

Entrepreneurial Cognition Decision Making Research on Culture

【作者】 马昆姝

【导师】 胡培;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 创业对社会经济发展的推动作用日益凸显。创业决策是创业行为不容忽视的关键点之一。作为创业活动的起点,创业决策受到众多内在因素与外在因素的影响。创业研究与决策研究领域都认识到文化这一外部因素,同时也关注到认知作为内在因素对创业行为的影响。回顾过去研究,有如下一些问题有待解决:(1)文化视角的决策研究大都停留在研究的第一层次——差异比较,而研究的第二层次——文化因素的影响作用研究较为缺乏;(2)基于特质理论的风险倾向难以有效地解释创业决策,其作用备受质疑;(3)“创业是过程”,而自我效能理论在创业领域的发展局限于解释创业绩效与创业意图,有待扩展;(4)作为“接受-放弃”型决策,创业决策受到哪些风险因素的影响?结合中国人的风险认知特性,影响又会如何?本研究围绕上述问题,就个人的创业决策过程展开了研究。研究一,以文化与创业研究及决策研究为基础,构建文化影响下的创业决策模型。通过问卷考察了不同地域的文化因素对创业风险感知、创业决策的作用;根据Sitkin和Pablo(1992)构建的风险决策影响因素模型,重新界定了风险倾向——以“倾向”界定替代备受质疑的“个性特质”,检验其对创业行为决策的影响;并将创业自我效能引入创业决策过程,初步探索其影响。研究结果显示不同地域的文化因素存在差异,各文化因素对创业风险感知、创业决策的影响并不相同;界定为“趋向”的风险倾向不仅直接正向作用于创业决策,还藉由创业风险感知这一中介变量影响创业决策;初步确认了创业自我效能对创业决策有影响。研究二,根据自我效能理论,通过实验方法,从自我效能的来源着手,研究了创业自我效能对创业决策的作用。研究结果显示,个体的创业自我效能受到工作经历的影响,个体的自我效能不仅对创业决策产生了正向的主效应,同时,与创业风险感知产生了更为复杂的交互作用共同影响着创业决策。研究三,针对“接受-放弃”型创业决策与中国人对风险认知的特性,将创业可能的结果细分为盈利、保本、亏损三种情况,在不同的决策情景(风险情景、模糊情景)下,研究以预期概率表征的创业风险感知与创业决策的关系。研究结果表明,对“接受-放弃”型的创业决策来说,风险情景下,感知预期实现盈利的概率对决策的影响作用更大;对风险情景和模糊情景的比较研究发现,风险情景下的创业决策反应时长于模糊情景下的决策反应时。本研究的理论价值体现在:(1)从跨文化研究的第二层次解读了文化各因素对创业决策的影响,深入了文化视角下的创业行为及决策研究;(2)重新界定了风险倾向并检验其在创业行为中的作用,避免了创业研究过早否定风险倾向的影响;(3)从认知因素着手,根据自我效能理论,将创业自我效能引入创业决策过程,研究其在创业过程中的主效应及与其他认知因素——创业风险感知的交互效应,扩展了自我效能理论在创业领域的应用;(4)结合中国人风险认知的特性,将预期结果细分为盈利、保本、亏损三种情况,研究了不同的决策情景(风险情景、模糊情景)下的“接受-放弃”型创业决策。从决策类型、决策情景、预期结果等方面对行为决策及创业行为研究进行了补充。本研究也具有一定的实际意义:为构建促进创业行为的文化提供了理论参考;有助于指导创业教育相关课程的设置与教学。

【Abstract】 The function of entrepreneurship driving economic development becomes more and more noticeable. As the beginning of entrepreneurial process, entrepreneurial decision making is one of key points to entrepreneurial behavior, and effected by many inside and outside factors. The academic researches of entrepreneurship and decision have pay attention to cultural as environmental element; and it is impossible to ignore that cognition as individual factor redounds to explain entrepreneurial behavior. Some issues are exposed though review:(1) Culture-decision making research samply describes group difference in the first level and the second level study-how culture effect decision making is so lack; (2) Risk propensity grounding on personality theory is inexplainable entrepreneurial decision making so as to be criticized; (3) As "entrepreneurship is process", self-efficiency theory need to extend more aspects in entrepreneurship domain not only entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial performance; (4) Regard as acceptance-rejection decision task, entrepreneurial decision have many unknown issues, such as which factors will influence this type decision, and how about the effect considering Chiense cognition of risk? The present research conducted a series studies to account for these questions.Study 1 constructed frame of culture-entrepreneurial decision making on the culture-decision making and culture-entrepreneurship field, investigated impact of regional culture to entrepreneurial risk perception and decision making. Different, redefined risk propensity to "tendency" instead "traits or characteristics" and test the action of risk propensity and entrepreneurial self-efficiency in entrepreneurial decision making process. Rusults showed that difference cultural factors among regions varied and had different influences on entrepreneurial risk perception and decision making; and during entrepreneurial decision making process, risk propensity had positively effect and partially mediated by entrepreneurial risk perception, and entrepreneurial self-efficiency also had positively impact.Study 2 discussed the effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial decision making by experiment. Results indicated that industrial experience affected entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and the main effect and interaction with risk perception of entrepreneurial self-efficacy were existed on entrepreneurial decision making.Study 3 focused on relationship of decision making and risk perception expressed by probabilities of anticipant entrepreneurial outcomes as gain, balance or loss in risk and ambiguity decision scenes basing on characteristic of acceptance-rejection decision task and Chinese congnitive of risk. Results revealed influencens of acceptance gain probability had intenser than probability of loss, and react time of making entrepreneurial decision in risk situation longer than ambiguity condition.The academic contributions of present research were as follows:(1) Exploring the effect of cultural facors to entrepreneurial decision in the second level from cultural perspective; (2) Redefining risk propensity to "tendency" and confirming its influence in order to avoid to deny risk propensity prematurely in entrepreneurial decision making process; (3) According self-efficacy theory, introducing entrepreneurial self-efficacy into entrepreneurial decision making process and proving the positive effect and ineraction with risk perception and expand the application of cognition theory in entrepreneurship domain; (4) Considering Chinese congnitive characteristic of risk, acquainting various risk perception affect entrepreneurial choice based on improving decision type (acceptance-rejection decision task), decision scene (risk and ambiguity situation) and anticipant outcomes (gain, loss and balance).The conclusion would meaning to entrepreneurial practice: providing theoretical reference to build entrepreneurial culture; affording guidance to entrepreneurial course design and teaching in entrepreneurial education.


