

Research on Optimization of Urban Railway Train Control and Dynamic Simulation of Traction Power Supply System

【作者】 刘炜

【导师】 李群湛;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的快速发展,城市轨道交通作为交通运输行业的一大组成部分,也得到了飞速发展。目前我国多个大中型城市均在进行城市轨道交通项目的建设,未来数年将是城市轨道交通发展的黄金时期。论文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,就城市轨道列车运行过程优化和牵引供电计算展开深入研究。列车运行过程优化提供单一列车在线路上运行时的优化操纵策略,并给出列车位置、取流、功率等随时间的变化关系。牵引供电计算模拟多列车在线路上运行时的牵引网网压、整流变电所负荷过程等。列车运行过程优化有助于提高列车控制水平,在保证服务质量的同时降低运行能耗。牵引供电计算是城市轨道交通牵引供电系统设计的重要依据。列车运行过程仿真为牵引供电计算提供基础数据;牵引供电计算的结果可检验行车计划是否合理。列车运行过程模拟与牵引供电计算可模拟城市轨道交通的实际运行过程,在电气化设计阶段,进行这种仿真可根据供电设施的设计情况确定线路通过能力,或根据仿真结果对牵引供电系统进行寻优设计。论文的研究内容主要包括以下几个方面:1.通过建立定时约束条件下的最小能量控制模型,采用Pontryagain极小值原理推导了城市轨道列车节能操纵策略的组成。提出了一种变长实矩阵编码的多种群遗传算法进行列车节能运行优化:采用多质点的列车牵引仿真器模拟列车运行;对列车运行控制序列采用变长实数矩阵编码;引入基于退火选择的变长算子以增强算法的全局搜索能力;适应值共享保持种群的多样性;多种群并行寻优提高收敛速度,增强寻优过程的稳定性。2.针对城市轨道直流牵引供电系统仿真,将交流系统侧等效至整流机组内阻后,采用由接触网、钢轨、杂散电流收集网和大地组成的四层网络模型,将全线直流牵引网模拟成一个完整的动态网络。整流机组采用多段折线的外特性模型,该模型将整流机组正常运行、制动电阻投入、牵引网短路时的外特性统一,通过迭代试算的方法确定其工作区间,可较准确的仿真直流牵引供电系统接触网、钢轨、杂散电流收集网电位,泄漏电流以及变电所负荷曲线等。3.城市轨道牵引供电计算一般将交流系统等效至直流侧进行计算或者交直流侧分开迭代,简化了交直流系统的内在联系,在一定程度上影响计算的精度。论文探讨了一种基于整流机组模型的城轨牵引供电系统交直流统一的牵引供电计算方法,并采用改进的牛顿-拉夫逊法和高斯-赛德尔法求解,利用一10节点直流牵引供电系统进行了验证。4.列车运行过程存在一定的随机性,牵引供电网络中潮流分布具有随机不确定性。论文提出一种基于蒙特卡洛模拟的城轨牵引供电系统概率潮流计算方法。该方法通过列车运行的时间-位置曲线构建列车位置的概率分布,根据行车组织建立列车发车间隔的概率分布,应用蒙特卡洛仿真,随机抽样确定多列车在线路上的位置和功率分布,通过牵引供电计算,获得城轨牵引供电系统节点电压和功率的概率分布函数。采用该方法可为城轨牵引供电系统的设计和运营提供综合地指导和评价。5.在列车运行优化及牵引供电计算研究的基础上,使用统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,简称UML),对城轨牵引供电仿真软件UrtSim的设计进行了描述,在Windows操作平台上,以Visual C++.Net2005为开发工具加以实现。该系统已在设计院投入使用,效果良好。

【Abstract】 As the component of traffic transportation industry, urban railway is growing quickly with the rapid development of the social economy. At present, a number of large and medium-sized cities in China are carring out urban rail transit construction projects. The golden age of the development of urban rail transit will arrive in the next few years. Based on the previous research achievement, the optimizations of urban rail train control and traction power supply calculation are discussed in this paper. The optimal train control strategy and realtionship among train position, current and power with respecte to running time are attained by train performance simulator. The traction network voltage and traction substation load process can be achieved by traction power supply calculation. Optimization of train runnig can improve the train control level. It can reduce the power consumption but maintaining the severice quality at the same time. Traction power supply calculation is an important basis of the design of power supply system. Train performance simulator provides the basic data of the traction power supply calculation. Meanwhile, the result of traction power supply calculation can used to examine the rationality of train running scheme. With the combine of train performance simulator and traction power supply calculation, the practical urban railway working procedure can be simulated. At the stage of electrification design of urban railway, line carring capacity can be determined according to the design of power supply facility with these simulated methods presented in this paper. The optimization of the design of traction power supply facility can also be achieved.The paper’s research emphasized on several aspected as follow:1. Through constructing the minimum energy consumption model with fixed running time, the urban railway energy saving train control strategies are obtained by Pontryagain minimum principle. An approach for solving train energy saving optimization problem based on variable-length real matrix coded multi-population genetic algorithm is presented. A multi-particle train simulator is adopted to emulating train run. The GA chromosome consists of a variable two dimensional real number representing the train control sequence. A variable operator based on annealing selection is introduced to enhance global search performance. Fitness sharing keeps population’s multiplicity. Multi-population parallel search improves convergence rate and evolution stability.2. A four layers’net model including overhead contact line, rail, stray current mat and earth is presented for the simulation of urban railway dc traction power supply system. The traction power supply system is considered as an integrated dynamic net. The polygonal external characteristic is applied to rectifier, whose working state is confirmed by iterative method. The accurate voltages of ocs, rail and stray current mat can be calculated as well as loads of rectifiers.3. Traditional power flow for dc traction power supply system usually carries out at DC traction side or executes separately at AC/DC sides, which simplifies the internal relationship and the calculation precision is not good enough. Through analyzing the model of parallel-connected 12 pulse uncontrolled rectifier, the unified AC/DC power flow for dc traction power system which based on improved Newton-Raphson method and Gauss-Seidel method is discussed and applied in 10 nodes hybrid traction power supply system for practical verification.4. A probability load flow (PLF) method for urban rail traction power supply based on Monte Carlo simulation is presented. The probability distribution of train position is obtained by train running time curve with respect to position. The probability distribution of departing time interval is attained by organization of train operation. With Monte Carlo simulation, the trains’positions which are used to imply power demand are taken as random samples, followed by AC/DC unified power flow calculation to obtain the probability distribution function of nodes’voltage and power. The comprehensive instruction and evaluation for urban rail traction power supply system can be achieved by this method.5. Based on the research presented above, the urban rail traction power supply simulation system UrtSim is implemented. The UML is applied as the software modeling and design method. The simulation system is developed with Visual C++.Net 2005. The UrtSim system has been successfully applied in railway design institute.


