

Study on Resource Allocation Decision of Railway Container Terminal

【作者】 梁剑

【导师】 程文明;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着现代物流的发展和市场竞争的加剧,越来越多的客户要求货物运输能够实现“门对门”的服务,而“门对门”运输方式的实现,需要无缝连接的运输链作为支撑。铁路集装箱物流中心站作为现代集装箱多式联运系统中的一个重要环节,其物流运作效率是影响整个运输链运作效率的主要因素之一。在激烈的市场竞争和箱量需求不断增加的环境下,中心站管理者务必以合理配置资源、降低中心站投资成本运营费用为终极目标,从而不断提高中心站内部集装箱流流转这个物流网络的运作效率。因此,为了更好地对我国铁路集装箱物流中心站内部集装箱运转物流网络运作实践提供理论决策帮助,本文以铁路集装箱物流中心站内部集装箱转运作业中的有关决策问题作为研究方向,并构建与之相关的模型,对铁路集装箱中心站内部在规划建设和运营期的资源配置决策进行了研究和探讨。本文的主要研究内容如下:(1)对铁路集装箱物流中心站的功能、布局进行总结;针对铁路与港口堆场布局的不同得到集装箱的多种作业流程(即作业模式)和中心站每个作业环节处所需配备的设备种类,并指出铁路集装箱物流中心站在规划建设和运营时期所面临的决策问题。(2)指出铁路集装箱中心站大门系统是一个随机服务系统,将模糊集概念引进排队系统中,利用α-截集理论将模糊的排队系统M/F/1转换成了经典的M/G/1型,用相关的排队性能指标进行计算,将按照模糊排队模型计算得到的车道数与用经验公式计算得到的车道数相比较,文中以此例证明了可以将模糊理论应用于排队系统。(3)研究在有外集卡和同一装卸线上其它列车直接参与到集装箱列车卸车作业这两种模式中装卸机械(轨道门吊、正面吊和站内集卡)的集成优化决策问题。针对集装箱转运作业流程的特点,利用系统分析方法将转运系统分成门式起重机、内部集装箱运输卡车和正面吊运机/辅助箱场三个子系统,分别对各子系统进行单位操作时间分析,建立了整列列车所有集装箱在卸车过程中的操作时间和卡车周转时间的总时间最小化模型,根据两种作业模式计算结果对比分析得到转运设备的配置组合,意在为中心站的管理者在做决策时提供一种思路。(4)研究在无外集卡直接参与的集装箱列车卸车作业的模式中内集卡调度决策和主箱场空箱位的分配情况,构建了一个以轨道门吊完成任务的最长时间最小化和内集卡在整个作业过程中的平均等待时间最短为目标的多目标模型,采用遗传算法对此模型进行编程求解,并且分析了不同权重系数对作业效率的影响情况。(5)基于离散事件系统仿真原理,通过对集装箱专列整体卸车作业过程中所涉及的实体进行分析,将作业中的事件分为10类,利用事件图法构建了集装箱专列卸车作业的仿真模型,采用C++编程实现了该仿真系统的性能分析。通过实例得到了列车上不同种类集装箱比例对内集卡和轨道门吊数量配置的不同效果。本文从物流和系统的观念出发,采用了最优化理论、智能算法、模糊集理论以及仿真的理论和方法研究了铁路集装箱物流中心站站内资源设施的配置决策问题,涉及到中心站大门设施资源、轨道门吊资源、正面吊资源和站内集卡资源,涵盖了铁路集装箱中心站中的主要作业资源,使之获得的研究成果能为我国18个铁路集装箱物流中心站的建设和发展提供一定的决策参考。

【Abstract】 With the development of logistics operation and the drastic competition, more and more customers call for the "door to door " transportation services in which the seamless transportation service is the cornerstone. Since railway container terminal is one of the important taches in modern container multi-modes transportation chains, its operational logistics efficiency greatly affects the efficiencies of container terminals of the system. Facing the fierce competition and the increasing container throughput, the managers have to take measures to optimize the resource allocation and reduce the operational cost so as to enhance the operational efficiency of internal logistics networks of railway container terminals. In order to supply better theoretical help for the internal logistics operation of container in our country’s railway container terminals, the disstation has studied on the resources allocation decisions during the plan and employment of them with related models.The main study of this paper as follows:(1) The function and layout of the railway container logistics center have been to summed up. Aiming at the difference of the layout between the railway and the port, gained several operation flow(or operation modes) and necessaries facility types in the each operation section. In the end, pointed out most of decision problems during the plan and employment in the railway container logistics centers.(2) The door of the railway container terminal is a stochastic service system. Introducing the fuzzy theory in the queue system, usedα-set and after that the queue system with fuzzy M/F/1 is transformed into the traditional queue system M/G/1, then calculates with the correlative formula. Comparing the number of truck lanes at the door calculated by the transformed queue performance formulations with that by experiential formula.The example also improves that the fuzzy theory can be applied into the traditional queue system.(3) Two of the operation modes are that the external trucks drive directly to the train (un)loading zone to deliever/haul container onto/from the train and other train stops at the rail track. In this mode, kind of necessary equipment,such as the rail-mount container cranes、front cranes and internal trucks need and how to allocate their mount in the operation is solved. Aiming at the characteristic of the container transfer flow, the railway container transfer system is divided into three "(un)loading and transport" sub-systems using system analysis, the unit operational time of each sub-system is gained. Then sets up the modal to minimize the total time of unloading all containers from the train and the cycle time time of the internal trucks. Finally according to these two operation modes, compare the results to supply an idea when the operators make decisions.(4) In the mode which no external trucks directly drive to the train (un)loading zone, how to schedule the internal trucks and allocate the empty container slots to the container from the arriving train is studied. An multi-object model is set up which one object is to make the longest finished time of each rail-mount crane minimize and the other is to minimize the mean waiting time of the internal trucks during discharging the train. Solve the model with genetic algorithms and finally analyse the effection on the operation efficience under different weighted coefficient.(5) Based on the simulation theory of the discrete event system, analyse the entities related to the whole discharging operation of the container train and gain 10 kinds of events in the operation. Set up a simulation model of discharging the whole container train using event graphs in which realize the performance analyses of that system with C++. Though the example gain different effects on the number of rail-mount cranes and the internal trucks under kinds of container proportion.With the view of logistics and system, the paper capitalized on optimization theory, intelligent algorithms, fuzzy theory and simulation theory to discuss the resource allocation and decision problem in railway container terminal. Most of them such as the gate, rail-mount crane allocation, front crane allocation, internal trucks allocation are discussed. The study provides some valuable decision suggestion for the 18 railway container logistics terminals in our country.


