

Study on Regional Bus Scheduling Problem under APTS

【作者】 何迪

【导师】 严余松;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 公交车辆调度可以分为线路调度和区域调度,两者的根本区别在于公交企业资源组织围绕的最小单位,一个是线路,一个是多条线路组成的一个区域,其中公交车辆线路调度是公交调度的基本模式。我国公交企业目前普遍采用单线调度模式,这种模式制约了我国公交企业本已十分短缺的公交资源的利用,同时也限制了各种新技术的应用潜力。而公交车辆区域调度是国外城市普遍采用的模式,也是我国公交调度的趋势,根据区域调度模式在西方及其它公交运营比较先进的国家的应用经验,相对于单线运营模式,区域调度模式下车辆的运营效率可以提高8%~20%。在区域调度中基于智能公交系统(Advanced Public Transportation System,简称APTS),合理安排组织运输任务,实现车辆的优化组合和配置,是整个运输优化组织工作的核心内容。通过对区域内公交车辆的统一管理,可以大大提高车辆利用率,实现公交运输科学化。同时,对车辆调度问题问题展开系统化地研究工作也是构建高效的运输组织体系、建立现代调度指挥系统、实现集约化和科学化、发展智能公交系统的基础与关键。城市公交系统是一个巨系统,其相关的模型和方法都非常复杂。论文在总结分析我国公交调度发展现状的基础上,以现代运输理论为依据,借鉴国内外公交调度经验,对APTS下公交车辆区域调度相关问题进行了深入系统的研究,概括起来主要有以下几点:第一部分分析了国内外APTS、区域运营模式和公交车辆调度问题研究的历史与趋势。指出了我国目前城市公交车辆调度存在的问题。提出了本博士学位论文研究的选题依据,阐明了研究的目的与意义、路线、方法和研究的主要内容。第二部分介绍了公交区域调度的定义、区域划分的方法及区域调度的优势,分析了APTS需具备的功能特征,APTS下公交车辆区域调度作业的流程,及区域调度问题的分类,并对APTS下公交车辆区域调度系统做了概述。第三部分建立了一个区域协同发车时刻表模型,该时刻表能使乘客在区域内的换乘时间最小。由于涉及大量的二进制和离散变量,该问题相当复杂,问题的组合特性也使得计算困难,用传统算法难以求解,而遗传算法是一种启发式随机搜索算法,把握搜索过程总体的能力较强,故提出了求解该问题的改进遗传算法。第四部分分析了公交车辆区域调度配车计划问题的内涵,引入了时空网络,构建了基于时空网络的公交车辆区域调度配车计划模型,把问题从时间和空间上进行分解,利用禁忌搜索的思想进行了算法改进,并通过算例验证了模型和算法。第五部分研究了APTS下公交车辆区域动态调度问题,根据动态调度调整的范围,将区域动态调度策略分为线路动态调度和局域动态调度方法两类,并对线路动态调度中的滞站调度和车辆调度形式选择方法进行了研究,对局域动态调度以车辆加权延迟到达总时间最小为目标建立了模型,并提出相应的算法。论文最后对全文进行了总结,并对有待于进一步研究的问题进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Bus scheduling modes consists of line scheduling and regional scheduling. The basic dissimilarity between the two scheduling models is least unit where optimize bus resources, one is a line, another is a region which is organized by some lines. Thereamong, vehicle line scheduling is the base mode in bus scheduling. The line scheduling model is generally applied by bus operators in China. Unfortunately, this model has limited both the efficiency of applying the currently insufficient resources and the potential of applying new techniques. Regional scheduling is widely used in many cities of developed county, which will be a trend in the future in China city. Based on the operating experience of regional scheduling pattern in Occident and other countries which have advanced public transportation, the improvements are 8%-20% in working efficiency under regional scheduling pattern relative to single line pattern.The core of organizing and optimizing transportation operation is allocating reasonably vehicle to transportation task and realizing bus reasonably collocating during regional bus scheduling under Advanced Public Transportation System(APTS). Managing effectively bus in a regional can elevate the efficiency of utilizing vehicle and realize scientific bus transportation. And to research generally the bus scheduling problem is the base and the key of constituting perfect transportation system, establishing modern scheduling system, realizing scientific logistics and improving APTS. Urban public transportation system is a giant system, the corresponding models and strategies are very complex. In this dissertation, based on the analysis of current situation of our bus scheduling problem, according as the modern transport theory, using the succeed experience of bus scheduling for reference, deep and systemic investigation is about regional bus scheduling problem under APTS. Resumptively, the main researches are as follows:The first section of the dissertation, reviews the history of development of APTS, regional operating pattern and bus dispatching problems both in China and in other countries, puts forward problems of current bus scheduling that exists in our country today, explains the reason of selecting this problem, and states the significance of the research, logic, methods, the main conten in the research process.The second section of the dissertation, introduces the definition of the regional bus scheduling, the method of dividing areas, and the advantages of regional scheduling, analyzes the necessary function characters of APTS, the scheduling process of the regional bus scheduling under APTS, and the division of the regional scheduling, and outlines the reginal bus scheduling system under APTS.The third section of the dissertation, designes a cooperative timetable model for a given regional buses, that enables the transfer of passengers from one route to another with minimum waiting time in the region. Because of the large set of binary discrete values involved, this is complicated problem. And the combinatorial nature of the problem poses a computational burden and makes it difficult to solve using classical methods, and genetic algorithm is heuristic stochastic search algorithm, which is good at global search, an improved genetic algorithm is developed to solve the problem.The fourth section of the dissertation, analyzes the connotation of regional bus scheduling planning problem, introduces time-space network, based on the time-space network, builds regional bus scheduling planning model, decomposes the problem by time and space, and utilizes tabu search for ideas to improve the algorithm, and verifies the model and algorithm through examples.The fifth section of the dissertation, studies the dynamic regional bus scheduling problem under APTS, and according to the scope of scheduling, the regional bus dynamic scheduling strategy were separated into two methods, one is line dynamic scheduling, another is local dynamic scheduling. In line dynamic scheduling, the holding strategies and dispatching vehicles in the form of options have been studied. A model of local dynamic scheduling is proposes to get the minimum total time of plus defer time, and corresponding algorithm was found.Finally, a summary is given and some problems to be further studied are discussed.


