

Research of Comprehensive Assessment System for Listed Banks’ Competitiveness

【作者】 王昌盛

【导师】 张明玉;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在以银行业为主导的我国金融体系中,银行业竞争力的高低直接影响和制约着我国经济、金融的变革与良性成长。过去几年中,我国国有商业银行进行了财务重组和公开发行上市等一系列成功的变革,刷新了整个中国银行业的版图,成效斐然。站在新的历史起点上,上市银行作为中国金融业的主力军,如何选择持续变革的战略和路径,在越来越开放的背景下科学地培育并提高整体竞争力,其意义和影响将是多元的、重大的和深远的。为此,构建一套全面、客观、可行的上市银行竞争力评价体系,从全球视野出发,进行上市银行竞争力变迁的比较与分析,对科学评价过去几年里我国银行业改革取得的显著成效,进一步坚定深入改革的信心,具有十分重要的理论和现实意义;对认清我国上市银行与国际先进同业的差距,指导我国上市银行实践过程中的战略发展方向和业务经营重点,持续提高整体竞争力,具有十分重要的应用价值。本研究正是围绕这一核心问题展开的。国内外研究机构对商业银行竞争力的研究经历了从单一到多元,从静态到动态的发展过程,逐步深入与完善。但是,迄今为止,国内外对商业银行竞争力的研究对象都是基于普通的商业银行,没有对上市银行与普通商业银行竞争力的特点进行区别与分析,这就导致现行的商业银行竞争力评价体系难以全面反映上市银行竞争力总体情况。从全球范围来看,目前国际一流商业银行绝大多数都是上市银行,而以工商银行、建设银行、中国银行、交通银行为代表的我国上市银行也构成了我国银行业的主体,未来,随着越来越多的金融机构公开发行上市,商业银行竞争力的评价主体将越来越集中于上市银行。本文理论联系实际,在深入研究企业竞争力理论的基础上,首次系统论述了上市银行竞争力的科学内涵,将以往的商业银行竞争力研究进一步深化并集中到上市银行,在理论上拓宽了商业银行竞争力研究新领域,在实践中直接指导上市银行竞争力评价体系的科学构建。本文充分考虑上市银行竞争力的科学内涵,首次提出了包括宏观环境、经营能力、资本市场影响力、社会形象影响力为评价内容的上市银行竞争力“四圈十四因素”评价体系,该评价体系形成了多个层面的结构关系,是互相依存并进行信息交流和能量转换的统一体,只有在共同作用的情况下,才能转变为现实的竞争力。本文广泛收集数据,对所构建的上市银行竞争力评价体系进行了深入的实证研究与分析。为使实证研究更具广泛代表性,本文选取了涵盖主要发达国家的花旗银行、汇丰银行、瑞士银行等十家国际先进银行和国内四大上市银行(工商银行、建设银行、中国银行、交通银行)作为比较对象;为全面真实地反映上市银行竞争力水平,本文通过年度报告、主流媒体、权威评级机构等多个途径广泛搜集相关数据;为深入分析研究对象的竞争力变迁情况,本文运用因子分析法,选取2003-2008年六年间所涉及的2300多个数据进行了繁杂的处理和运算。实证分析得到了如下主要结论:经过财务重组、股改上市后,四大行的经营业绩持续快速增长,整体竞争力得到迅猛提升,在盈利能力等方面已经赶上或超越国际大银行,在公司治理等方面与国际大银行的差距显著缩小;四大行在风险管理、国际化经营、综合化经营、投资者关系管理等方面与国际十大行相比仍有较大差距;样本上市银行竞争力水平在比较期间发生较为显著的变迁,并且根据变迁路径的不同可以分为四种不同类型。理论源于实践并指导实践。本文紧密结合上市银行竞争力评价实证研究结果,借鉴国内外实践经验及先进做法,提出了我国大型上市银行进一步巩固并提高竞争力水平应采取的措施及具体实施路径,对我国上市银行提高整体竞争力具有较强的实践指导意义。

【Abstract】 In the bank-dominated financial system,the competitiveness of banking sector play a very important role in chinese economy. Over the past few years, a series of reforms, such as financial restructuring and listing of China’s state-owned commercial banks, have been implemented successfully, and brought about a new landscape for China’s banking industry with remarkable success. How listed banks, as the main force in China’s financial industry, choose the strategies and paths of sustaining reforms and make rapid progress in their overall competitiveness at the new historical starting point will produce diverse, serious and far-reaching significance and influence. To this end, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to construct an overall, objective and practicable competitiveness appraisal system of listed banks, which shall be designed to comprehensively appraise the competitive strength of state-owned commercial banks before and after reforms so as to enhance the confidence in further reform and guide the strategic development orientation and operation priorities in the future practices and improve the overall competitive strength. The research is focused exactly on this core issue.The research of overseas and domestic institution witness a process from singularity to diversity, from static to dynamic. But so far, the old theories and empirical researches regarding the banks’competitiveness were developed in light of commercial banks in a common sense, without specific analysis of the characteristics and competitiveness of listed banks.From global view,most first-class international bank have been listed,,and chinese listing banks such as ICBC,BOC,CCB and BOCCOM have comprised large part of chinese banking sector. In the future,with more and more financial institution initiate IPO,the focus of competitiveness acessment will convert from commercial banks to listing banks.By integrating theory with practice, this thesis characterizes the following aspects on the basis of in-depth research of enterprise competitiveness theories, combination of the present status of commercial banks’ competitiveness research, the author focuses on this issue as a breakthrough point and specifically analyzes the multiple differences between listed banks and non-listed banks and further deepens and concentrates the competitiveness of commercial banks in listed banks, creating a new field of research on the competitiveness of commercial banks. This thesis takes the characteristics of listed banks into full consideration and creatively builds a comprehensive competitiveness appraisal system of listed banks that is made up of 14 major factors at 4 levels, including macro-environment, operation ability, capital market influence and social influence, in addition to analyzing the interrelations and working mechanisms of competitiveness compositions of listed banks as a further supplement and improvement of the existing research.In this thesis, around 10 advanced international banks in developed countries are selected for comparison purpose, including Citibank, HSBC and UBS, etc. In line with the competitiveness appraisal system of listed banks and relevant data, quantified empirical research and analysis on the competitiveness between 2003 and 2008 are carried out in connection with China’s top four state-owned commercial banks and the top 10 international commercial banks. After relevent caculation, this thesis get some basic conclusion, Owing to financial restructuring and listing, the operating performance of China’s top 4 state-owned commercial banks has made sustained and rapid growth and their overall competitiveness has been drastically enhanced so much so that they have caught up with or overtaken a few top international banks in terms of profitability while remarkably shortening the gap with the top international banks in terms of corporate governance; However, large gaps still exist between the top 4 state-owned banks and advanced international peers in terms of risk management, international operation, comprehensive operation and investors’ relationship; The comprehensive of sample banks changed significantly during certain period.By combining the empirical research results of competitiveness appraisal of listed banks and referring to advanced domestic and international experiences and practices, specific measures and. implementation details are proposed in this thesis for further consolidation and improvement of the competitiveness of large listed banks in our country, which are of great guiding significance to the improvement of overall competitiveness of listed banks in China.


