

The Study of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Administration in Modern Prospect

【作者】 王强

【导师】 许门友;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 党的十七届二中全会提出:到2020年建立起比较完善的中国特色社会主义行政管理体制。这表明中国行政管理学研究开始由引进外智向本土化转变,注重从中国自己的经验和实践出发构建理论体系和管理模式。邓小平是改革开放的“总设计师”,也是中国特色行政体制的奠基者,因此,研究邓小平行政思想对于构建中国特色社会主义行政管理体制具有十分重要的意义。本文以马克思主义中国化为理论指导;以改革开放以来中国式现代化发展为逻辑图式;以邓小平行政实践为现实基础;以近20多年学术界对邓小平行政思想研究的成果为学术支撑;以唯物辩证法为方法论原则,既立足全球化视野,又根植中国的社会环境和具体国情,通过现代化对行政的外在压力和行政现代化的内在诉求两个视域来透视邓小平行政思想,力图勾勒出邓小平行政思想的逻辑框架和发展脉络,冀望对邓小平行政思想有所感悟。根据系统科学“总分合”的原则,本文首先对现代化图景中邓小平行政思想进行总体观照;然后分高效、规范、民主、廉洁四个向度对邓小平行政思想的现代化表征进行论析;最后对邓小平行政思想进行共时性和历时性比较,并对邓小平行政思想的再实践和发展进行论述,形成一个严密的结构体系。这样本文涵括导言、总体观照、理论主体、比较研究、尾论五个部分。导言部分简要说明本文的研究意义、研究方法、研究框架和创新之处;第二部分主要通过中国现代化进程、世情国情、邓小平行政实践、马克思主义行政理论四个方面总体观照邓小平行政思想形成的图景。第三部分也是本文的核心部分,主要通过高效化的目标向度、规范化的科学向度、民主化的价值向度、廉洁化的德性向度四个方面论证邓小平行政思想的逻辑框架和主要表征;第四部分主要通过共时性与历时性比较,使邓小平行政思想与西方行政改革和中国传统行政思想进行对话沟通,以突显邓小平行政思想的现代化特质和中国特色;第五部分主要对邓小平以后中国行政发展的绵延和再实践进行论述。本文认为邓小平行政思想并非妙想勃发,而是基于理性、合乎理性的产物,撮其概要,邓小平行政思想至少涵摄三重理性意蕴:一是“高效规范”的工具理性意蕴。面对“文革”后的无序状态,邓小平首先强调效率问题、秩序问题,并通过科学化、规范化的路径提高行政效率,从而赢得了效率专家的美名。二是“民主廉洁”的价值理性意蕴。在强调“高效规范”的同时,邓小平一贯坚持“人民政府人民管理”的原则,推动“政治生活民主化”、“经济管理民主”、“基层生活民主化”进程,推动“廉洁行政”的发展。三是“对话沟通”的交往理性意蕴。在现代化进程中,邓小平没有悬置与远离马克思主义经典文本,而是“一直遵循马克思主义的基本原理”,并在“坚持”的基础上进行“发展”,实现“返本开新”;从“世界公民”出发,邓小平注重学习借鉴当今世界各国行政改革的成功经验和做法,并在“借鉴”的基础上进行“超越”,实现“洋为中用”;在行政实践中,邓小平还注意吸取中国传统文化的精华,并在“继承”的基础上进行“改铸”,实现“古为今用”。正是在与马克思主义行政理论、西方行政学说、中国传统行政思想的“对话沟通”中,邓小平行政思想达到“视域交融”的境界,从而使邓小平行政思想实现了“中国特色”和“世界图景”的统一。

【Abstract】 The Second Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed that the administrative system of socialism with Chinese characteristics should be comparatively perfected by 2020, which indicates that the study of Chinese administrative management begins to change into localization from introducing foreign intelligence and emphasizes the construction of theoretical system and management mode from China’s own experience and practice. Deng Xiaoping is the "Chief Designer" of the policy of reform and opening-up and the founder of the system of administrative management with Chinese characteristics. Thus, it is of vital significance to research Deng Xiaoping’s thought on the construction of the administrative system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Based on the theoretical guide of Marxism in China, the logical scheme of Chinese modernization since the policy of reform and opening-up, the realistic basis of the practice of Deng Xiaoping’s thought on administration, the academic support of the achievements of the research of Deng Xiaoping’s thought on administration during the nearly twenty years, the methodology of materialist dialectics, and grounded on both the global vision and the social environment and China’s specific conditions, this thesis is to analyze Deng Xiaoping’s thought on administration from two angels, the external pressure of modernization and the internal appeal for modernization, to try to outline the logical and developmental framework of the thought, and to hope for comprehending something from the thought.According to the principle of deduction and induction in system science, this thesis is firstly to overview the Deng Xiaoping’s thought on administration in modern prospect, secondly to analyze the modern characteristics of the thought from the following four dimensions:efficiency, specification, democracy, and probity, and finally to compare the thought synchronically and diachronically and expound the re-practice and development of the thought, which makes a tight structural system. Thus, this thesis covers five parts: introduction, overall view, main theory, comparative study and conclusion. The introduction part briefly explains the research significance, the research methods, the research framework and the innovation of this thesis. The second part overviews the formation of Deng Xiaoping’s thought on administration from four aspects:development of China’s modernization, situation home and abroad, administrative practice of Deng Xiaoping’s thought and Marxist administrative theory. The third part, which is the core part of this thesis, demonstrates the logical framework and main characteristics of the thought from four aspects:target dimension of efficiency, science dimension of specification, value dimension of democracyand, morality dimension of probity. The fourth part compares the thought with western administrative reform and traditional Chinese administration thought synchronically and diachronically in order to highlight its the particular features and Chinese characteristics. The fifth part mainly discusses continuity and re-practice of the development of Chinese administration after Deng Xiaoping.In this page,we think that Deng xiao-ping’s administrative management thought depending on the rationality,doesn’t come from imagination.In general, there are three rational implication in Deng xiaoping’s administrative management thought:first is the implement reason which is efficient and standard. Facing on the disorder after "cultural revolution",Deng xiaoping emphasize efficiency and order firstly,and improve the administrative efficiency through the scientific and standardization. Therefore, he has a good reputation with efficiency experts; The second is the value reason which is democracy and honest. While emphasizing high efficiency, he also insist on the principle of "People’s government people management", and promote the process of "democracy of political life"、" democracy of economic management"、"democracy of grassroots" and promoting honest administration development; the third is the communicative rationality which is "Dialogue communication". In the process of modernization, Deng xiaoping didn’t deviation marxist classics, but "always follow the basic principles of marxism", and "development" it on the basis of "insist",and realizing"reserving traditional culture and establishing new national spirit". Starting from a" citizen of the world", Deng xiaoping insisted on opening-up, learn the successful experience of the administrative reform and practice from other countries, and "beyond" it on the base of "reference", and realizing"make foreign things serve China ".In administrative practice, Deng xiaoping also absorbs the essence of Chinese traditional culture to realizing"make the past serve the present ",which is improved on the base of inheriting. It is in communication with the administrative theory of Marxism and Chinese traditional administration thoughts, Deng xiao-ping’s administrative management thought achieve "Vision Fusion " realm, this make Deng xiao-ping’s administrative management thought realizing the unity between "Chinese characteristics" and "The picture of the word".

【关键词】 邓小平行政思想现代化
【Key words】 Deng XiaopingAdministrative thoughtModernization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

