

Field Measurement and Buffeting Analysis for a Long Span Cable-Stayed Bridge during Erection Stage

【作者】 陶奇

【导师】 廖海黎;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着斜拉桥向大跨度、超大跨度的发展,对抖振问题的研究愈加重要。本文首先回顾了大跨桥梁抖振分析的现状以及目前存在的问题,明确了气动导纳是桥梁抖振分析中至关重要的气动参数,它的研究是今后桥梁抖振精细化分析中的一个重要的研究方向。本文利用现场实测和风洞试验相结合的方法,对苏通大桥最大单悬臂施工状态抖振响应进行了详细深入的研究。主要研究内容有:1.回顾总结了土木工程结构现场实测研究发展历程及现状;2.介绍了抖振气动力、气动导纳函数以及桥梁断面气动导纳的识别方法,并结合前人的研究成果,建立了基于现场识别气动导纳函数的大跨度桥梁抖振响应频域分析方法;3.利用现场实测对苏通大桥桥址处的紊流风场进行了深入细致的研究,并以实测结果为指导,对风场采用了两种被动模拟方法进行了模拟,指出了实测结果与规范及两种方法模拟结果之间的异同,同时指出了风场被动模拟方法的不足之处;4.利用专门研制的同步测压系统,对苏通大桥主梁断面的平均压力和脉动压力分布特征、静力三分力系数进行了现场实测研究,讨论了实测结果和风洞试验结果之间的区别,分析了可能的原因;5.利用专门研制的同步测压系统,对苏通大桥主梁断面的气动导纳函数进行了现场识别研究,讨论了现场识别结果与风洞试验结果及Sears函数之间的区别,指出现场识别结果与尖塔紊流场下识别结果更为接近,并且其并不在传统上的1和Sears函数之间,同时,探讨了影响气动导纳函数的关键因素,并对现场识别气动导纳函数进行了经验拟合;6.利用GPS测量系统对苏通大桥最大单悬臂施工状态抖振位移进行了实测,并将实测结果与本文提出的基于现场识别气动导纳函数的大跨桥梁抖振响应频域分析方法分析结果及风洞试验结果进行了比较,探讨了抖振分析结果及风洞试验结果的可靠性。

【Abstract】 The research of buffeting problem became more important because the main span of cable-stayed bridge was getting longer. This dissertation reviewed actuality and problems of long span bridges buffeting analysis. And the aerodynamic admittance research was a very important aerodynamic parameter in bridge buffeting analysis. This dissertation fully researched buffeting response of the single longest cantilevered building state of Su-tong Bridge. The main research was shown as follow:1. The dissertation reviewed the development course and actuality of field measurement of civil engineering structures.2. The dissertation introduced the buffeting aerodynamic force and aerodynamic admittance function, and proposed the frequency analysis method of long span bridge buffeting response basing on field measured aerodynamic admittance function.3. The turbulence wind field of Su-tong Bridge was field measured to get the accurate turbulence wind field characteristics, and give accurate datum to the latter wind tunnel test research and actual identification. Two types of turbulence wind field were passively simulated in wind tunnel. And then the turbulence wind field characteristics were got to analyse the characteristics. The comparison of characteristics between simulated wind field and actual wind field proved the shortage of the passive simulation equipment.4. Using the particularly designed self-developed 60 channels synchronization pulse pressure measurement system, the aerodynamic force of Su-tong bridge deck was field measured to get the time history and frequency curve of average press distribution characteristics, fluctuating press distribution characteristics, static force coefficient and dynamic loads. And the results were compared with those of wind tunnel test.5. The aerodynamic admittance function of Su-tong Bridge deck section was identified in actual site and wind tunnel with the particularly designed self-developed 60 channels synchronization pulse pressure measurement system. The difference of aerodynamic admittance function was discussed between two types of turbulence wind field and actual condition. And the aerodynamic admittance functions were compared with Sears function. Then the aerodynamic admittance function of Su-tong Bridge deck was not between the traditional 1 and Sears function. Moreover, the aerodynamic admittance function of spire turbulence wind field was more closed to that of actual wind field. Lastly, several possible reasons were analyzed.6. Comparing buffeting response calculated by actually tested aerodynamic admittance function with GPS displacement measure results and wind tunnel test results, the actually tested aerodynamic admittance function was proved to be much better in analyzing the buffeting response of Su-tong bridge. And the reliability of research was discussed about the buffet response and wind tunnel test.


