

Five Yan Regime Research

【作者】 高然

【导师】 周伟洲;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 慕容鲜卑为我国古代东胡鲜卑族的一支,关于其名号的含义历来纷争较多,但在目前史料匮乏的情况下,还无法对其名号下一定论;而在慕容鲜卑中存在的“慕容”、“慕舆”两姓分化情况,本文在考订两个姓氏出现先后等情况后,提出分姓的出现是在北魏时期,而形成确定的分姓理念则要晚到隋唐时期的新观点。慕容鲜卑在迁入塞内之前,经历了一个从西向东、从北向南渐进的迁徙过程,最终进入了辽西塞内居住。此后,在慕容魔的汉化改革,以及此后几代首领的努力推动之下,慕容部的实力迅速发展,在今天的东北、华北地区相继建立了前、后、西、南四个燕国政权,而此后出现的北燕虽然为汉人冯氏所建,但仍是直接继承后燕的历史遗产。五燕政权延续一个半世纪——从慕容魔掌控慕容部(285年),到冯氏北燕在北魏统一北方的战争中被吞并(436年)——期间兴衰起伏,其兴起既有政治清明、军事实力强盛、经济发展、文化进步等内部因素,也有当时北方持续动荡的外部条件的影响;而其衰落则突显了内部各种矛盾的交错、激化。五燕政权所实行的政治制度可以分为两个大的部分,即延续汉魏旧制和专门设置用来统治少数民族的机构两种系统,也就是采取了十六国时期少数民族政权中常见的“胡汉分治”措施。而其中统治少数民族的职官系统,在前、后、北燕时期始终存在,其中既有借用匈奴等民族的职官,也有鲜卑传统的民族职官;三燕时期统治少数民族的职官系统之间有着明确的发展、继承关系;其变化则是因为内外形势的不断变化所导致的。五燕由于是鲜卑化政权,所以其经济与文化都包含有慕容鲜卑部落时期和五燕政权时期两部分内容。早期突出表现为慕容鲜卑自身游牧经济、文化下所反映的各方面内容;后期则表现为在慕容鲜卑汉化过程中所带来经济、文化等的变化、发展和融合。一方面慕容鲜卑自身经济、文化发生转化;另一方面,慕容鲜卑游牧经济、特色文化进入中原,也丰富了传统汉文化的内涵。五燕因为其鲜卑政权的特殊背景,国内的阶级、民族关系表现出了鲜明的复杂性特征:而慕容鲜卑的汉化过程则表现出了整体主动性、快速性的特点,五燕政权灭亡之后,慕容鲜卑及冯氏后裔大多进入北魏政权,最后在北方民族汉化大潮中融入了汉族。但其发展过程又有各自的特点:慕容鲜卑的发展过程表现出了明显的曲折性:冯氏则表现为汉人在沾染“夷俗”后,再次恢复汉化的历程。总之,慕容鲜卑、五燕政权对我国古代民族、政治、经济、文化等各方面都做出了较为突出的贡献,产生了极大影响。

【Abstract】 MuRong XianBei Family was one nation of DongHu XianBei in ancient China, about its origin and name more controversy, but historical lack of this, so not conclusive.In particular about differentiation of the "MuRong", "MuYu" surnames detailed analysis of research. I believe that the sub name appear in BeiWei Dynasty, determine the concept of sub-name in Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty.MuRong XianBei Family move plug in region in the previous, it was from west to east and north to south migration process asymptotically. After in MuRongHuai "implementation Han Nation culture policy" and the efforts of several generations of leaders, MuRong XianBei Family more and stronger. It established Former Yan and Later Yan, West Yan and South Yan. Although Northern Yan being set up Feng Family, but it inherited the MuRong XianBei Family’s history and culture. From MuRongHuai founder of Former Yan(AD285), up to Northern Yan die out (AD436), At this point, Five Yan there was one and a half-century. In the process, the reasons for the rise and fall, there were many internal causes such as clean political and powerful military strength, economic development cultural progress so on. There were many external causes, such as volatile north;The decline highlights the contradictions within the range of intense.Five Yan’s political system was divided into two major parts, one Han Wei continued the old system, the other own system of minority institutions. It was also common minority regime for "HuHan divide and conquer". There has been the minority officials system in Former Yan, Later Yan, West Yan and South Yan. Both has the minority officials system of XiongNu Nation, also has XianBei Nation. In three Yan, the minority officials system has a clear relationship between the development of inheritance. This was because the changing situation both inside and outside.Because Five Yan was hanzify minority goverment, so its economy, and culture reflect the ethnic characteristics of the first half and finished the latter half of the charcateristics.Author the main concern of the minority hanization and the complexity of ethnic relations.Because Five Yan was the power of the special background XianBei, domestic class and ethnic relations to show the distinct characteristics of the complexity of it. But XianBei Nation learning Han culture show initiative and fast.After the downfall Five Yan. MuRong XianBei Family and Fend Family descendant join in North Wei, at last in hanization turn to Han people. Of course, the development process has different characteristics.This chapter highlights was writer account for after northern dynasties a brand of MuRong named DouLu’s lineage development by inscriptions.Five Yan regimes for China’s ancient ethnic, political, economic and cultural contribution and impact, and the historical status of the Five Yan regime.

【关键词】 慕容鲜卑冯氏五燕
【Key words】 XiaBei FamilyFend FamilyFive Yan regime
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】K238
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1217

