

Research and Implementation of Road Traffic Simulation System

【作者】 崔建明

【导师】 叶怀珍;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,城市汽车保有量大量增加,给人类在迈向汽车文明的同时,带来诸多的交通问题,如道路拥堵、交通混乱、交通事故等等。为适应经济高速发展,保证经济和城市规模的扩大的需求,需要对城市交通进行大规模的改造或者重建,其中包括:进行城市交通的重新规划、新建城市道路:大型设施,以及对老城区和现有道路进行改、扩建。所有这些都需要对汽车流量及其特性进行调查研究、分析预测。此外,不断增加的道路需求与有限的道路投资矛盾不断加剧,使得挖掘现有道路网通行潜力成为一个日益重要的课题。由于计算机技术、通讯及信息技术的发展,使得越来越多的智能化手段应用于交通分析与控制当中,ITS也随之得到建立与发展。经过几十年的革新,ITS的研究已逐渐发展到大规模的应用,并且在交通的管理中起到举足轻重的作用。作为ITS系统有机组成中的重要部分之一就是交通流仿真,交通流仿真系统为ITS的交通诱导系统提供智能驱动来源。交通仿真作为具有举足轻重的多学科交叉的综合学科越来越被重视。在城市道路交通分析中使用“道路交通仿真系统”,可以对‘城市再规划”、对道路的新建和改、扩建的效果做出事先验证;可以评价新建的大型设施对周边道路交通环境产生的可能影响;可以对“缓解交通堵塞对策”的有效性进行评估。论文的主要工作如下:一、针对现有的仿真技术的特点,对系统仿真的体系结构设计及方法进行阐述。分别从用户为主体开始,对系统服务对像、逻辑功能、物理框架等方面的仿真系统进行分析,揭示交通仿真的必要性。二、对现有的仿真模型进行对比分析,萃取出更为有效的仿真思路。围绕新的仿真思路,对现有国内的交通状况进行分析,划分出几种交通现象相对应的仿真模型,针对性的对部分问题进行分析。三、通过对现有仿真技术的分析,构造实现相应功能的仿真体系。包括系统理论基础、系统构架、以及计算模型分析。四、对交通仿真进行软件设计。包括了目标对象类的构建,智能模块的分析设计,最后引入图像编程。图像仿真使得效果更加直观,面向对象的编程方法也使程序的可维护性得到保障。五、介绍相关其他主要的技术。包括信息数据的分布式共享与信息分布式采集技术实施方法,以及面对大量数据处理提供的解决方案六、有限元方法在交通管理以及分析中的仿真作用作初步的探索。这种方法利用现有的有限元工具的流体分析功能,对交通流在时间变化的条件下交通流变化进行趋势研究。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development,the number of cars owners in city has large numbers of increase, which brought a lot of traffic problems Such as:road congestion, mixing of traffic and traffic accidents, etc. At present, on the need for urban transportation,or the transformation of large-scale reconstruction,In order to ensure the economic development and urban expansion,that replanting of urban transport, new city roads and major city facilities are been needed,which include old City and existing roads, expansion, all of which need to research、analysis and forecast the flow rate and the characteristics of the flow rate. In addition, the growing contradiction between the demand for increasing road and the limited road investment makes mining existing road network line potential become a very important topic.With computer technology communications and information technology development, more and more brainpower means apply to intelligent traffic analysis and control, ITS is been gradually set up and develop.After several decades innovation, ITS research has been gradually applied in large-scale, ITS is playing a decisive role in traffic management. The traffic flow simulation is a importance part of the ITS system, it provides a source of intelligence-driver for ITS traffic guidance system. Traffic simulation is being more and more attentioned as an important multi-disciplinary integrated cross-disciplinary.Using "traffic simulation system" in analysis of urban road traffic can pre-testing "Urban Planning", the road to new-rebuild and changed、evaluating influence in new major facilities for the surrounding road traffic environment and evaluating effectiveness of "the strategy of ease traffic congestion".The main work of thesis is follows:First,in the existing characteristics of the simulation technology, elaborate the design and methods of simulation of system architecture. From the beginning as the main user, analysis the system of the services object, the logic function, the physical framework, revealed the necessity for traffic simulation.Second, comparative analysis of the existing simulation model, extraction of the simulation a more effective ideas of simulation. Analysis the current domestic situation in the traffic around the new ideas, divided into a number of the corresponding simulation model, analysis targeted the part of the problem.Third,structure a simulation system of corresponding function by anal ysis the existing simulation technology. It include the basis of system theor y, system architecture, and calculation model.Fourth,designing a traffic simulation framework software. Including th e target object class of the building, the design of the intelligent module, and finally introduction of the image programming. Images so that the e ffect of simulation is more intuitive, object-oriented programming methods also guaranteed maintenance program.Fifth, introduced in other major technology-related. Including the sharing of distributed data and the implementation method of the distributed information acquisition technology, and solutions of data-processing face a large number of data.Sixth, preliminary exploration at finite element method analysis play in part traffic management and analysis. This method make use of existing tools for finite element analysis of fluid to research trends the traffic flo w in the time-varying.


