

A Theoretical and Empirical Research Based on Psychological Motivation

【作者】 史青

【导师】 周本宽;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 公共工程组织与管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 随着社会经济的迅速发展市场竞争日益激烈,组织内外部环境复杂多变不确定性越来越强。在组织核心构成诸要素中,人才要素是最重要的,也是最不稳定的。如何选择有效的领导方式和激励手段提高员工的工作满意度和组织承诺,进而提高组织的整体绩效水平是每个组织的领导者都必须面对的考验。自从Burns提出变革型和交易型领导行为的概念,以及Bass在此基础上发展的变革型和交易型领导理论及测量方法,有关变革型领导行为的研究成为了西方领导理论研究的新热点。在过去20多年的研究过程中国内外学者做了大量的研究工作,在变革型领导行为与员工工作态度和组织绩效之间关系的研究上取得了重大进展。但是,已有研究关于领导行为的作用机制问题、影响领导行为有效性的因素问题、权变奖励领导行为是否会改善员工的工作态度以及影响路径问题都是缺乏研究的。论文在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,对社会交换理论、领导行为理论、调节焦点理论等进行了深入研究。理论研究的主要目的是:(1)尝试以人格特质作为切入点,引入个体特质性调节焦点倾向作为调节变量,提出员工个体特质性调节焦点倾向对领导行为与员工工作态度之间关系起调节作用的理论假设。(2)以员工的心理动机发展作为新的视角,探索变革型领导行为和权变奖励领导行为对员工工作态度影响的作用机理,并构建影响路径模型。论文通过问卷调查的方式收集了不同单位性质来源的424份有效样本,分别对调节效应假设和影响路径模型进行实证分析和检验。采用层次回归分析法验证了员工个体特质性调节焦点倾向对领导行为与员工工作态度关系存在调节效应的理论假设。研究结果表明,变革型领导行为与防御焦点倾向的共同作用会显著提高员工的工作满意度,其中,愿景激励维度与防御焦点倾向的共同作用对员工的工作满意度有显著正向调节效应,而领导魅力和个性化关怀维度与防御焦点倾向的调节作用不显著;变革型领导行为与提升焦点倾向的共同作用会显著降低员工的组织承诺水平,其中,愿景激励维度和个性化关怀维度与提升焦点倾向对组织承诺负向的调节效应显著,领导魅力维度的调节效应不显著;权变奖励领导行为与提升焦点倾向的共同作用会显著降低员工的组织承诺水平;权变奖励领导行为与防御焦点倾向的共同作用会显著提高员工工作满意度水平。论文采用结构方程模型方法对领导行为与员工工作态度之间的作用机制模型进行验证。研究结果表明,变革型领导行为正向影响员工的工作满意度和组织承诺;变革型领导行为通过正向影响员工的心理授权感知,员工的心理授权感知正向影响员工对领导的信任,员工对领导的信任正向影响员工的工作满意度的路径存在;权变奖励领导行为正向影响员工的工作满意度和组织承诺;权变奖励领导行为通过正向影响员工的分配公平感知,员工的分配公平感知正向影响领导—下属交换关系,领导—下属交换关系正向影响员工的工作满意度和组织承诺的路径存在。即变革型领导行为、权变奖励领导行为对员工工作态度影响路径的理论模型成立。

【Abstract】 At present, market competition becoming increasingly fierce with the rapid development of economy, and external environment within the organization is becoming more complex and uncertainty. The talent is the most important element of the organization, and the most unstable. How to choose an effective style of leadership and incentives to improve employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and thus enhance the organization’s overall performance level are the leader of each organization must face the test.Burns defined the concepts of transactional leadership and transformation leadership theory in 1978, and Bass developed the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) to identify behaviors underlying transformational and transactional leadership in 1985. In the past 20 years, the research about the relation of between transformational leadership behavior and employee attitudes and organizational performance has made significant progress. However, there has been little research that has examined the effect of personality and leadership style on work -related attitudes of employee, and how transformational and transactional leadership affect the effectiveness of leadership behavior, what’s the moderater and mediater between transformational and transactional leadership and follower’s working attitude.In this study, I have studied some important theories, including social exchange theory, leadership behavior theory, and regulatory focus theory. The main purpose of theoretical research are attempting to introduce individual chronic regulatory focus as an moderater to examine why personality traits would affect the effectiveness of leadership behavior, and propose a new research perspective to explore the action mechanism of transformational leadership and contingent reward leadership behavior on employee attitudes, with the employee’s psychological motivation.Data for this study were collected from the different units, and received 424 valid samples. Results revealed that transformational leadership and chronic prevention focus were positively related to follower’s job satisfaction; contingent reward leadership and chronic promotion focus were negatively affect follower’s organizational commitment; transformational leadership and chronic promotion focus were negatively affect follower’s organizational commitment; contingent reward leadership and chronic prevention focus were positively related to follower’s job satisfaction, using hierarchical linear modeling. The results showed that transformational leadership, contingent reward leadership and followers’ chronic prevention focus would significantly increase employee job satisfaction; transformational leadership, contingent reward leadership and followers’chronic promotion focus would significantly reduce the level of employee organizational commitment.The research use structural equation modeling approach to explore and test the action mechanism between leadership behavior and attitudes of its staff. The results show that transformational leadership behavior have a positive effect on follows’job satisfaction and organizational commitment; transformational leadership behavior positive effects on employee perceptions of psychological empowerment, psychological empowerment of employees positive affect followers’trust in leader, so followers’trust in leader positive impact employee job satisfaction. Contingent reward leadership positive effects on employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment; contingent reward leadership positive effect on followers’perceptions of distributive justice, fair distribution of employees perceived a positive effect on the leader-member exchange relations, leader-member exchange relations would positively affect employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment.


