

The Rheological of Chinese TV Movie

【作者】 亚宁

【导师】 章柏青;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 电影学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 电视电影诞生于20世纪60年代的美国,1999年国家广电总局电影频道节目中心率先开始在中国创作生产电视电影,经过10余年的发展已经积累了1200余部作品。电视电影不仅已经成为中国电影的重要组成部分,而且作为一种年轻的电视节目形态为电影频道(CCTV-6)补充了大量的节目内容,并为其在激烈的电视收视竞争中保持实力和优势做出了突出贡献。电视电影作为一种新的艺术品种或亚类,在中国发展迅速且成绩斐然,但是对它的系统性研究还很缺乏,甚至在很多方面尚属空白。本文作为首篇以中国电视电影为研究对象的博十论文运用了电影学、电视学、心理学、美学、艺术学、传播学、比较学等多学科的理论,重点对中国电视电影的发展概况、美学特征、叙事特征、接受心理、接受行为等诸多方面开展综合性、全景式的研究,特别对电视电影作为一种电影与电视嫁接的产物,在观众接受方面所具有的特点及与影院电影、网络电影的差异进行分析、比较,归纳总结出电视电影的艺术规律,为指导创作实践服务。本文共由引言和六章共七部分组成。引言部分论述了选题的意义,研究的内容和方法,研究的重点、局限与创新之处。本文是以中国电视电影作品和受众为研究对象,以电视电影在中国10年来的创作、播出和收视情况入手,采用定量分析和定性分析的方法进行研究。第一章中国电视电影十年的发展概况,全面描述了十年来中国电视电影的产量、题材和类型,详细介绍数十部中国电视电影作品所获得的近百个奖项。第二章中国电视电影播出和收视情况,从1999年3月2日播出第一部作品开始,集中从电视电影的产量和播出量占国产影片总产量和播出总量,以及电视电影黄金时间播出量占国产影片黄金时间播出量的比例这两个方面,概括出电视电影在内容和质量上对电影频道节目的补充与支撑。从2000年至2008年的九年中电影频道电视电影年度收视排名前十位的作品中,归纳出最受观众喜爱的题材和类型,为后面的研究提供案例。第三章中国电视电影的美学特征,从知觉、故事、思想和特征四个单元进行分析、描述。提出电视电影在镜语、剪辑、表演、文字、音响及音乐等方面的创作要求;在题材、内容、命名等方面的基本规则;在主题思想、价值观等方面必须遵守的原则;中国观众较为喜爱的电视电影的几种类型、题材的特点和美学要素。第四章中国电视电影的叙事特征,重点强调类型化的叙事原则和现实主义叙事风格,提倡采用二元对立的叙事结构,提出营造叙事悬念,保持叙事张力,增加叙事趣味性,适度进行叙事省略的创作技巧。第五章电视电影的观众接受特点,从观影目的、观影的环境与设备、电视电影接受的一般心理过程、电视电影与(影院)电影接受心理的差别和电视电影的观众构成与接受差异这几个方面进行论述。其中重点从2000年至2008年CCTV-6电视电影收视率或收视份额前十位的作品及其观众构成来分析中国电视电影的观众接受特点,并由此提出中国电视电影的创作方向和原则。第六章互联网语境下的电视电影的接受,分析了通信网、互联网、广播电视网三网融合趋势下,中国电视电影所面临的机遇和挑战以及应该在题材、内容等方面做出的相应调整和改变。

【Abstract】 Television Movie was (also known as telecine or telemovie/telefilm/TVmovie) first invented in 1960s in Ameica. In China, China Movie Channel (CCTV-6) has started the making of telemovies since 1999. After 10 years’developing, there are now around 1,200 telemovies of their production. As a new type of program and important component of movies in China, Television Movie has retain the edge of CCTV-6 in the competition of audience ratings.As a new type and branch of arts, Television Movie has developed rapidly and scored some achievements. But there is not much study in the area of Television Movie. As the first PhD Thesis on Chinese telemovies, it puts filmology, Television Studies, psychology, esthetics, Art Theories, communication theories and the study of comparative in use. The thesis puts an emphasis on the study of developing, aesthetic features, narrative feature, psychology and action of accepting of television movies in China. As a combination of television and motion picture, television movie is compared to movies in theater and movies from internet to draw the conclusion of telefilm study.This thesis consists of a foreword and seven chapters. The value of the thesis、method of the study、focus of the study and the originality of the study are pointed out. The thesis targets television movies and the audience as the object, starts the study through 10 years of producing, broadcasting and audience ratings.Chapter 1, Brief summary of the developing situation of China’s Television Movies. This chapter will accurately and fully describe the numbers, theme and genre of China’s Television Movies, especially ten Television Movies that won over hundreds of movie prizes in the past decade.Chapter 2, this chapter will describe the status of Television movie’s broadcasting and audience rating in China. Since March 2 1999, the first Television movie production went on air in China. This chapter will keep focus on the number of Television Movies, its production percentage in China’s movie industry, and the overall broadcasting time of Television Movie in entire prime time slot. On the whole, it will summarize that television movie is an effective support and supplement for China’s movie channel. And then, it will analyze top ten television movie productions that were started broadcasting from 2000 to 2008.Chapter 3, the Aesthetic Characteristic of China’s Television Movie productions. It will start with analyzing the perception, story, ideology and characteristic. After that, it will conclude the six basic requirements in producing a television movie, such as camera language, editing, performance, script, audio and music; the rule of story theme, content and title; the principle of central idea and expression of values.Chapter 4, The Narrative of China’s Television Movies. It will emphasize on the principle of narrative in stereotype and narrative in realism. It will advocate a writing skill that using the narrative in binary opposition would emphasis the mystery of movie script, also could increase the true tension and interestedness.Chapter 5, the characteristic feature of audience reception. It will focus on audience purpose, environment device and the psychological process for audience prepared for Television Movie productions; and then will compare the difference and audience characteristic between the television movie productions and movies. In this respect, a typical sampler is top ten television movie productions that were started broadcasting from 2000 to 2008. It will use the sample to summarize the China’s Television movie audience reception characteristics, at the same time will conclude the principle of the Television movie productions.Chapter 6, the audience reception of Television movie productions under Internet context environment.In this Chapter, it will analyze the telecommunication network, Internet, television network and discuss the development trend of the integration of three networks. Finally, this paper would discuss the China will face both challenges and opportunities. An important step is to change and make adjustments to meet the market demand.

  • 【分类号】J909.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1637

