexical system, the poetic licence of the word combination, and the unique sentence structures. Lexis is the essential component in morphology. Mu Dan employed large amount of non-traditional words in his poem; used many words relevant to the human body so that the body gets the soul to think about life; endowed the words with distinct meaning so that they bear the uniqueness; intensively made use of the form words to change the poetry’s language function so that it can display a fine and explicit description, express the subtlest feeling, fix word order and grammatical function, and thus form a clear and pithy poetry style. Mu Dan, meanwhile, employed quantities of function words indicating time, orientation and location which not only enable the modern poetry to realize timing, orientating, and locating but also strengthen the dimensionality and wholeness. The features of the word combination in Mu Dan’s poetry are presented in the paired use of some contradictory words, the transformation of words’ grammatical function, and the embedding of abstract and representational terms. The unique sentence structure in Mu Dan’s poetry is realized by the only way for Chinese new poetry to modernization-Europeanization, which means more long sentences, the Europeanization of word orders, and the increasing use of subjects.Chapter Two elaborates the relationship between metaphor and the language in Mu Dan’s poetry. Metaphor is the charateristic of Mu Dan’s language meaning which is realized by image thinking. Metaphor, which shares many similarities with symbolism, image, and thought constitute the trinity. Complicated and contradictory as Mu Dan’s experience in peotry is, it can only be thoroughly expressed by metaphor. Metaphor gives flesh and blood, abstraction, and ambiguousness. As a method to make the peotry context coherent, metaphor surpasses the definite boundary between rationality and irritionality, as well as logic and illogic, deviating the normal logic and thinking style, and combining the image and personal experience, hence it fulfills the unity of peotry and enables the complex elements of it to become a whole.Chapter three states the relationship between irony and the language in Mu Dan’s peotry. Irony, a thinking style in Mu Dan’s peotry, would undoubtedly be adopted by Mu Dan because of his identity as a fringe poet, personal experience, artistic pursuit, education. Mu Dan achieved irony via using contrast in content, syntax, style, and multilayer in structure. Mu Dan, following the style of other poets of irony, told his story in a calm way. When narrating and portraying Mu Dan used many neutral words which by no means are unemotional but imply Mu Dan’s emotion preference and value orientation. By Irony, a rhetoric device, we get a language style in which the literal meaning is different from its real one. The irony from the thinking and philosophy brings about the ambiguousness and intellectual monologue in Mu Dan’s peotry.Both the external usage of words and the internal achievement of language meaning in Mu Dan’s peotry have been modernized, which means Mu Dan has broken away from the tradition and realized modernity and consequently represents a successful transform of Chinese modern peotry to moderntiy.

【关键词】 穆旦诗歌语言词汇隐喻反讽
【Key words】 Mu Dan’s peotrylanguagelexismetaphorirony
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1338

