

【作者】 王利中

【导师】 岳珑;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 新疆工业变迁的历史是新疆工业化建设的真实写照,反映了20世纪50年代以来新疆广大军民在中国共产党和地方政府的领导下建设边疆的奋斗历程。通过研究这段历史,使人们可以清楚地看到新疆工业建设所取得的成就,所存在的不足,可以从中汲取经验,为更好地建设新疆提供帮助。新疆工业发展的资源基础雄厚,但历史起点低。1949年以前,新疆工业发展水平低下,主要以传统手工业为主,机器工业发展缓慢。20世纪50—70年代,中国共产党及其领导下的人民军队带领新疆各族群众,在新疆创建了一大批现代工矿企业,并形成了新疆现代工业体系。新疆传统手工业也经过社会主义改造,成为新疆轻工业的组成部分。1978年后,改革成为了新疆国有工业企业发展的主线。非公有制工业企业的发展,使新疆工业形成了多种所有制并存的格局。20世纪50年代以来,新疆工业不仅有了巨大的发展,新疆地区的工业布局也发生了从南至北的转变,形成了以首府乌鲁木齐为中心的工业分布。经过近六十年的发展,新疆工业逐渐成为了新疆国民经济的主导力量,而且,工业的发展改变了新疆地区的产业结构,推动了新疆地区工业化的发展。20世纪50年代以来新疆工业变迁呈现出一些独有的特征。新疆的现代工业是由人民解放军驻疆部队创办,在中央政府以及内地省市的支援下,逐渐发展起来的。在发展过程中,新疆工业逐渐形成了中央企业、新疆维吾尔自治区地方企业以及新疆生产建设兵团企业三大主体。这些都是不同于其他地区之处。虽然新疆工业发展成果斐然,但仍存在技术水平低、资金投入不足、管理体制条块分割、民营经济发展缓慢等问题,这些问题一直是困扰新疆工业进一步发展的障碍。反思20世纪50年代以来新疆工业的变迁,可以认识到,中央以及新疆地方政府在新疆工业变迁过程中一直起着主导作用。新疆现代工业体系的建立是政府行为的结果。由于新疆工业基础薄弱,只能以政府为主来选择工业发展模式,中央以及新疆地方政府通过制定产业政策、主导产业投资、规划工业项目,来推动新疆工业的发展。但是,市场的作用并没有被排斥,在满足新疆本地居民的消费需求,以及国际市场需求上,市场依旧对新疆工业发挥着作用。如何处理政府与市场在新疆工业发展中的关系,将是未来新疆工业发展所要面临的问题。

【Abstract】 The history of industrial change in Xinjiang is a true reflection of industrialization, reflecting soldiers and civilians built frontier under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and local government since the 1950s. By studying this history, people can see clearly Xinjiang’s achievements in industrial construction and the shortcomings. Therefore, we can learn from the experience and help building Xinjiang.Xinjiang’s resource base of industrial development is abundant, but the start point is low. Before 1949, the low level of industrial development in Xinjiang mainly based on traditional handicrafts and machinery industrial development was slow. From the 1950s to 1970s, under the leadership of Communist Party of China and people’s army, the masses of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang created a large number of modern industrial and mining enterprises, and formed the modern industrial system in Xinjiang. The traditional handicrafts had become one part of light industry of Xinjiang after the socialistic reform. After 1978, the reform of state-owned industrial enterprises in Xinjiang has become the main line of the development. The development of non-public industrial enterprises enabled the formation of a variety of industrial ownership in Xinjiang. Since the1950s, Xinjiang had not only experienced a huge industrial development, but also undergone an industrial distribution change from south to north, forming a capital of Urumqi, the industrial distribution center. After nearly six years of development, Xinjiang industry has become the leading force in the national economy and the industrial development has changed Xinjiang region’s industrial structure and promoted industrial development.Since the 1950s, Xinjiang’s industrial changes presented some unique features. Xinjiang’s modern industry was founded by the People’s Liberation Army forces in Xinjiang, and developed gradually under the support of Central Government and the mainland provinces and cities. In the process of development, Xinjiang has gradually formed a central industrial enterprises, local enterprises and Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the three main businesses. These are different from other areas. Although the industrial development in Xinjiang was impressive, there are low levels of technology, insufficient capital investment, management system fragmentation, slow development of private economy and other issues. These problems are still the obstacles that block the further development of industry in Xinjiang.The reflections on the industry changes since the 1950s can enable us to get to know that the central and local governments in Xinjiang has played a leading role in the process of industrial change. The establishment of the modern industrial system in Xinjiang is the result of government action. Xinjiang’s industrial base is weak, so only under the leadership of the government can we choose the development model. Through the leading property investment, planning of industrial project, we can promote industrial development in Xinjiang. However, the role of the market has not been excluded, the market still plays a role in Xinjiang industry by meeting the local residents and international market demand. How to deal with the relationship between the government and the market will be a problem that the development of Xinjiang’s industry is going to face up to.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

