

Study on the Book of Shishuoxinyu from the Perspective of Buddhist Culture

【作者】 戴丽琴

【导师】 高华平;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《世说新语》中与佛教相关的内容极为丰富,本论文以史论结合为主要研究方法,从五个方面进行了研究,主体部分凡五章。一、考察《世说新语》的编撰者刘义庆的佛教倾向及其对《世说新语》的佛教书写的影响。刘义庆对佛教的态度有二重性,其近佛大约肇于刘裕进入东晋政治枢纽时,后随年岁增长而弥笃,然其与刘宋皇室的密切关系也使其不喜宗教干涉政治。因此,《世说新语》中可见不少极为珍贵佛教资料,而东晋一些与政治关系密切的著名佛教徒或佛教事件则不见载。二、考证《世说新语》所载佛教徒事迹,力求对《世说新语》中佛教徒的人数及其事迹有更可信的研究结论。本章提出书中所载佛教徒的数目,有佛教徒25位(其中疑是者2位)和僧团3个。事迹考证以文献辨伪为前提,以时间、地点的考证为基本,注重与其他文献的比勘。又结合《世说新语》本身的特点,将支遁事迹先集中考证单列一节,其他僧人事迹考证系于后,其中一些考证较前人更具体,也有一些对前人研究结论的质疑。三、考证《世说新语》所载名士近佛事迹。本章全面爬梳名士事迹与佛教相关者,搜寻新的与佛教相关的内容,证明其与佛教的关联,统计出所涉及的近佛名士人数约50人,考证新搜寻的名士近佛事迹的具体时间、地点,发现名士近佛与家族、时代政治和文化密切相关。除此之外,还对所涉名士的近佛事迹进行了全面考察。四、考证《世说新语》所载佛教经、论典籍。凡4部。其中关于《小品》、《维摩诘经》、《阿毗昙》这三部印度原典的考证,大致包括产生背景、作品内容、版本流传、社会影响四个方面,注重史料的翔实,推论的严密,密切结合时代语境,吸纳最新科研成果。中土僧人支遁的《即色论》,重在分析其文献来源及原貌,发现二者皆难以确知。五、追溯《世说新语》词汇、故事与佛教文化的渊源。考察《世说新语》中词汇与佛教文化的关系,是从词语来源和语义演变的视角,以便展现东晋中佛文化交融的历史动态。对《世说新语》故事进行佛教文化的溯源,其中吸纳前人成果5种,首见于本文的有3种,它们使人认识到佛教对中土文化的渗透已经且将更深入。综合言之,佛教对于《世说新语》的影响是多方面、多层次的,《世说新语》对于佛教中国化研究和中国佛教化研究皆有独特价值。换言之,佛教视野对于《世说新语》的研究是不可或缺的、且待深入的。

【Abstract】 There are extremely rich content on Buddhism in the book of Shishuoxinyu. Through documentary scientific method, this thesis study in five aspects.The first chapter discuss the contents of the Buddhism in the book of Shishuoxinyu how to be affected by Liu-Yiqing’s Buddhist thinking who is the editor in charge of Shishuoxinyu. Liu-Yiqing’s Buddhist thinking is dual. Liu-Yiqing begin to touch Buddhism when Liu-Yu became the real political leader in the Eastern Jin Dynasty,and deepened beliefs as time went on.however, Liu-Yiqing opposed to use religion to intervene in politics. So Shishuoxinyu is precious materials to study Buddhism, on the other hand, it omitted some noted Buddhist and historical events.The second chapter is textual research on Buddhist. The author will draw conclusion properly. There are 25 Buddhist (including 2 suspected Buddhist) and 3 Buddhist team. The textual research is to discriminate true or false, to verify the time and place of the events,and to compare the documents. In view of the book itself, Zhidun events are systemicly studied firstly,and other Buddhist are systemicly studied latety. Some research is provided more textual, Some new findings are at odds with some studies that have concluded.In the second chapter, the clan who were close to Buddhism are textual researched completely and systematically. The number of the clan who were close to Buddhism is about 50. On the base of the textual research in the second chapter, the historical events that are found newly are textual research. The clan closing to Buddhism are affected by family and the trend of the times。what’s more, all the events on Buddhism of the clan to are studied firstly, too.In the fourth chapter, it is the first that the Buddhist scriptures in the book of Shishuoxinyu are textual researched systematically. The study on three original texts, DaoHangBoRuo, Vimalakirti Sutra, Samyuktabhidharma-hrdaya-sastra, are combined with specific context in the book and the latest research results. The ideological sources and natural color of "Form itself is emptiness" writed by Zhidun are explored firstly.In the fifth chapter,it is a new perspective to study the relationship between buddhist culture and the vocabulary in the book of Shishuoxinyu from the perspective of the source and the development of vocabulary. The new relationship between Buddhist culture and the story in the book of Shishuoxinyu is found. these studies reveal buddhist culture had and penetrated deeply Traditional Chinese Culture.,and will do.All research shows that the book of Shishuoxinyu have been influenced greatly by buddhism and have unique historical value for buddhist sinicization studies and China Buddhism studies. It’s necessary to study the book of Shishuoxinyu from the perspective of buddhist culture. What’s more, the researcher should further the work. And Buddhism attainments is basic to Shishuoxinyu Studies.

【关键词】 《世说新语》佛教刘义庆
【Key words】 ShishuoxinyuBuddhismLiu-Yiqing
  • 【分类号】B948;I207.41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1547

