

The Research on Theory and Practice of CPC’ Urban Community Construction

【作者】 张大维

【导师】 陈伟东;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“城市社区建设”为研究对象,以“中国共产党的理论与实践”为研究视角,试图主要回答以下两个问题:中国共产党城市社区建设理论体系是否形成,主要内容和理论价值如何?中国共产党城市社区建设理论体系指导下的城市社区建设实践成效怎样,主要经验和实践意义何在?论文通过综合运用文献研究、调查研究和实地研究等研究方法,遵循“发生逻辑(为什么)——理论体系是什么——实践成效怎么样”的分析思路,采用“新情况——新问题——新理论——新实践”的研究框架。研究得出的基本结论是:第一,党的城市社区建设理论已经形成且已整合成架构合理、指导实践取得巨大成功的科学理论体系,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分,是马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的最新理论成果。第二,党的城市社区建设理论体系指导的城市社区建设实践取得了显著成效,积累了丰富经验,为统筹城乡社区发展奠定了基础。社区是社会的细胞,建设和谐社区是构建和谐社会的基础。没有中国共产党就没有新中国,就没有中国特色社会主义。办好中国的事情,关键在党。由此可见,社区建设和党的建设是新时期和谐社会建设必须关注的两大主题。新中国建国60年、改革开放30年、《中华人民共和国城市居民委员会组织法》颁布实施20年、全面推进城市社区建设10年、积极推进和谐社区创建5年,农村社区建设从试点走向铺开,城乡社区统筹发展的趋势正在形成,我国社区建设的成就巨大,对中国共产党在城市社区建设中形成的新理论与新实践进行系统研究显得十分必要。然而,当前学术界在取得大量研究成果的同时却也出现了一些明显不足:从西方研究范式出发,来阐释中国城市社区建设实践的较多,从我们党执政的角度去研究中国化道路,并从学理上分析总结我们党城市社区建设新理论和新实践的较少;等等。本文关注实践中的问题,转换研究范式,从实际问题出发梳理出中国共产党领导城市社区建设的四个主题,也即党的理论和实践体现的四条主线:居民自治、社区管理、社区服务、社区文明。本论文阐释围绕着这四条主线展开,使其贯穿于党的理论和实践的始终。中国共产党领导的中国城市社区建设具有独特的发生逻辑。我国城市社区建设的最初目的,是要解决改革开放中出现的新情况所引发的新问题,中国共产党的城市社区建设理论和实践就是围绕这些新情况和新问题展开的。总体来看,我国巨大社会转型出现的新情况主要表现在四个方面:社会分层、社会流动、社会组织和社会分工。新情况引发新问题,与之相关联,我国的社会建设面临的新问题也主要表现在四个方面:民稳问题,即单位制解体与基层社会管理主体缺失及管理真空问题;民生问题,即公共需求增长与公共服务或产品供给短缺问题;民主问题,即公民的选择权、自由权、差异性增强与自治渠道、自治制度、自治机制不完善问题;文化问题,即精神文明建设与核心价值体系统领问题。面对这些新情况和新问题,党和国家逐步形成了通过社区来整合社会的中国城市社区建设道路,形成了中国共产党独特的城市社区建设理论并指导着城市社区建设实践不断向前发展。中国共产党领导的中国城市社区建设形成了科学理论体系。中国共产党选择走城市社区建设道路以后,逐步展开了理论探索并通过实践试错来完善理论。在这一过程中,党的各次全会的精神、中央领导同志的论述、中央政府报告的概括、中央政策法规的阐述,政界学界理论的成果,等等,都极大地丰富了中国共产党城市社区建设的理论。总体来讲,业已形成的中国共产党城市社区建设的理论体系,是关于建设社区(社会)生活共同体及其内含的居民自治、管理有序、服务完善、文明祥和等各要素的意义价值、宗旨目标、内涵外延、组织架构、体制机制、方式方法、手段途径、网络体系等的整体性理论体系。其包括三个相互关联的组成部分:一是逻辑起点理论,即马克思主义研究问题的出发点和辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义研究方法理论;二是中轴核心理论,即社区(社会)生活共同体理论;三是外围结构理论,包括社区居民自治理论、社区管理有序理论、社区服务完善理论、社区文明祥和理论等四大支柱理论。这三部分共同构成了中国共产党领导的城市社区建设理论的轴心体系。其中,逻辑起点理论是方法论,中轴核心理论是价值观,外围结构理论是保护带。中国共产党城市社区建设理论体系的科学性是由其指导的城市社区建设实践成效决定的。中国共产党领导的中国城市社区建设取得了巨大实践成效。中国共产党领导的中国城市社区建设道路大致经历了传统旧式社区建设阶段、过渡转型社区建设阶段、现代新型社区建设阶段、和谐社区建设与城乡社区统筹发展阶段四个阶段。本文侧重于呈现过渡转型社区建设及其以后阶段的实践发展。在党的城市社区建设理论体系指导下的城市社区建设实践成效概括起来便是“五个建立、五个格局”:一是社区组织体系基本建立,初步形成了基层社会有序管理格局;二是社区民主制度基本建立,初步形成了广泛参与居民自治格局:三是社区服务体系基本建立,初步形成了小社区大服务格局;四是社区建设保障机制基本建立,初步形成了齐抓共建格局;五是社区文明氛围基本建立,初步形成了文明祥和格局。实践的巨大成效实际上也证明了中国共产党城市社区建设理论体系的科学性。中国共产党领导的中国城市社区建设创造了理论实践价值。其理论价值体现在:一方面,从时间和内容范畴上看,中国共产党城市社区建设理论体系是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分;另一方面,中国共产党城市社区建设理论体系坚持了马克思主义最基本和最核心的思想,是马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的最新理论成果。其实践意义体现在:中国共产党城市社区建设理论体系及其内含的“一个正确分析、五个紧紧抓住”等具体实践经验,既为全面开展城市社区建设拓宽了发展空间,也为积极推进农村社区建设提供了参考借鉴,为最终实现城乡社区一体化发展格局奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 This dissertation examines Chinese urban community construction. Drawing on the theory and practice of the Chinese Communist Party, it attempts to address two main questions:1) Has the Chinese Communist Party established a theoretical system of urban community construction? If yes, what are its main contents and theoretical value? 2) What are the practical effects of the theory of urban community construction under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party? And what are its primary experience and practical significance? The study triangulates literature review, document research, fieldwork and other research methods to investigate the causes, rationale and effects of the Chinese community construction theory. Adopting the "new situations-new problems-new theories-new practice" approach, the conclusion of this study is two-folded:1) The theory of urban community construction of the Chinese Communist Party has been established as an integrated theory of great success in practical application, which has become an important component of the socialist theory with Chinese characteristics and the latest development of Marxism in the Chinese context.2) Under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party, the theory of urban community construction has achieved remarkable results, which has accumulated rich experience and laid the foundation for co-ordinate