

Research on Optimization Model for Distribution Network Based on High-Tech Product Life Cycle

【作者】 张雷

【导师】 叶怀珍;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 高新技术产业是未来经济发展的发动机,也是各国在经济领域中角逐的制高点。因此,高新技术产业在经济全球化背景下的地位和作用越来越重要。中国高新企业面对市场竞争的日益激烈、用户需求不确定性的日益上升、产品生命周期的日益缩短和产品结构越来越复杂的环境如何处于竞争优势地位成为国内研究人员的一个重要研究热点。大量实例证明,供应链系统结构进行优化往往可以使物流成本降低5%-10%。分销网络是供应链中的重要组成部分,其设计的好坏不仅决定着物流成本的高低,也决定了整个供应链的服务水平的高低。然而,事实表明,面对复杂的市场环境,有些供应链运行结果却不尽如人意,其中一个重要的原因就是供应链分销模式和产品竞争策略的不匹配。融合产品生命周期的分销网络优化就是将产品生命周期阶段性融入到供应链分销网络设计中,改变了以往分销网络结构(工厂到分销中心,再由分销中心配送到市场)固定不变的模式,而是随着产品市场竞争策略的阶段变化发生动态调整,即针对生命周期不同阶段产品的竞争特征,选择适当的供应链分销网络与之相匹配。综观全文,本文所做的主要工作如下:(1)通过对大量相关文献的总结提炼,较为全面地回顾了国内、外供应链分销网络设计的研究成果,进而提出了本文的研究思路。(2)提出了高新技术产品生命周期内阶段供应链分销模式匹配关系,在此基础上建立了产品生命周期内连续响应时间表达式并进行了推导证明,该响应时间函数作为约束条件运用到以下优化模型。(3)确定环境下单产品多阶段分销网络优化模型。模型将各阶段可能存储位置及运输路径设为0-1变量,将各条物流路径上的物流量设为连续决策变量,从而建立该问题的MINLP模型,其目标是在一定的约束条件下产品整个生命周期盈利最大。(4)不确定环境下单产品多阶段分销网络优化模型。模型综合考虑了产品生命周期各阶段的生产成本\时间、运输成本\时间、缺货成本、销售价格以及响应时间等因素,建立了以利润最大化为优化目标的多工厂、多分销中心、多市场的随机优化模型。(5)融合阶段顾客满意度的网络优化模型。将阶段顾客满意度作为决策变量融入到物流成本结构内,在综合考虑了产品生命周期不同阶段的生产成本、运输成本、仓库租赁成本以及销售价格的基础上建立了基于顾客满意度的动态供应优化模型。(6)新老产品共存环境下网络优化模型。新老产品共存是高新技术产品更新换代期的主要特征。模型首先将产品需求细分为初始需求、核心需求和实际需求,在此基础上考虑了产品的响应时间、价格及替代性对整个更新换代期内新、老产品的生产、运输、存储的影响。

【Abstract】 High-tech industry is not only the engine of future economic development, but also the key point which all countries competing for in the economic field. Therefore, the high-tech industries play a more and more important role in the context of economic globalization. Confronting the circumstances such as increasingly intense market competition; ever-increasing uncertainty of user demand; shorter product life cycle and more complicated product structure, high-tech enterprises in china become an important research hotspot for internal researchers on how to have the advantage in competition.A large number of examples show that the optimization of supply chain structure can often reduce the logistics cost by 5%-10%. Distribution network is an important part of supply chain. Its design quality determines both the level of logistics cost and the level of whole supply chain service. However, facts prove that some operation results of supply chain are not satisfactory in the face of complex market environment. One of the important reasons is the mismatch between supply chain distribution mode and product competitive strategy.Optimization model for distribution network based on product life cycle integrates the product life cycle stages into the supply chain distribution network design. It changes the past fixed pattern of distribution network structure (factory to distribution center, and distribution center to market) by making dynamic switching according to the change of product market competitive strategy stage. That is to say, according to different product competitive characters in different life cycle stage, it chooses matchable distribution network. The major points of the full paper are as follows:(1) By refining a large number of summary relevant literatures, the researching achievements of domestic and foreign supply chain distribution network design are reviewed comprehensively in this dissertation, and then the idea of the dissertation is presented.(2) The matching relation of staged supply chain mode within the life cycle of high-tech product is put forward. Based on this, continuous respond time expression within the life cycle of products is established, and deduction and proof are given.(3) The optimization model of single-product multi-stage distribution network under certain environment is established. The potential storage location and transport mode of all stages are set to 0-1 variables in this model. The logistics volumes on the various paths are set as continuous decision variables. Consequently the MINLP model of this problem is established. Its goal is obtaining the optimum profitability during the life cycle of products under certain constraint conditions.(4) The optimization model of single-product multi-stage distribution network under uncertain environment is established. The production cost\time, transportation cost\tine, out-of-stock cost, sales price, respond time, and other factors in all stages of product life cycle are comprehensively considered in this model. Random optimization model with multi-plant, multi-distribution centre and multi-market with the optimization goal of maximum profit is established.(5) A network optimization model integrating the satisfactions of customers from all stages is established. The satisfaction degree of customers from all stages is integrated in the logistics cost structure. On the basis of comprehensively considering the production cost, transportation cost, warehouse cost and sales price of the products in different stages of product life cycle, a dynamic optimization model based on the satisfaction degree of customers is established.(6) A network optimization model with the coexistence of old and new products is established. The coexistence of new and old products is the main feature of high-tech products during the replacement period. The product demand will be firstly divided into initial requirements, core requirements and actual demand in this model, and then the influences to the production, transportation and storage of new and old products within the entire replacement period by the product’s respond time, price and substitution rate are comprehensively considered.


