

The Role of Trust in Customer Service Attributions

【作者】 李雁晨

【导师】 周庭锐;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 服务归因指顾客对特定服务体验原因的解释。过去的文献表明,服务归因对一系列的顾客购后态度和行为(例如满意、口碑和转换行为)具有重要影响。然而,关于顾客是如何进行服务归因的,我们知之甚少。在服务行业,无形性、易变性(异质性)、生产和消费的不可分割性以及易逝性等基本属性使得造成某一特定服务实绩的原因经常不可观察、难于判断,顾客是怎样进行服务归因的呢?顾客服务归因的心理机制是怎样的?服务企业能够影响顾客服务归因吗?现有文献并不能给我们一个系统的答案。本文则试图对上述问题进行回答以填补这一理论空白。本文由三项相互联系又具有独立性的研究构成。在这三项研究中,我们分别探讨并实证检验了顾客服务归因的基本模式、顾客服务归因的心理过程机制以及服务企业如何影响顾客对服务失误的归因。本文基本的研究发现主要有三个:(1)信任系统性地影响顾客的服务归因,同时作用于归因的自动锚定和主动加工,高信任会对服务归因带来积极影响;(2)信息的诊断性和态度矛盾中介了信任对服务归因的影响,并且这种中介机制对高信任的顾客和低信任的顾客存在不同;(3)服务营销组合因素,如服务的有形性、顾客参与程度和服务补救绩效总体上会对服务失误归因带来积极影响,信任具有调节作用,顾客信任程度越高,这种积极影响越大。我们首先探讨了顾客服务归因的基本模式。基于归因理论,特别是近年来占主导地位的归因双重加工(双系统)理论以及心理学、营销学、消费者行为学中关于人类信息加工、处理的理论和实证发现,并与信任理论和实证发现相结合,我们首先构建了服务归因的信任启发式和双重加工模型。在这一理论模型中,我们提出顾客服务归因既存在无意识自动的过程,也存在有意识、主动加工的过程,信任这一顾客对服务商的信念会同时影响上述两个心理过程,这使得顾客的服务归因既存在低信任和中等信任顾客的负偏差效应,也存在高信任顾客的正偏差效应:高信任顾客倾向于更为积极地看待服务体验(正偏差效应),而中等信任和低信任的顾客则倾向于更为消极地看待服务体验(负偏差效应)。第四章的几个实验和调查从总体上支持了我们的理论模型和研究假设:顾客归因是启发式加工和系统加工的共同产物;高信任的顾客比低信任的顾客更多地把正面服务体验归结为服务企业内部、稳定的因素,而更多地把负面服务体验归因于外部、不稳定的因素。我们进一步引入信息的诊断性和态度矛盾两个变量对顾客服务归因的心理过程机制进行了探索。我们的实验发现,高信任和低信任的顾客赋予正面和负面服务体验不同的诊断性意义,虽然低信任的顾客认为负面体验更具有诊断性,高信任的顾客并没有表现出这一模式;我们的实验还表明,顾客在体验到与既存信任不一致的服务时,会被唤起态度矛盾。中介分析表明,对于高信任顾客,态度矛盾部分中介了信任对服务归因的影响,信息的诊断性不存在显著的中介作用;而对于低信任的顾客,态度矛盾和服务体验的诊断性共同中介了信任对服务归因带来的影响。本研究还进一步探讨了服务的有形性、顾客参与和服务补救这三个服务营销组合因素对顾客服务失误归因的影响。实证研究表明,这三个变量都不同程度地对顾客服务失误归因具有积极影响,并且顾客信任越高,这种积极影响越大。本研究从如下几个方面扩展了服务营销和消费者行为理论,特别是关于顾客服务归因的研究。第一,本研究第一次系统探讨了顾客服务归因的基本模式,提出并检验了信任影响下的顾客归因双重加工模型。第二,本研究引入信息诊断性和态度矛盾两个变量对顾客归因的心理过程进行了解释,这为认识顾客归因提供了新的视角。第三,本研究把服务营销组合因素纳入到服务归因的研究,从而在前人研究的基础上,提高了顾客归因研究的实践指导意义。本研究的实验和调查发现对服务营销管理具有一定的实践指导意义。第本研究的实验发现显示,影响顾客归因的最有效方法是建立高度的顾客信任。第二,服务归因的双重过程模式表明,对不同信任的顾客应该采取不同的服务接触和补救策略。第三,服务企业在积极地影响顾客归因方面是可以有所作为的。服务商可以通过精心设计、实施的服务营销组合事前影响顾客归因;也可以在服务实施过程中对服务效果进行正确的评估并作出正确的反应从而事后影响顾客服务归因。

【Abstract】 Service attribution refers to customers’explanations to certain service experiences. Extant literature has provided us with rich knowledge on the critical role of service attribution in shaping customers’post service evaluations and behavior (e.g., satisfaction, word of mouth and switching behavior), but still little is known on how customers make causal attributions. In real service setting, because of the nature of service, such as intangibility, variability, inseparability, and perishability, the information of the real causes of certain service outcome is always neither observable nor available. Customers have to subjectively inference, rather than objectively "see" the causes of service outcomes. Our research questions are how customers make causal attributions? what are the psychological mechanisms through which attributions are made? and can service provider positively influence service attributions.We introduced customers’existing trust in explaining service attributions. We explored the up-mentioned research questions by three separate but internally correlated studies. The main findings are as follows. (1) Customer existing trust has systematic effects on customers’service attributions by influencing both the heuristic and system processing. High trust is related to positive attributions, whereas low trust is related to negative attributions. (2) Diagnosticity and attitude ambivalence partially mediate the attributions of negatively and positively valence service experiences, but the mediation effect is different for high and low trust customers. (3) Overall, Service marketing mix factors, such as tangibility, customer participation and service recovery efforts, have positive effects on customer service failure attribution, though the effects are moderated by customer trust.Based on recent progress in dual-process theories of attribution and other related theories on information processing, together with empirical evidences in marketing and consumer behavior literature, we proposed the model of trust heuristics and dual-processing in service attributions. In this model, we suggest that service attribution is the combination of more automatic, unconscious process and more systematic, controlled process, in which customer trust affect both process. Trust influence unconscious process by anchoring attributions on trust congruent causes and influence systematic process, if cognitive resources is available, by retrieving trust relevant beliefs to reinforce the anchored attributions. Thus we predict positivity effect of attribution in high trust customers but negativity effect of low trust customers. Several experiments of different service setting generally support our hypotheses:High trust customers tend to attribute negative service experiences to external, unstable factors whereas attribute positive service experiences to internal, stable factors. The inverse attribution pattern is true for low trust customers.In another study, we introduced information diagnosticity and attitude ambivalence in explaining the psychological mechanisms of service attributions. Two experiments results consistently provide evidence that high trust customers weight more on positive service experience as compared to low trust customers, whereas low trust customers weight more on negative experience as compared to high trust customers. The experiments also indicate that when service outcome is incongruent with existing trust, attitude ambivalence is aroused. Further mediation analysis reveal that only attitude ambivalence partially mediates the attributions of high trust customers, while both attitude ambivalence and diagnosticity partially mediate the attributions of low trust customers.We also investigated the roles of service marketing mix factors in customers’ service failure attributions. Survey results indicate that while tangibility of service, and service recovery efforts have positive effects on both responsibility and stability attributions, customer participation has only a positive effect on stability attribution but has a negative effect on responsibility attribution. Multi-group analyses also reveal that trust moderate the effects of the marketing mix variables on service failure attribution.The theoretical and managerial implications of our findings are also discussed.