development of urban and rural communities.Communities are the cells of a society. Constructing harmonious communities is the basis for constructing a harmonious society. Without the Communist Party of China there would be no new China and socialism with Chinese characteristics. The key responsibility for handling China’s affairs should rest with the Communist Party of China. Thus, community construction and party building are the two main themes of constructing harmonious society in the new period. It has been 60 years since the founding of PRC,30 years since the reform and opening up,20 years since "Organic Law of the Urban Residents Committees of the People’s Republic of China" was promulgated,10 years since urban community construction was pushed forward comprehensively, and 5 years since harmonious community was actively promoted. In recent decades, rural community construction is fully under way from pilot zones. Co-ordinate development of urban and rural communities is becoming a new trend. The tremendous achievements in Chinese community construction are of prime importance to a systematic study of new theory and new practice formed in urban community construction by Communist Party of China. Despite that the existing literature on urban community construction has been fruitful, problems still exist. Namely, most previous researches drew on western paradigms to explain the practice of Chinese urban community construction. However, few studies theoretically analyze and summarize new theories and practices of Chinese urban community construction from the perspective of the ruling political party. This study concerns problems in practice. Through a detailed discussion of actual problems, it teases out four main themes of Chinese urban community construction which are also the four main lines embodied in theory and practice of the Chinese Communist Party:resident autonomy, community management, community service, community civility. This dissertation expounds these four main lines running through the party’s theory and practice.The road of Chinese urban community construction led by Communist Party of China has its unique logic of occurrence. The original purpose of China’s urban community construction is to solve the new problems that have arisen in the new situation of reform and opening up. The theory and practice of the Chinese urban community construction led by Communist Party of China centers around these new situations and new problems. Overall, the new situations of China’s great social transformation are mainly manifested in four aspects:social stratification, social mobility, social organization and social division of labor. Correspondently, the new problems that have emerged in China’s social construction are also reflected in four aspects:the problem of people’stability, namely, the disintegration of unit system, the absence of grass-roots units of social management and the issue of management vacuum; the problem of people’s well-being, namely, the contradiction between the growth of public demand and the shortage of public service or product supply; the problem of democracy, namely, the contradiction between the enhancement of citizens’right of choice, freedom, difference and the imperfection of autonomous channels, autonomous systems, autonomous mechanism; the problem of culture, namely, the construction of spiritual civilization and the establishment of core value system. Faced with these new situations and new problems, the party and the state have gradually developed the road of Chinese urban community construction which aims to integrate communities into society; formed the unique theory of urban community construction and guided the practice of Chinese urban community construction.The road of Chinese urban community construction led by Communist Party of China has formed a scientific theoretical system. After taking the road of urban community construction, the Communist Party of China has been engaged in exploring and perfecting the theory through practice. In this process, the theory of urban community construction has been greatly enriched by the guidelines of CPC’s plenary meetings, the expositions of the CPC leading collective, the summaries of the central government reports, the elaborations of national policies and regulations, theoretical contributions from political and academic circles, and so on. Generally speaking, the existing theoretical system of urban community construction led by the Chinese Communist Party is an integrated theoretical system which expatiates on the a community (social life) featuring resident autonomy, orderly management, consummate service, civility and harmony as well as the values, purposes, connotations, denotations, organizational structures, systems, mechanisms, methods, channels, and networks of these features. This theoretical system includes three interrelated components:First, the theory of logical starting point, namely, the starting point of Marxism as well as research methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism; Second, the theory of axial core, namely, the theory of social community (social life); Third, the theory of external structure, namely four underpinning theories including the theory of community resident autonomy, the theory of orderly community management, the theory of consummate community service, the theory of community civility and harmony. These three parts together constitute the axial system of CPC-led urban community construction theory, among which the theory of logical starting point is its methodology, the theory of axial core is its values, and the theory of external structure is its supporting measures. The scientificity of the CPC-led urban community construction theory is decided by its practical results.The road of Chinese urban community construction led by the Communist Party of China has made tremendous achievements in practice. The road of Chinese urban community construction has gone through four main stages:the stage of traditional and old-style community construction, the stage of transitional community construction, the stage of modern and new community construction, the stage of harmonious community construction and co-ordinate development of urban and rural communities. This dissertation focuses on the practice and development since the stage of transitional community construction. The practical results of urban community construction under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party can be summed up as "five establishments and five patterns". First, a basic community-based organizational system has been established and a pattern of orderly managed grass-roots community has been initially formed; Second, a basic community-based democratic system has been established and a pattern of resident autonomy of broad participation has been initially formed; Third, a basic community service system has been established and a pattern of "small community, great service "has been initially formed; Fourth, a basic safeguard mechanism of community construction has been established and a pattern of "co-construction, co-management" has been initially formed; Fifth, a harmonious atmosphere of civilized community has been basically established and a pattern of civility and harmony has been initially formed. These fruitful results, in turn, prove the scientificity of the theoretical system of CPC-led urban community construction.The road of Chinese urban community construction led by Communist Party of China has both theoretical and practical value. Theoretically, the theory of urban community construction is an important component of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics from the perspectives of time and content. This theory not only adheres to the most basic and central ideas of Marxism but also develop Marxism in the contemporary Chinese context. Practically, its valuable experience of "a proper analysis, five firmly grasp" not only broaden the space of fully implementing urban community construction, but also provide a reference for actively promoting rural community construction, as well as lay the foundation for the development pattern of urban-rural community integration.


